Christine's profile

Christine Ferrera is a Baltimore-based writer, performer and comedian. She began her artistic career as a visual artist. However, after completing several series of paintings and prints, she discovered a tendency toward narrative in her work and made the leap to time-based media. Inspired by the experimental monologues of Laurie Anderson and the surrealist humor of Andy Kaufman, Ferrera's current work explores the intersection of performance art and comedy. Whether in the form of video, stand-up or devised theatre, her intimate stories begin with a familiar experience but inevitably veer into unpredictable terrain, revealing their emotional core. On stage, she seeks to uncover the surprising, absurd and vulnerable aspects of herself in order to connect with audiences through storytelling. 

Since moving to Baltimore in 2007, Ferrera has created a vivid and idiosyncratic body of multi-media performance. She has been honored to perform at The Contemporary Museum, Center Stage, Creative Alliance and the Transmodern Performance Festival, among many others. Her work has appeared on NPR’s The Story, WYPR’s The Signal and the podcasts You/Me/Them/Everybody, Digression Sessions and Learn To Take A Joke. In 2013, she was the recipient of a MSAC Individual Artist Award. In 2014, She was a featured solo performer in the Amsterdam Fringe Festival and her play Stellar Cellar premiered at the Charm City Fringe Festival. Ferrera's self-published book, Starbux Diary: My 10-year Journey to Caffeinated Enlightenment, which documents her decade-long correspondence with Starbucks Coffee Company, was included in City Paper’s Top Ten Baltimore Books of 2015 and described as “Hilariously personal.” In 2017, Christine was a featured performer with (Adult Swim's) Wham City Comedy on their USA tour, as well as comedy festivals throughout the country. She was named a GBCA Baker Artist Award finalist and Sondheim Prize Semi-finalist in 2018. She is currently in production on Cats, Criminals & Comedians - an apocryphal herstory of feminist performance art - to debut in 2019.