Work samples

  • The Master Gauge Calibrator
    The Master Gauge Calibrator

         Once an area is designated for use in temporal shifting, the Master Gauge Calibrator is utilized to determine the magnetic frequencies of the area. The calibration is important for the proton accelerator to accurately distribute the magnet waves at the appropriate interval to accomplish the intended time shift. 

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  • The Wheel House.JPG
    The Wheel House.JPG

    Our lives are woven into a cosmic tapestry that winds itself into and through all the vibration aspects of the universe. These giant microscopic wheels expand and contract as they churn out the very being of all things.

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  • Sequential Alignment
    Sequential Alignment

    This landscape format allows the viewer to perceive the modifications that occur as time alters the environment found on the physical plane.

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  • Tone Induction Amplifier
    Tone Induction Amplifier

About mike

    As a young student at the Maryland Institute, I pushed myself to draw as accurately as possible. I wanted to use line and shadow to depict what I saw as realistically as I was able. I arrived at the realization that this path would lead to photo realism. It was at this point that I chose a different path and began to draw with my eyes closed. I wanted to capture what I saw in my mind's eye.  
   The controlled line that I was comfortable with gave way to an explosion of scribble… more


  These paintings are constructed objects that represent future devices that will be used to calculate frequencies and waves of magnetic vibration that might interfere with the mechanisms related to time travel. The hypothetical becomes more a reality as we visualize what may exist in our creative making of the unknown.



  • Anomaly
    Available for Purchase
  • Proton Magnetometer
    Proton Magnetometer
    Available for Purchase
  • Master Gauge Calibrator
    Master Gauge Calibrator
    Available for Purchase
  • Navigational Device
    Navigational Device
    Available for Purchase
  • Sequential Alignment
    Sequential Alignment
    Available for Purchase
  • Tone Induction Amplifier
    Tone Induction Amplifier
    Available for Purchase
  • Resonance Oscillator
    Resonance Oscillator
    Available for Purchase
  • Satellite Transmitter
    Satellite Transmitter
    Available for Purchase
  • Mode Determinator
    Mode Determinator
    Available for Purchase
  • Temporal Net
    Temporal Net
    Available for Purchase

The Components

   The unknown may be observed as a vast network of interwoven events, circumstances and associations, all woven into the cosmic tapestry of the universe. This project explores this concept using the mandala and linear knot design to illustrate how interwoven events are wound into one another.

  • Nocturnal Receiver
    Nocturnal Receiver
    Available for Purchase
  • Infinite Spectral Moment
    Infinite Spectral Moment
    Available for Purchase
  • The Wheel House
    The Wheel House
    Available for Purchase
  • Crescendo
    Available for Purchase
  • Base Tone Indicator II
    Base Tone Indicator II
    Available for Purchase
  • Devine Frequency
    Devine Frequency
    Available for Purchase
  • Squaring  Elements
    Squaring Elements
    Available for Purchase
  • The Chromatic Cycle
    The Chromatic Cycle
    Available for Purchase
  • The Cube
    The Cube
    Available for Purchase
  • Good Luck
    Good Luck
    Available for Purchase

Temporal Cartography

This project seeks to capture the moments just before an event occurs, the proceeding moment. The constructions portray the unseen domino effect of situational collisions that go unnoticed in daily life.
    These intuitive constructions  suggest mapping techniques, manuscripts, and color field painting as the basis for what is more a constructed device rather than a painting. These devices do not calculate time, they represent the footprint of time. If time passes through space we are caught in its wake. Evidence of time passing can be found in the three dimensional space that is all around us. 

  • Tableau
    This is a chart like depiction of any given moment and the consequential cascade of unfolding events deflecting off one another.
  • Incomprehensible
    A wooden device used to ascertain the accumulated events occurring at a singular moment in time.
  • Multiple Dualities
    Multiple Dualities
    This double star spectral depiction hints at the inability to see the coexisting dual phenomena of simultaneous events.
  • Intercession
    This objects allows us to observe the interaction and impact on a cascading event sequence by an individual disruptor event. A pebble in the pond is the intercession for this event with divergent cascade sequences.
  • Receptors
    As time passes through our perception, we grasp some percentage of what is happening. This device assists in the gathering of relative information.
  • Mirrored Variation
    Mirrored Variation
    The mandala displays the reflective nature of reality and its beautiful symmetry.
  • Coordinates Revealed
    Coordinates Revealed
    This chart shows the different options available to each of us at any given moment.
  • Circumambulation
    This is a static depiction of the continuous and interchangeable frequencies that influence our lives.
  • Frequency
    Behold an attempt to use fractal symmetry to capture the complexity of the temporal unfolding.

The Collective Synergy

     The fabric of reality is a tapestry woven by our perception. The perspective we have is unique to our personal identity. We are limited in what we can perceive with our physical senses, but there are momentary glimpses of a greater weave. Simultaneous occurrences and coincidences pop up from time to time providing that glimpse of some greater pattern. When these curious connecting events overlap for just the briefest moment there lies an alignment indicating evidence of the greater connections.  
    These constructed depictions attempt to illustrate these connections by identifying units of time and space (x+y) where the coinciding strands of colliding moments intersect. Once the convergence is identified additional data can be extrapolated helping to single out the given moment, at this point the object depicting the convergence thus becomes an icon or glyph of the convergence itself. The convergence is manifested within the object itself.

  • Chrono Cartography
    Chrono Cartography
    Available for Purchase
  • A Moment of Balance
    A Moment of Balance
    Available for Purchase
  • Calibrator
    Available for Purchase
  • Harmonious Banquet
    Harmonious Banquet
    Available for Purchase
  • The Crest of Order
    The Crest of Order
    Available for Purchase
  • The Interface
    The Interface
    Available for Purchase
  • Static Map
    Static Map
    Available for Purchase
  • Mathematic Chart
    Mathematic Chart
    Available for Purchase

Crystalized Moments

     This avenue of research observes time as both tactile and conceptual. These constructions try to capture the momentary and fleeting moments that stream passed us. The painted construction illustrates the moment and there by assigns the moment an identity. Shadows, scars and foot prints are examples and indicators of its passing. This project goes a little deeper and a lot more abstract as these works explore in a non-linear means how time can be broken into individual parts or "moments".
    These creations have come to be through an editing process where the use of materials, combined with intuitive unconscious intention, they  form a 3 dimensional time stamp. The energies of the universe coalesce through the artistic act to manifest these objects securing them in a single moment of time. The object arrives at a given moment through the creative process that activates an identity for the object by becoming present in the 3 dimensional state. 

  • Decision and The Scepter of Madness
    Decision and The Scepter of Madness
    The scepter is designated to one on in a place of power and here the act of decision making is personified. This scepter appears as a double edged blade, perfect tool for cutting the choice to be weighed. The pain of long deliberating can cause madness and the scepter also acts as a means to freedom. The Choice is yours.
  • Universal Calculator
    Universal Calculator
    Given any point in the field of space there can be found activity. The unseen fields permeate our entire universe and this crafted apparatus helps one to determine from which way what is comimg.
  • Micro.-Macro.
    This is as that, as that is this as well, and so the myriad relationships and interconnectedness of all things are simply portrayed in this device used for magnifying and reducing items of concern to equal sizes.
  • Chronometric Calibrator
    Chronometric Calibrator
    The wheels of cosmic time do not stop as they quietly grind through the ever expanding fields of infinite space. This construction produces a means to bring the wheels into sync with one another.
  • Floral Constellation Apparatus
    Floral Constellation Apparatus
    Our world produces floral geometry to show us the unity of all things.
  • Hierarchy of Occurence
    Hierarchy of Occurence
    This construction speaks of the notion that all things are not equal yet exist is relative balance. The harmony of a bee hive measured against the chevron of geese. All united in proportion to the totality.
  • Covid Peace Allignment
    Covid Peace Allignment
    The outreach of survival raised against the perilous consequences of existence find peace and silence here in this mandala of Covid meditation.
  • Cosmic Distribution
    Cosmic Distribution
  • No.1
    This is the first marker to be found in the open waters of the unknown. Beyond which one cannot see.
  • A.21 focal point
    A.21 focal point
    With its arm deep in the sea of contemplation, this buoy keeps one on track as the journey widens with knowledge.

Time Stamps

In this project  I am subdividing moments and assigning them an identity. Moments are threaded together in an endless stream of ceaseless manifestation. The work in this project uses geometry and line to provide a visual format to use as a means to designate a location in both time and space. Thereby creating the "Time Stamp". Designating that moment as there and then. .
  • Visitation  2016.
    Visitation 2016.
    Into the physical plane a moment was successfully captured. As the time passed by a cooling occurred and the residue appeared in the form of a glass like ball.
  • Transmitter Receiver
    Transmitter Receiver
    Agents within the materials conspire to defy change, they can go unknotted and unseen. Together they send as well as receive the message.
  • The Game
    The Game
    Our colliding lives consumed by twisted strands of lifes woven cord. The current of moving energy found in the present now is like a veil separating the past and future for the present is where you find the tangible.
  • Transmissionion 330.14
    Transmissionion 330.14
    Transmitter and Receiver, imagine the simultaneous occurrence and its impact. A visceral exchange that creates the very energy that may bring about material existence.
  • Portal 27
    Portal 27
    Results from the twenty-seventh test generated this image based on the information gathered. The test examined a timestamp by running a parallel moment alongside the primary stamp. Then identifying the variations that occur.
  • Ceremonial Chime 2016
    Ceremonial Chime 2016
    The placement of an event that is dedicated to a single location is much different then an event dedicated to a single moment. Some events may reoccur at intervals unknown to the viewer. This Ceremonial Chime may attempt to calculate and announce the moment of the event.
  • Wish Board 2016.
    Wish Board 2016.
    An intention scribe on a matrix of ones choosing can be mechanically attached to this wish board in how of manifestation. The more focused the intention the greater promise of becoming into being.
  • Harliquenn 10.10.14
    Harliquenn 10.10.14
    Here! Then there is where the gaiety doth dance, say here, hear? The pattern of our lives and the dance we do is briefly portrayed here in this jaunty dance that appears to be a painting.
  • Natural Transmission 2016.
    Natural Transmission 2016.
    Each passing moment brings into existence a some physical print of its being, however brief. This work represents a simple fossil of a short event that took place late one afternoon in the mid summer of 20160.
  • Transmitter Receiver 2016.
    Transmitter Receiver 2016.
    This is an opportunistic device that seems to accumulate specific markers as it travels through the various vortexes encountered in the physical plain.

Allignment of Objects

I've begun to think that objects form their identity based on their relationship to the environment in which they are placed, thereby creating a new identity. "Things" contain implied function based on their shape. Objects by design have functional indication such as a point, threads, a hole handle or base. A plane, spherical nature and legs or feet are all indicators of function. These objects once removed from original function almost guide themselves toward their new function as they provide iconography for universal concerns such as time, space and thought.

  • Entry Alert System
    Entry Alert System
    Each dial or lever when relocated or changed, adjusts the present demeanor at a given time as well as establishing a new present state.
  • Vacant Sigil 2016
    Vacant Sigil 2016
    Ones individuality becomes important as the entity in question becomes aware of its own existence. This object is awaits this state of awareness.
  • Ganduer and Adjustment
    Ganduer and Adjustment
    Taking a glimpse at the possible vastness of all that is known and unknown one must adjust their stance to take in such grandeur.
  • simultanious injunction
    simultanious injunction
    In an attempt to compare one event to another it is important to stop the process of observation.
  • wish board
    wish board
    Placing attention into the glyph scroll enacts the potential outcome.
  • intermittent focal point
    intermittent focal point
    While in the process of event scanning, the mobile aspect of some transient events must be taken into consideration.

Geometric Frequencies

All things are vibrating at a certain frequency. These geometric structures are a reflection the harmony found when color and geometry harmonize. The subconscious mind calculates the collaborative result of sound and shape that emminates from the union in the form of frequencies. These structures are the outcome of the union. 

  • Emblem
    The moment has a frequency, this is a symbolic representation of an individual moment and its corresponding idiosyncrasies..
  • Navigational Chart
    Navigational Chart
    This navigational chart is used to determine directional variations in the multidimensional universe. All directions are taken into consideration.
  • Variation in Frequency of Blue
    Variation in Frequency of Blue
    Catch a glimpse of the afternoon sky as it accepts the suns transit.
  • KEY
  • Glyph of Heat
    Glyph of Heat
  • Variant Edge
    Variant Edge
  • Variation in Green
    Variation in Green
  • Variant Frequency
    Variant Frequency