Work samples

  • Six 2 Six (movie credits)
    Six 2 Six (movie credits)

    Audio and original score by Mark "Markiz" Collins

  • Waldy St. stage play (original composition)

    Waldy Street is a story about a man who gets caught in a spiritual inertia that is debilitating him. He feels that God had turned his back on him. Where Secrets unfold and healing begin


    - broadway 2019

About Mark

Baltimore City, Baltimore City Pennsylvania Avenue Black Arts and Entertainment District, Baltimore City Bromo Tower Arts District, Baltimore City Highlandtown AE District, Baltimore City Station North AE District

**Artist Bio: Markiz Rey**

Born in 1991, Markiz Rey is a multifaceted artist whose journey in the world of music began at a young age. At just six years old, he was introduced to the enchanting realms of piano and tap dance, captivating audiences with his performances at the Krampton Auditorium. This early exposure to the performing arts ignited a passion that would shape his future.

By the time he turned 15, Markiz took a significant step towards his dream, investing in his… more

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The Raven

The Raven is an internal look inside the madness of the city of Baltimore's' impoverished and underserved communities 

  • Lessons

    *The Raven is an internal look inside the madness of the city of Baltimore's' impoverished and underserved communities

    Available for Purchase