Work samples

  • Pathways
  • Ancestral Matriarch
    Ancestral Matriarch
  •  Wetlands
    Installation view of black tyvek cut paper tents with lights. Flying silhouettes of black tyvek birds. 2013
  • Forest Floor
    Forest Floor
    Installation view

About Stephanie

Stephanie Garmey received her MFA degree from the Maryland Institute College of Art - Hoffberger School of Painting where she studied with Grace Hartigan.

Previously she received a MA in Painting from Purdue University in Indiana and BFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art.

Garmey has received individual artists grants from the Maryland State Arts Council (2015, 2012, 2002) and the Mayors Advisory Committee on Arts and Culture (1990).​ She was a finalist for… more

Reverie & Alchemy - A Cabinet of Curiosity

2025 Group Exhibition at Center For The Arts Gallery at Towson University

  • Dandelion Heart Detail
    Dandelion Heart Detail
  • Dandelion Face Detail
    Dandelion Face Detail

    2025 Dandelion Face Detail

  • Dandelion Back View
    Dandelion Back View
  • Dandelion

    2025 Dandelion by Stephanie Garmey

    laser cut plexiglass

    silk, foam, wood, paint, embroidery, resin, veneer, gouache, paper

  • Crow

    2025 Crow by Stephanie Garmey

    3' W x 4' D x 40" H

    resin, vintage velvet, paint, wire, branch, cut paper, goldleaf, beads


Hillyer Gallery, Washington DC 2020

Animals have an instinctual flow with the balance of their ecosystem, i.e. nature. They have as much intelligence bound in this instinctual knowledge to fill a book. Each of these animal habitats has a book structure that suggests this innate encyclopedia of knowledge of nature that guides their place in it. The books contain suggestions of migratory maps, daily paths, flora and other fauna. Each animal tableau has a presence of intelligence and dignity in each way of life. All of these animals are impacted by human lack of deference to the balance of nature and indeed our entire planet. In contrast these animal tableaus bind artifacts of human origin with the animals’ natural worlds, reminding us of our ancient roots of positive and fruitful acknowledgement of animal power and coexistence.
  • Pathways
  • Pathways
  • Black Bear
    Black Bear
    54”Diameter x 72”H Fabric, embroidery, cut paper, wax, transfers, wood
  • Jack Rabbet and Gopher Snake
    Jack Rabbet and Gopher Snake
    30” Diameter x 43” H Cut silk, wax, cut paper, wood, transfers, resin, paint
  • Foxes
    42” Diameter x 30” H Cut silk, resin, paint, wax, graphite, wood, transfers, clay, sand
  • Scarlet Ibis
    Scarlet Ibis
    36” W x 34” H Cut silk, cut paper, watercolor, wax, wood, gold leaf
  • Gray Crowned Cranes
    Gray Crowned Cranes
    48” Diameter x 36” H Cut paper, watercolor, wax, acrylic paint, canvas, beads, wood, ribbon
  • Armadillo
    cut paper, thread, bronze squares, wood 24" diameter x 14" hight
  • Heron
    cut paper, wax, abaca handmade paper, hemp thread, wood 36"w x 34" h
  • Red Shanked Douc Monkey
    Red Shanked Douc Monkey
    cut paper, resin, paint, thread, gold leaf, wood, branch 38"w x 7' h

Indigo Dream

Indigo Dream, The Delaware Contemporary, Wilmington, DE. 2017.

Indigo Dream is Stephanie Garmey's vision of the voyage that elephant herds take across the African savannah to the Salt Caves of Mt. Elgon in Kenya. Led by the herd's matriarch, these journeys are made at night, under the stars.
Knowledge or Memory of the route has been passed on through the matriarchal lineage for thousands of years.

From an imagined bed in her "Dream Hut", Garmey immerses the viewer in what she describes as the innate, learned, and shared knowledge of the incredible animal world we share the earth with, including elephants,monkeys, weavers birds, and the grey-crowned crane. The animals and foliage reach out in this installation to share their amazing intelligence,beauty, and knowledge.

The artist draws her inspiration from natural objects, fossils, and antique taxidermy. Her meditations on nature use a variety of media including painting, intricately cut paper, book arts, drawing, clay, and light projection.

“ Everyone needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul."

- Naturalist and Preservationist John Muir

 “I defy anyone to look upon elephants without a sense of wonder. Their very enormity, their clumsiness, their giant stature, represent a mass of liberty that sets you dreaming. They’re … Yes the last individuals."

- Romain Gary writes from The Roots of Heaven 

What are days for? To wake us up. To put between the endless nights. What are nights for? To fall through time into another world.”

- Performance artist Laurie Andersons documentary, Heart of a Dog 
  • Indigo Dream
    Indigo Dream
    Installation view of Indigo Dream. 2017
  • Ancestral Matriarch
    Ancestral Matriarch
    Ancestral Matriarch - 48"W x 144"L x 96" H - Plywood, reed, paint, wax,sand, mirrors, led lights. 2017
  • Ancestral Matriarch
    Ancestral Matriarch
    Ancestral Matriarch - 48"W x 144"L x 96" Wood, reed, sand, mirrors, wax, light. 2017
  • Tree of Knowledge
    Tree of Knowledge
    Tree of Knowledge - 54"D x 78" H - paper, wood, paint, wax, ink, book cloth, sand, glitter, reed. 2017
  • Tree of Knowledge(detail)
    Tree of Knowledge(detail)
    Tree of Knowledge (Detail) 2017
  • Indigo Dream(Full Installation)
    Indigo Dream(Full Installation)
    Indigo Dream ( Full Installation) 2017
  • Dream Hut
    Dream Hut
    Dream Hut - 6' W x 9' H x 8' L - wood, fabric, sequins, paper, projection of stars, thread,paint.2017
  • Weaver Birds and Trees
    Weaver Birds and Trees
    Weaver Nests / Weaver Trees - 5' W x 17' L x 10' H - wood, hemp, moss,paper,wax, wire, sticks,paint,indigo dye, cotton rope,copper wire. 2017
  • Dream Boat
    Dream Boat
    Dream Boat - 36"W x 108"L - reed, paint, yarn, tyvek. 2017
  • Gray Crowned Crane of Africa
    Gray Crowned Crane of Africa
    Gray Crowned Crane - 3' H - beads, cut paper,wood,wax. 2017

Indigo Dream / Paintings

Series of 6" x 8" wood panels using gouache with African animals and textiles patterns.
  • Lion
    Lion - 6" W x 8" L - wood panel , gouache. 2017
  • Purple Monkey Tails
    Purple Monkey Tails
    Purple Monkey Tails - 6"W x 8" L - wood panel, gouache. 2017
  • Pink Grasshopper
    Pink Grasshopper
    Pink Grasshopper - 6"W x 8" L - wood panel, gouache. 2017
  • Walking Stick
    Walking Stick
    Walking Stick - 6"W x 8"L - wood panel, gouache. 2017
  • Rhino
    Rhino - 6"W x 8"L - wood panel, gouache. 2017
  • Cats Cradle
    Cats Cradle
    Cats Cradle - 6"W x 8"L - wood panel, gouache. 2017
  • Okapi
    Okapi - 6"W x 8"L - wood panel, gouache. 2017
  • Moon Monkey
    Moon Monkey
    Moon Monkey - 6"W x 8"L - wood panel, gouache. 2017
  • Elephant
    Elephant - 6"W x 8"L - wood panel, gouache. 2017
  • Celestial Elephant
    Celestial Elephant
    Celestial Elephant - 6"W x 8"L - wood panel, gouache. 2017

Edge of The Forest

Edge of the Forest, VisArts, Rockville,MD. 2015.

“Edge of the Forest”
“Edge of the Forest” explores the solitude of travel, place, and time through nature. The slow looking at water, trees, plants, and animals translates the life force, movement, rhythm, and our perspective of time and place.

Garmey was inspired by the naturalist Henry David Thoreau's stay in a small cabin on Walden Pond in 1847. Thoreau's simplicity for a single cot and three chairs - one chair for solitude, two for conversation, and three for socializing. This influenced her choices for her own paper cabin with hand made hiking boots, handmade rocks and filling journals with writings and drawings. Thinking of her own solitudes and replenishment through nature helped create this space.
The artist invites the viewer to walk through these environments, to evoke subtle and sometimes surprising shifts of moods and space. The work will heighten awareness of our inter-dependence with nature, and evoke a respect and willingness to protect the environment.
The installation includes many works made with cut paper, as with the three dimensional animals. The mural of animal drawings are done in graphite with screen printed ferns.  The drawings on the cabin are drawn on paper which has been made transparent with wax. Wax was used to transfer drawings to the encaustic surface on the slices of wood.  

I went into the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not , when I came to die discover that  I had not lived.
- Henry David Thoreau 
  • Deer
    Deer - 2015 72" H x 36" W - Graphite on paper with silkscreen. Cut paper leaves with paper / wax fungi
  • Skunk
    Skunk - 2015 34"W x 28"H - Graphite on paper with silkscreen. Cut paper / wax fungi
  • Bear
    Bear - 2015 72"H x 36"W - Graphite on paper with silkscreen. Cut paper leaves and cut paper / wax fungi
  • Rabbit
    Rabbit - 2015 20"W x 34"H - Graphite on paper with silkscreen. Cut paper leaves and cut paper / wax fungi
  • Fox
    Fox - 2015 36"W x 24"H - Graphite on paper with silkscreen. Cut paper leaves and cut paper / wax fungi
  • Wetlands
    Wetlands - 2015 4'W x 15'L with 9' long canoe Reed,handmade paper,wax, white tyvek,
  • Forest Floor
    Forest Floor
    Installation view
  • Fern Shelter
    Fern Shelter
    Fern Shelter - 2015 6' W x 9'H x 9' L - wood, wax, encaustic paper, light, linen, embroidery, cut paper,clay.
  • Fern Shelter
    Fern Shelter
    Fern Shelter - 2015 6' W x 9' L x 9' H - wood.wax, encaustic paper, linen, embroidery, clay, cut paper.
  • Fern Shelter
    Fern Shelter
    Fern Shelter - 2015 6' W x 9' L x 9' H - wood, wax, encaustic paper, linen, embroidery, cut paper, light, clay.


Wetlands, Pinkard Gallery, The Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD. 2013.

I am interested in the slowing of time and a meditative recollection of the regenerative and corroding events of nature.

A canoe gliding on the surface of a river.

A heron returning to a stream.

The muddy undergrowth and continuous humming of the swamp.

A fish skeleton picked clean.

The sound of woodpeckers tapping into trees.

The weathered scattered bones of a deer.

These images come from time spent exploring natural areas along the east coast.
  •  Wetlands
    Installation view of black tyvek cut paper tents with lights. Flying silhouettes of black tyvek birds. 2013
  • Wetlands
    White organza tent with led light, felt sleeping bag, felt boots, ceramic rocks with watercolor and wax, handmade books, box of paper graphite insects,and embroidery pillow. 2013
  •  Wetlands
    Installation view of white organza tent with led light and two cut paper black tyvek tents with lights. 2013
  •  Wetlands
    Reed canoe, cut paper heron with wax, handmade abaca paper with hemp string made into lotuses, white tyvek folded river. 2013
  • Wetlands Installation
    Wetlands Installation
    Wetlands Installation - 2013
  • Wetlands / Graphite Wax Logs
    Wetlands / Graphite Wax Logs
    Detail - Graphite encaustic transfers on natural cut logs. 2013
  •  Wetlands/ Deer Skeleton
    Wetlands/ Deer Skeleton
    Ceramic with arctic white underglaze, black sand, and wood. 2013
  • Wetlands
    wax encaustic scroll drawing, ceramic rocks with watercolor and wax, two graphite cut paper drawings of leaves - "Snake Leaf" and "Rock Leaf". 2013

Forest Floor - Paper Animals/ Animal Architecture

These paper wax animals were created for "Forest Floor" at Stevenson University,Baltimore,MD.2011. Combining trace monoprints on mulberry paper with the cut paper and wax helped combine drawing and sculpture.The trace monoprints became a second skin over the animals bellies and backs.To my surprise they looked like tattoos or drawings of anatomy.These are life size animals that I find joy in spotting through my walks in the woods.
  • Two Webs
    Two Webs
    Sculpture Installation: Cut Paper installed in trees 86"H x 48"W x22"D. 2011
  • Large Wasp Nest
    Large Wasp Nest
    Sculpture Installation: Cut Paper, trace monoprint, twig 18"W x 14"D x10"H. 2011
  • Wood Chuck/Magnolia Leaves and Pod
    Wood Chuck/Magnolia Leaves and Pod
    Sculpture Installation: Cut Paper, wax, trace monoprint 18"x24" base. 2011
  • Skunk / Pod
    Skunk / Pod
    Sculpture Installation: Cut Paper/ Wax/ Trace monoprint 18" x 24" base. 2011
  • Porcupine / Black  Pine Cone
    Porcupine / Black Pine Cone
    Sculpture Installation: Cut Paper/ wax/ trace monoprint 18" x 24" base. 2011
  • Owl
    Sculpture Installation on tree Branch Cut Paper/ wax/ trace monoprint 24"H x 20" D x 12"W. 2011

Forest Floor Drawings and Glass Books

These six cut paper leaf drawings were made for the exhibition "Forest Floor" Stevenson University,Baltimore, 2011.
I wanted to see how much I could get out of using limited materials. I used graphite pencils
throughout all the leaves and a small amount of gouache on a few. I combined a wasp nest, snake-skin,taxidermy birds,rocks, from my collection of cabinet of curiosities. These are very large life size leaves 2ft. x 2 ft. that I collected to dry out and draw from.
  • Forest Floor/ Snake Skin
    Forest Floor/ Snake Skin
    Graphite on Cut Paper (framed) 31"W x 31"L . 2011
  • Forest Floor/ Rocks
    Forest Floor/ Rocks
    Graphite on Cut Paper (framed) 31"W x 31"L . 2011
  • Forest Floor/ Two Birds
    Forest Floor/ Two Birds
    Graphite on Cut Paper (framed) 27"W x 27"L . 2011
  • Forest Floor/ Wasp Nest
    Forest Floor/ Wasp Nest
    Graphite on Cut Paper (framed) 27"W x 27"L . 2011
  • Forest Floor/ One Bird
    Forest Floor/ One Bird
    Graphite on Cut Paper (framed) 27"W x 27"L . 2011
  • Forest Floor / Mushroom
    Forest Floor / Mushroom
    Graphite on Cut Paper ( Framed) 27"W x 27"L . 2011
  • Critters Large Glass Book
    Critters Large Glass Book
    Glass, wood, enamel pen 14" Height x 24" Diameter 2013
  • Critters Small Glass Book
    Critters Small Glass Book
    Glass, wood, enamel pen 12" Height x 13" Diameter 2013

Forest Floor - Curiosity Cabinets

I am a collector of nature.

Scraps of lichen, bits of feather, snakeskin, boxes of insects, wasp nests, fossils, and a collection of taxidermy animals adorn my home and studio to inspire my work.

My work celebrates the feeling of meditating on these natural forms.

These cabinet of wonders were inspired through years of loving going to the Natural History Museum and the Walters Museums own Cabinet of Wonders.
  • Bird Cabinet with Book
    Bird Cabinet with Book
    Curiosity Cabinet with Birds - 2011 Wood and (Screen Printed) Glass Cabinet Cut Paper Birds and Bird Nest in Drawer Cut Paper Book of Birds in top 18"D x 21"W x 5"H
  • Insect Curiosity Cabinet
    Insect Curiosity Cabinet
    Curiosity Cabinet with Insects - 2011 Cut paper, wood, glass, screenprint Book with cut paper in top 18"W x 24"L x 6"H


  • Marsh
    Marsh - 2001 Acrylic Paint 50" H x 54" W
  • Woodland
    Woodland - 2010 Acrylic on canvas 44"W x 50"H
  • Night Owls
    Night Owls
    Night Owls - 2010 Acrylic on canvas 44"W x 50"H
  • Purple Artichoke
    Purple Artichoke
    Purple Artichoke - 2001 Acrylic on canvas 65" H x 66" W
  • Magic Monkey
    Magic Monkey
    Magic Monkey - 1989 Oil on Canvas 4'W x 3'H
  • Cobweb
    Cobweb 2001 Acrylic on canvas 45 1/2" H x 45 1/2" W
  • Kimono Dream
    Kimono Dream
    Kimono Dream - 1995 Oil on canvas 73" H x 58 1/2" W
  • Campfire
    Campfire - 2001 Acrylic on canvas 48 1/2" H x 55" W
  • Birdcage
    Birdcage - 2000 Oil on canvas 49" H x 49" W