Work samples
Dream Lagoon
"Dream Lagoon" was published in The Broadkill Review, and nominated for a 2019 Pushcart Prize.It will be part of my new manuscript, A Sort of Song. It is inspired by a lithograph that now hangs on my studio wall, after 45 years in my grandparents' living room. The image can be seen below, in the project notes for A Sort of Song.
Inspired by a painting that hangs in the hallway of my home, published in Potomac Review In 2016, this poem about my mother's experience as a Navy wife is part of my chapbook, Final Deployment, and is part of my new manuscript, A Sort of Song. The painting can be seen below, in project notes for Final Deployment.
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About Ann

Ann Quinn (b. 1964) was born in Monterey, California, to a naval pilot father and a Presbyterian minister mother. She is now a poet and essayist, editor, teacher, mentor, mother, and classical clarinetist. Ann’s award-winning work has been published in journals including Poet Lore, Potomac Review, Little Patuxent Review, and others and is included in the anthology Red Sky: Poetry on the Global Epidemic of Violence Against Women. Her… more
Final Deployment
Final Deployment is a chapbook published by Finishing Line Press in 2018. The poems in it were written over six years, from my days of self-study in poetry, through some wonderful classes at UMBC with Lia Purpura, and into my first year of graduate school. The cover photo is of a piece called "A Thousand Tiny Deaths," by my sister, Jeanne Quinn.
"From the hills of San Diego to the Live Oaks of Pensacola come poems of a sympathetic imagination. We follow the child of a naval aviator, during the Vietnam era, to the woman she will become. Self-reflection starts in the mind and ends on the page with clear bold words that are trailblazers for a world otherwise unnoticed. Quinn links the arteries of the past with perception and experience that become a moral arbiter – a heart clutching read – each moment in this poet’s history is a sensory one with daydreams and acoustics that come alive interpreting, not imitating, the world. This is what real writing is: spirit and sense, decent loving, an inimitable life, the shining accomplishment of a major debut."
Grace Cavalieri
“The Poet and the Poem from the Library of Congress”
Ann Quinn’s poems deftly navigate the “essential in between” moments: the rich silences between words, a child’s slow shift into hard, adult truths, the ever-unknowable passage from life into death. At the same time, her work celebrates the sensuous world with joy and curiosity. Elegaic at core, the poems in Final Deploymentare also full of musings on art, precisely conjured memories, tender and fleeting moments with children, and above all, a love for the world in all its mystery and beauty. – LIA PURPURA
A Sort of Song
“All else quiet, perhaps I might hear water rising in the trunks of the thousand trees,” ends the first poem of this yet-to-be-published collection. These poems are the voices of women whose words rise in this book, titled “A Sort of Song.” As Jane Kenyon said, “One of the functions of poetry is to keep the memory of people and places and things and happenings alive.” Using persona poems in the voice of my grandmother as a framework, I bring in the voices of other women—the artist’s models, the maids, the military wife. The poems explore specific types of work that women do, including the work of entering the world of sexual desire and the work of subtle influence toward good in the world. Letters, paintings, narratives and observation of the natural world all deepen this inquiry.
Poems from this collection have been published to date in 86 Logic, Broadkill Review, The Ekphrastic Review, Haibun Today, Loch Raven Review, MacQueen's Quinterly, Poet Lore, Potomac Review, and Yellow Arrow Journal.
Teaching is a big part of my practice, from running kid's writing clubs to leading adult classes through the Writer's Center in Bethesda and through Yellow Arrow Publishing in Baltimore, to my own classes with adults I've worked with for years, to leading a women's poetry retreat in the Catoctins. One class that began during the early days of the pandemic put out a book--Poetry is Life--a year of class ideas and some of the poems that came from our work together. I am also poetry editor for Yellow Arrow chapbooks, and have attached an image of our most recent chapbook.
Poetry is Life
book, "Poetry is Life: Writing with Yellow Arrow" compiled by Ann Quinn, cover art by Claudia Cameron, published by Yellow Arrow, 2022
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Women's Poetry Retreat
Friends from the first Fall on the Farm Poetry retreat, Zigbone Farm, Sabillasville, MD.
a chapbook I edited
This is available for purchase through the Yellow Arrow Publishing website. I have edited seven chapbooks for Yellow Arrow so far, and continue to work with them, editing two or three chapbooks per year.