Work samples
Nature Walk Gate
The gate design was inspired by the habitats along the Nature Walk and incorporates a variety of shapes inspired by leaves, wildlife such as butterflies, birds and bees as well as water plants plus the guide Tully the turtle. The gate created a lively and colorful identifier for the Nature Walk entrance. Positive and negative shapes were cut from aluminum plate and powder coated.
About Linda

I am committed equally to two overlapping paths in my art practice - mixed media work & public art sculpture.
Both paths connect me to a fascination with botanical forms and biological systems. Seduced by complex patterns, intricate curves, and interlacing structures of plant and cellular forms, I find nature’s secret ways to be a treasure trove of discovery, leading to a joyful journey that is interesting and fun!
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Cut outs & Collages
Cutting paper can transform and adapt to whatever you can create. The shapes of silhouette figures in motion have been a long time interest of mine.
Eclipse, 2024, Paper, printed ink background, acrylic, 14" x 11"
Mixed media paper piece, made for my god-daughter for her 40th birthday. She traveled far to see the total solar eclipse in 2024. It took place in her birthday month.
Available for PurchaseContact me 410-456-9808, [email protected]
Sprung, 2024, Paper, cardboard, spray paint, acrylic, 14" x 11"
Available for PurchaseContact me 410-456-9808, [email protected]
Flip, 2021, Paper, charcoal, spray paint, 13.5" x 11"
Fortuna, 2021, Monoprint, paper, charcoal-collage, 13" x 11"
A Leg Up
A Leg Up, 2021, Spray paint, charcoal, color paper, 13" x 12"
Double Wide
Double Wide, 2021, Spray paint, charcoal, color paper, image: 15" x 15-1/4": Framed 16" x 20"
Step Out, 2021, Color paper, spray paint, acrylic, 49” x 34”
Royal Coil
Royal Coil, 2019, Paper, Mylar, spray paint, acrylic, 45" x 54" x 1"
Royal Coil is a monochromatic artwork focusing on the emotional feeling of tranquility and challenging that feeling with complex imagery that weaves its way in and around the piece becoming a meditation.
LBI map, 2024, Paper, Mylar, acrylic, 15" x 76" x 2.5"
LBI Map – Long Beach Island, NJ was my mother's home. Family members and I inherited it and maintain it, so the house, beach and island are very special to my family and friends who still visit. Personal memories translated into dimensional paper dot the 18-mile island in this mixed media piece. Old Barney, the town of Loveladies, our Surf City house, Fantasy Island Ferris wheel, the Jersey devil, oystercatchers, the beach and bay are all part of my summers growing up.
LBI Map in progress
LBI map, 2019
LBI Map – Long Beach Island, NJ was my mother's home. Personal memories translated into dimensional paper dot the 18-mile island in this mixed media piece. The progress photo shows the dimensional aspect of the paper mementos lining the map.
Ghost Coral
Underwater worlds can be beautiful and intriguing, but with our warming oceans and chemical run off, the corals in our seas have been damaged.
The beauty of coral structures remains but the colorful life has been extinguished. Any body of water intrigues me - oceans, bays, rivers. The unending movement and structure of waves, currents and eddies led me to work on these Ghost Coral pieces.
Many hours cutting paper to replicate water movement and coral forms pushed me to experiment with different weights of paper, paper pulp and an attempt to develop realistic paper forms like fishing nets, cans and bottles - the present-day pollution in the seas. All the surface treatment is paper, mounted on a wood backing.
Ghost Coral
Ghost Coral 1 - 2024, Wood, paper, acrylic, 25.5” x 43” x 2”
A blue relief of wave-shaped wood covered with hand cut-out paper images based on water currents and corals. The wood is covered with hand cut paper. Some images are flat and others are dimensional and stand out from the surface.
Ghost Coral 2
Ghost Coral 2 – 2024, Wood, paper, acrylic, plaster, paper pulp, 34” x 48” x 3”
A blue relief of wave-shaped wood covered with hand cut-out paper images based on water currents and corals. Some images are flat and others (such as bottles, nets) are dimensional and stand out. There are also plaster castings of shells.
Ghost Coral
Ghost Coral 3 – 2024, Wood, paper, acrylic, paper pulp, spray paint, 26” x 41” x 2.5”
A blue relief of wave-shaped wood covered with hand cut-out paper images based on water currents and corals. Some images are flat and others (such as bottles, cans, coral) are dimensional and stand out. Paper pulp coral and bottles and cans are entirely constructed of paper.
Ghost Corals Combined
Ghost Corals Combined - 2025, mixed media
Ghost Coral reliefs combined as a possible triptych, representing the various depths of the sea. There are sea creatures peeking out from the blue background
Acqua Alta diorama - The Yonder Cabinet Project
I was invited by curators Kelley Bell and Melissa Cormier to participate in The Yonder Cabinet exhibition. Each artist was given a box to create a diorama based on literature that inspires them. Artists also read an excerpt from their chosen book on The Yonder Cabinet website. As the curators note, “The end goal for the The Yonder Cabinet is to establish a collection of work and a community of artists founded on their love of books and the written word, and to encourage others to enjoy reading and to have an open and active imagination. “
I am fascinated by Venice, Italy and Commissario Guido Brunetti's home and work life in that City. This enchanting city is the backdrop for the series of stories that Donna Leon weaves.
My book was Acqua Alta by Donna Leon - a murder mystery involving stolen artifacts, artworld corruption, elegant palazzos and the brutal beating of one of Brunetti’s close friends, an archeologist. Brunetti’s investigation leads him to a questionable museum curator, who is found dead in his office bludgeoned with an artifact. It all takes place when the city experiences acqua alta (high water in Italian), a winter high tide when lagoon waters flood areas of the city, enveloping both the city and story with tension.
Leon contrasts the violence of murder investigations with Brunetti’s loving family life. I enjoy reading about the detective’s family life with his professor wife and two children. The descriptions of delicious dinners and his concern, warmth and love for his wife and family release the tension of brutality giving you breathing space.
Aqua Alta Diorama
Aqua Alta diorama, detail, for The Yonder Cabinet project, 2024, Wood, resin, plastic
Based on the book Acqua Alta by Donna Leon for The Yonder Cabinet exhibition and project.
Aqua Alta Diorama, detail
Aqua Alta Diorama, detail , 2024, Wood, resin, plastic
Aqua Alta Diorama, detail Gondola
Aqua Alta Diorama, detail, gondola,2024, Wood, resin, plastic
Based on the book Acqua Alta by Donna Leon for The Yonder Cabinet exhibition and project.
Aqua Alta Diorama, Overview
Aqua Alta Diorama, Overview, 2024, Wood, resin, plastic
Based on the book Acqua Alta by Donna Leon for The Yonder Cabinet exhibition and project.
Acqua Alta Diorama, Overview 2
Aqua Alta Diorama, Overview 2, 2024, Wood, resin, plastic
Based on the book Acqua Alta by Donna Leon for The Yonder Cabinet exhibition and project.
2022 Van Buren Gate
This garden gate was commissioned by a Bolton Hill neighbor and installed at their beautiful garden. The setting created a challenge. They wanted to maintain their present chainlink fence posts, so the gate had to be designed to accomodate out-of-plumb posts in order to function - to open and close smoothly. It all worked out thanks to the engineering help from Paul Daniel.
Van Buren Gate.jpgVan Buren Gate, 2022- Powder coated steel and aluminum, 5'-7.5"H x 2'-10"W x 2.5"D. Commissioned by Bolton Hill neighbor. Photo by John Dean
VB Gate-alley side.jpg2022, Van Buren Gate, alley side
VB Gate BEFORE.jpegThis is the view before the gate was installed.
VB Gate- AFTER.jpgVan Buren Gate - AFTER, installed
Gate progress.jpegVB Gate progress in studio
Paper Cut Outs
During the many months of the Covid-19 quarantine in 2020, I found comfort in the meditative process of cutting paper by hand and tying it to my interest and passion for nature. My perception of time is greatly altered in this process of cutting.
Fascinated by botanical forms, I create work that embraces the fluidity and mysteries of nature, reveling in curves and the interlacing plant or cellular forms. Vascular systems, in natural forms such as leaves, with their complex networks of interconnected loops inspire me.
I immerse myself in the world of plants in my garden.
The pieces Monarch Mambo,Vertigo & Ring Around the Rosy are image transfers of large elephant ear leaves from my garden that involved rubbings of the leaf surfaces with Conte crayon.
I lost a nephew-in-law to Covid19 in April 2020. He had seen Monarch Mambo before he died and noted the relationship between his lungs and the leaf network. Vertigo had the feeling of being off kilter and Ring Around the Rosy - horrifyingly over 400,000 people fell.
In Daydream. I was attracted to a combination of natural structures and man patterns and Sheltering involved multiple layers of heavy weight paper cut outs. In these drawings, some parts are pre-determined; others come into play purely by chance. None are laser cut.
My desire is to draw viewers into the mysteries of nature as well as the process, engaging them in discovery.
Photography by Joseph Hyde
Monarch Mambo (for Kevin)
Monarch Mambo (for Kevin), 2020 44.5" x 48" x 5" Acrylic, painted paper, spray paint, Mylar
Monarch Mambo detailMonarch Mambo (for Kevin), 2020 Detail
ShelteringSheltering, 2020 33" x 32.5" Paper, acrylic, vinyl paint,
Sheltering-detailSheltering, 2020 Detail
Daydream (for Paul)Daydream(for Paul), 2020 24" x 27.5" Paper, acrylic, vinyl paint, spray paint
Daydream (for Paul) detailDaydream (for Paul), 2020 The blue/pink layer - Blue is not behind pink, it is on one sheet of paper.
VertigoVertigo, 2020 33" x 29" Paper, acrylic, Conte crayon, spray paint
Vertigo - detailVertigo, 2020 Detail
Ring Around the RosyRing Around the Rosy, 2020 33" x 29" Acrylic, Conte crayon, spray paint
Ring Around the Rosy, Detail
Ring Around the Rosy, Detail, 2022, Paper velum, acrylic, conte crayon, spray paint
Nature Walk Gate
2019 Nature Walk Gate, Ladew Topiary Gardens, Monkton, MD
The gate design was inspired by the habitats along the Nature Walk and incorporates a variety of shapes inspired by leaves, wildlife such as butterflies, birds and bees as well as water plants plus the guide Tully the turtle. The gate created a lively and colorful identifier for the Nature Walk entrance. Positive and negative shapes were cut from aluminum plate and powder coated.
Visit to see topiaries, art in the meadow, concerts and the nature walk - it's a great place.
Nature Walk Gate - winter2019 Nature Walk Gate, Ladew Topiary Gardens, Monkton, MD
Nature Walk Gate2019 Nature Walk Gate, Ladew Topiary Gardens, Monkton, MD
Nature Walk Gate with Ellen2019 Nature Walk Gate with Ellen Burchenal, Ladew Topiary Gardens, Monkton, MD,
Detail of Nature Walk Gate, Cardi DDetail of Nature Walk Gate, Cardi D
Nature Walk Gate Grand Opening2019 Nature Walk Gate, Ladew Topiary Gardens - Grand opening, garland cutting
Nature Walk Gate grand openingCutting the garland with loppers!
Model, Nature Walk Gate2018 Model, Nature Walk Gate, wood, paper, scale 1"=1'
Model, Gate2018, Model, Nature Walk Gate, paper, wood, scale 1"=1'
2019 two benches for Alexander House, Silver Spring. Dogwwod & Fern benches.
Sassy bench was designed for Brookside Gardens. The Sassafras tree has three distinctly different leaves. I missed that info in grade school. It fascinated me, so I used the three leaves as the cut-outs on the bench back and painted it bright red!
Dogwood Bench2019 Dogwood Bench Alexander House, Silver Spring
Dogwood Bench2019 Dogwood Bench, Alexander House, Silver Spring, MD
Fern Bench2019 Fern Bench, Alexander House, Silver Spring, MD
Sassy Bench2016, powder coated aluminum & Black Locust wood. Located at Brookside Gardens. 3'-6" x 7'-2" x 1'-9"
Sassy Bench2016, powder coated aluminum & Black Locust wood. Located at Brookside Gardens. 3'-6" x 7'-2" x 1'-9"
Sassy Bench-First VisitorsSassy Bench - Located at brookside Gardens
Sassy Bench fabricationAdding the wood slats
Damaged Sassy Bench
Sassy Bench was damaged by a truck after hours at Brookside Gardens and had to be either remade from scratch or repaired. The truck pulled the bench out from the bolts, stripped the wood off the armrest and made gouges on much of the painted aluminum.
I repaired it with the fabrication help of Paul Daniel, and Baltimore Body Shop. The bench was re-welded, re-painted with a new powder coat and new Ipe wood was added to replace the black locust original wood!
Damaged Sassy Bench Detail
Sassy Bench was hit by a truck. The truck pulled the bench out from the bolts, stripped the wood off the armrest and made gouges on much of the painted aluminum.
Repaired Sassy Bench!
The bench was repaired with the fabrication help of Paul Daniel, and Baltimore Body Shop. The bench was re-welded, re-painted with a new powder coat and new Ipe wood was added to replace the black locust original wood!
Brookside Gardens Public Art
They commissioned 4 works from me - a gate, a canopy, a bench and an entrance piece. The gate, canopy and bench. The gate and canopy are what is shown here and were funded through the Montgomery County Parks Foundation. The entrance is waiting for a donor!!!
Photography by John Dean
Ginkgo Canopy-front viewA node for orientation and gathering near the open lawn had been identified in the Brookside Gardens renovation plan as an area for public art. The shapes and forms of the Ginkgo Biloba, the world’s oldest tree with its attractive lobed fan-shaped leaves, became the inspiration for a shade canopy structure. Dappled light and dark create a shadow play across the boardwalk as the sun travels through the sky. The support structure references a tree trunk with branches, leading up to the crown of cut out Ginkgo leaves. 2015 - Powder coated aluminum & steel 11.5' x 16' x 14' Photography by John Dean
Ginkgo Canopy-side viewLocated at Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD. The shapes and forms of the Ginkgo Biloba, the world’s oldest tree with its attractive lobed fan-shaped leaves, became the inspiration for a shade canopy structure. Dappled light and dark create a shadow play across the boardwalk as the sun travels through the sky. The support structure references a tree trunk with branches, leading up to the crown of cut out Ginkgo leaves. 2015 - Powder coated aluminum & steel 11.5' x 16' x 14' Photography by John Dean
Ginkgo Canopy DetailLooking up from the platform. Powder coated aluminum & steel. Photography by John Dean
Ginkgo CanopyA node for orientation and gathering near the open lawn had been identified in the Brookside Gardens renovation plan as an area for public art. The shapes and forms of the Ginkgo Biloba, the world’s oldest tree with its attractive lobed fan-shaped leaves, became the inspiration for a shade canopy structure. 2015 - Powder coated aluminum & steel. 11.5' x 16' x 14' Photography by John Dean
Ginkgo CanopyA node for orientation and gathering near the open lawn had been identified in the Brookside Gardens renovation plan as an area for public art. The shapes and forms of the Ginkgo Biloba, the world’s oldest tree with its attractive lobed fan-shaped leaves, became the inspiration for a shade canopy structure. 2015 - Powder coated aluminum & steel. 11.5' x 16' x 14'
Ginkgo Canopy-Installation day2015 - installed by the extraordinary Bonsai Fine Art crew. 11.5' x 16' x 14'/ Powder coated aluminum & steel Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD. Commissioned by Montgomery County Parks Foundation and Montgomery County Department of Parks & Recreation. Video by me
Ferngate DetailDetail of the pedestrian gate at Brookside Gardens. Fiddlehead ferns were planted nearby. 2016 - Powder coated aluminum & steel / 6'-8" x 6'-8" x 3". Photography by John Dean
FerngateThis pedestrian gate design incorporates a variety of shapes inspired by leaves and stems of ferns creating a lively and colorful identifier for the boardwalk entrance at Brookside Gardens. 2016 - Powder coated aluminum & steel / 6'-8" x 6'-8" x 3". Photography by John Dean
Ferngate - full viewThis pedestrian gate design incorporates a variety of shapes inspired by leaves and stems of ferns creating a lively and colorful identifier for the boardwalk entrance at Brookside Gardens. 2016 - Powder coated aluminum & steel / 6'-8" x 6'-8" x 3". Photography by John Dean
Ferngate2015-2016, powder coated aluminum and steel. Located at Brookside Gardens. 6'-8" x 6'-8" x 3"
Particle Portal - Automatic Gate plus fabrication photos
Protein diagrams, molecular structures and cell geometry refer to scientific analysis conducted by the Maryland Public Health Lab dedicated to the well being of the citizens of the state. When closed a DNA helix visually ties the two sides of the gate together. Interplay between solid and open shapes in the gate indicates a vital lively site reflecting community activity and many processes pursued within the building.
The gate automatically opens and closes.
Photography by John Dean
Particle Portal - angle viewForms and shapes of molecular structures, protein ribbon diagrams, and cell geometry are the inspiration for the gate at Maryland Public Health Laboratory (MDPHL). The lab provides a public service incorporating many different facets of science and technology for the health and well being of the citizens of Maryland. My goal was to pull together a variety of images that respond to the various disciplines in the building, yet create an engaging artwork for pedestrians and auto passengers alike. 2014 - Powder coated aluminum & steel. 10’-4” x 22' x 4” / Maryland Economic Development Commission. Photography by John Dean
The beginning - the first piece of aluminumArrival of the gate doors - aluminum plate cut by water-jet
Particle Portal doors together in the studio2014 - Powder coated aluminum & steel. 10’-4” x 22' x 4” / Maryland Economic Development Commission. Fabrication by Paul Daniel, Fletcher Daniel and me.
Squiggles, bacteria, connective tissue- in progressThe fluid lines (squiggles, bacteria, or connective tissue) were fabricated by drawing the imagery full size on paper and then working the metal to match the drawing. It was a process of bending the metal, checking back to the drawing and bending again...and again...again. Fabricators: Paul Daniel, Fletcher Daniel and me.
Particle Portal - front viewProtein diagrams, molecular structures and cell geometry refer to scientific analysis conducted by the Maryland Public Health Lab and are are the inspiration for the gate at Maryland Public Health Laboratory, dedicated to the well being of the citizens of the state. 2014 - Powder coated aluminum & steel. 10’-4” x 22' x 4” / Maryland Economic Development Commission. Photography by John Dean
Particle Portal - DetailThis gate opens and closes automatically. When the gate is closed a DNA helix ties the two sides of the gate together visually. Interplay between solid and open shapes in the gate indicates a vital lively site reflecting community activity and many processes pursued within the building. 2014 - Powder coated aluminum & steel / Maryland Economic Development Commissio. Photography by John Dean
Particle Portal Detail 2Molecular structures, protein ribbon diagrams, and cell geometry are the inspiration for the gate at Maryland Public Health Laboratory. Green squiggles were fabricated and powder coated separately and screwed on to the blue door. 2014 - Powder coated aluminum & steel / Maryland Economic Development Commission. Fabrication: Paul Daniel, Fletcher Daniel and me. Photography by John Dean
Particle Portal - LocationThe Particle Portal automatic gate is on located on Rutland Street at Maryland Public Health Laboratories, Ashland & Rutland Streets (behind Hopkins Hospital on Orleans Street). 2014 - Powder coated aluminum & steel. 10’-4” x 22' x 4” / Maryland Economic Development Commission. Photography by John Dean.
Particle Portal opens and closesParticle Portal automatic gate opens and closes at Maryland Public Health Lab. One of the workers says, "Good drawing you did."
Particle Portal-Installation DayThe amazing crew who installed the gate. Another crew installed the automatic gate openers. 2014 - Powder coated aluminum & steel. 10’-4” x 22' x 4” / Maryland Economic Development Commission. Photography by John Dean
Site Specific Public Art
Site specific sculpture - entrances, railings, gates and other amenities for urban streetscapes
Photography by John Dean
RedwoodArch Conserved
Redwood Arch Conserved, 2022, Steel
The site specific sculpture originally dedicated in 1988 was completed conserved in 2022 through a Public Art Across Maryland Grant from the Maryland State Arts Council. Lori Trusheim was the conservator and Lito Tongson acted as project manager.
This sculpture spans the roadway and sidewalks at W. Redwood and Paca Streets and includes two columns at the end of W. Redwood and Eutaw Streets.
Flowdetail, War Memorial Plaza fountain grates, in front of City Hall, Baltimore, (detail is of one panel 6'x 6') Painted aluminum, water 1.5" x 22' x 6', 2005
FlowNorth View, War Memorial Plaza fountain grate, Baltimore, Painted aluminum, water, 1.5" x 22' x 6', 2005, Department of Parks & Recreation Commission; Landscape Architects: Mahan Rykiel
Flow with visitor2005 - Flow, fountain grates in from to Baltimore's City Hall. Someone stopped by to cool off! You can stand on these. One of three 6' square aluminum grates. Total piece is 1.5" x 22' x 6'
Passage2005, powder coated aluminum, 11'-4" x 57' x 10' Jesup Blair Park, Silver Spring, MD
Passage 2
Double GamutFranklin Street Parking Garage, Baltimore, MD, two wall reliefs on facade of parking facility, collaboration with artist Paul Daniel 1991, Aluminum, bronze, copper, 14' x 11' x 3.5' Baltimore City 1% for Art Program; Architect: Ayers Saint Gross, Baltimore, MD
Double Gamut1991 Double Gamut, Franklin Street Parking Garage, Baltimore, MD, two wall reliefs on facade of parking facility
Watermark, screen & railinggarden screen and pool railing, Alexander House, Silver Spring, MD, mixed income housing project, 1992, Painted aluminum, railing: 3' x 158' x 3", screen: 7' x 130' x 6"
Purple Line Riggs Road fence panelsPurple Line Light Rail, Washington DC 30 fence panels at Riggs Road Station Installation TBD