Work samples
About Ed
Baltimore City Highlandtown AE District

I am a proud recipient of a 2014 William G. Baker, Jr. Artists b-grant ( Semmes G. Walsh b-grant award).
My path to being a full time artist has been unusual. Long before I was a working artist I was a meteorologist focusing on a wide range of environmental issues throughout my career with the National Weather Service. I have been working on my art now well over two decades. In 2007, I retired after 50 years of work and have been focusing all my time today as that working artist and have transformed my path from scientist to artist.
My mantra :" At first I was a… more
My path to being a full time artist has been unusual. Long before I was a working artist I was a meteorologist focusing on a wide range of environmental issues throughout my career with the National Weather Service. I have been working on my art now well over two decades. In 2007, I retired after 50 years of work and have been focusing all my time today as that working artist and have transformed my path from scientist to artist.
My mantra :" At first I was a… more
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Garden Works and Outdoor Art -2022 -2023
Since 2019 I have been focusing on my Garden Works ,as well as techniques which allow me to hang my collages outdoor. Using an Acrylic Gloss sealer for the wood backing and a acrylic spray for the front -----these pieces can hang beautifully on outdoor walls on patios. I also had a commission to produce a music conductor for my friends which is called Clive Cheltenham. This is one example of how my works will look in your garden.
Clive CheltenhamIntroducing Clive Cheltenham Clive is 46 x 36 x 4 Clive is derived from my large inventory of found objects . Made with love for Robert and John
3D Metal Collage 283D Metal Collage 28 - First of my 3D Metal Collages to be hung outside Dimensions - 33 x 17 x 2 and 15 lbs Components -Copper , Aluminum and melted Aluminum (don't ask). Originally made in 2012 and commissioned in 2022
Copper Mosaic 3Copper Mosaic 3 Dimensions -26 x 12 x 2 Components:Copper ,Aluminum and Brass This piece of work is weatherproof and can live on your outdoor wall or wherever you please. There are more where this piece came from Commissioned by a friend
UkraineDimensions -77 x 18 Components- large aluminum beam,1898 cast windmill pump base, aluminum dicc , old tractor cutting wheels I created this piece in 2022 and it was named the Answer. At the time I I painted it yellow and blue . Little did we know. The owner has renamed Ukraine
Garden Works - 2019-2021
Covid19 and my art direction.
When Covid19 reached my doorsteps, I changed my direction again . During the pandemic I was lucky to go to my studio daily, sometimes.
As I looked around my studio and my large collection of outdoor sculptures and realized that were dull and just getting dusty. But, they were still cool . For most of my art career I did not use vibrant colors on my pieces as I was trying to keep the integrity of the found objects by using interference colors. I loved them, but they began to look dull to me , just like our world was beginning to appear at that time. I needed to brighten up my art. They needed some energy . So I started painting some of my old work as well as other found objects in the my studio and painted them in vibrant acrylic colors. It put energy in the studio and into me ,as we slowly climb out of this abyss. I have created numerous pieces during the past year and a half and I'm ready to show them for the first time on my Baker Website
I am calling this collection ...Garden Works. Each piece is sprayed with an acrlic sealer, and the pieces will maintain their beauty and energy all year long.
Any of my Garden Works can be exhibited on a custom made mild steel 20 x 20 stand. See image below...
When Covid19 reached my doorsteps, I changed my direction again . During the pandemic I was lucky to go to my studio daily, sometimes.
As I looked around my studio and my large collection of outdoor sculptures and realized that were dull and just getting dusty. But, they were still cool . For most of my art career I did not use vibrant colors on my pieces as I was trying to keep the integrity of the found objects by using interference colors. I loved them, but they began to look dull to me , just like our world was beginning to appear at that time. I needed to brighten up my art. They needed some energy . So I started painting some of my old work as well as other found objects in the my studio and painted them in vibrant acrylic colors. It put energy in the studio and into me ,as we slowly climb out of this abyss. I have created numerous pieces during the past year and a half and I'm ready to show them for the first time on my Baker Website
I am calling this collection ...Garden Works. Each piece is sprayed with an acrlic sealer, and the pieces will maintain their beauty and energy all year long.
Any of my Garden Works can be exhibited on a custom made mild steel 20 x 20 stand. See image below...
AuraComponents: Part of old wood burning stove, part of fishing pole holder, steel rings, aluminum, brass and copper. 16 x 12 x 6
Grate KnightComponents: Cast iron Oliver plowshare section, stove grate, steel spring harrow and jack base. 74 x 18 x 14
Walk on the wild sideComponents:- Ice prongs, auto engine heater, and various cast pieces 13 x 23 x 5
GymnasiumComponents: Magnet, steel gear and steel mechanism. 27 x 7 x 2
MetropolisComponents: Variety of aluminum and steel parts, brass, copper, cherry wood, and tractor parts. 34 x 14 x 4
Old Table ScaleComponents: Old table scale. 9 x 6 x 7
Plowshare 2Component:Plowshare -14 x 14 x 6
Plowshare 3Component: Plowshare - 14 x 14 x 4
Plowshare 4Component: Plowshare and plow part - 14 x 14 x 4
Sculpture standSculpture Stand - Welded mild steel Dimensions: 20 x 20
Garden Works 2 - 2019-2021
Garden Works 2 is a continuation of my series of my newly painted works for exhibit in your garden or your home. Custom made steel stands are also available for use with the sculpture.
Plowshare 1Components: Plowshare and steel spring harrow - 28 x 15 x 12
My BedpanComponents: Old bed pan - 20 x 14 x 4
One armed JackComponents: Steel car jack, cast iron plow parts - 28 x 15 x 12
My old hatComponent: Just my old hat painted
Vice gripComponent: Old vice grip - 12 x 12 x 9
My FroggiesMy Froggies
FarmcycleComponents: Tractor seat, cast iron tractor wheels, plow parts, metal shoe lasts - 18 x 60 x 5
Red CrossComponents: Cast iron stove part, stainless steel anodized aluminum - 22 x 15 x 2
Old Hanging ScaleComponent: Old hanging scale
Kenworth ManComponents: Kenworth truck logo, green aluminum piece, cable, piston, sundial - 26 x 11 x 6
ArtDoors 1- 2015-2020
I began working on a series that I call ArtDoors. I began working on this series when I was given a gymnasium locker door and was asked to make something with it. That resulted in ArtDoor #1 and stopped at ArtDoor #20 just as the Covid19 pandemic began.
I began working on a series that I call ArtDoors. I began working on this series when I was given a gymnasium locker door and was asked to make something with it. That resulted in ArtDoor #1 and stopped at ArtDoor #20 just as the Covid19 pandemic began.
ArtDoor 1The first door and the beginning of a series. Components: Oak locker door, stainless steel scrap, copper, screening, spring parts and painted.
ArtDoor 2Components: Old Cabinet Door, stainless steel scrap , burnished copper and painted. 40 x 14 x 1
ArtDoor 3Components:Cabinet door, stainless steel skeleton, burnished copper- 35 x 12 x 2
ArtDoor 4Components: Old cabinet door, communications part, steel and painted. 35 x 15 x 2
ArtDoor 5Components: Old cabinet door,,aluminum cut out, copper, stainless steel, old door front lock and painted. 35 x 12 x 3
ArtDoor 6Components: Old cabinet door, stainless steel drain, copper and painted. 28 x 15 x 4
ArtDoor 7Component: old cabinet door, aluminum, burnished copper, painted. 45 x 14 x2
ArtDoor 8Components: Old cabinet door, aluminum, stainless steel, copper, and painted. 45 x 14 x 4
ArtDoor 9Components: Old cabinet door, copper, aluminum and painted. 12 x 44 x 2
ArtDoor 10Components: old cabinet door, copper , stainless steel, copper nails and painted. 12 x 41 x 2
ArtDoors 2 - 2015 -2020
ArtDoors Continued
ArtDoor 11.jpgComponents: Cabinet door, aluminum and stainless steel- 42 x 12 x 2
ArtDoor 12.jpgComponents: Cabinet door, cast gate hinge, tractor part- 27x 16 x 9
ArtDoor 13.jpgComponents: Cabinet door, gate hinge, tractor cleat, saddle part- 42 x 12 x 6
ArtDoor 14.jpgComponents: Cabinet door, gate hinge, finial, metal button- 42 x 12 x 5
ArtDoor 15.jpgComponents:Cabinet door, auto spring, tractor cutter and steel- 42 x 16 x 3
ArtDoor 16.jpgComponents: kitchen cabinet door, aluminum skeleton , burnished copper, aluminum disks - 41 x 15 x 2
ArtDoor 17.jpgComponents:kitchen cabinet door, aluminum skeleton and aluminum box - 48 x 16 x 3
ArtDoor 18.jpgComponents: Kitchen cabinet door, aluminum skeleton, and copper - 48 x 16 x 3
Musicians and Commissions 1995-present
Musicians- in the beginning of my scrap yard hunts I came upon a box of crushed and cut up instruments. I bought a half dozen and began my compositions.
Commissions - I've only done a few through the years, as I just wanted to do my own thing.
Commissions - I've only done a few through the years, as I just wanted to do my own thing.
The Trio
Horney French Trombone PlayerComponents: Parts of an old french horn and trombone, stainless steel, aluminum, old gas burner, and plowshare piece. 2016
Cool Too
Jazz Singer
Monica's Song
Mr. DJComponents:Copper, brass finials, steel, auto transmission part, 45 record. 18 x 16 x 13
One Eyed Mike
Reeling in the Past
Drifting CopperComponents: Driftwood, copper and tractor cleats. - 18 x 24 x 28
Good Morning SunshineComponents: steel plant holder, three tynes, ax head, tractor blade, brass. 72 x 34 x 15
3D Metal Collage - 2007 - 2015
2007 - 2015
I began to move away from my sculpture period and began to exploring the use of copper ,copper Marquetry and other found elements in my work.
It all started when I purchased a truck full of old patined copper downsproject and other copper roofing elements. I then aquired over 120 feet of 20in wide copper roofing material found in the rafters of our friends Yellow Barn Farm. The amazing thing that I found was that the otherside was painted a milk red and dated back to the late 1800's. These two materials , the greenish colored copper and the red painted copper , became the base foundation my new work. Last year I completed a series which I called RoofTop Views which incorporates piece of rusted corregated metal along with all the other found objects that I have around my studio. Today I am working with old copper and employing marquetry techniques constructed around a found object.
3D Metal Collage 6Components- Aluminum block, brass, section from copper downspout, and a manufactured doodad. 15 ½ x 10 ¼ x ½ 2001
3D Metal Collage 17Components – patinaed and painted copper, painted metal piece, electric strips 25 x 21 x 2 2011
3D Metal Collage 22Components- patinaed copper, painted copper, old seed sower with nails 20 x 31x 2 2011
3D Metal Collage 33Components- Patinaed and regular copper, cast model train wheel, stainless steel shelf and scrap aluminum 22 x 27 x 3 2011
3D Metal Collage 49Component: Copper, patinaed copper, steel, aluminum, tractor part, cast wheel Dimensions:16 x 24 x 5 ...25 lbs 2012
3D Copper Collage 38From Kandinsky's Accent in Pink 1926 Components - Painted and patinaed copper,washers, scrap copper and metal, 17 x17 x 2
3D Metal Collage 39From Kandinsky's Red Oval - 1920 Components- Patinaed,painted,cut scrap and regular copper 16 x 16 x 2 2011
3D Metal Collage 53Components: Found Objects - Aluminum Skeleton, patinated and milk painted copper. Dimensions: 24 x 24 x 1
3D Metal Collage 54Components: Found Objects - Aluminum skelton, painted and patinated copper and cast wheel. 24 x 24 x 1
3D Metal Collage MosaicComponents:Copper, cast wheel- 16 x 16 x 1
3D Metal Collage- 2007 - 2015
3D Metal Collages- 2007-2015
3D Metal Collage 6Components- Stainless Steel, Aluminum, painted section from copper downspout and piece of brass. 24 x 24 x 2 2010
3D Metal Collage 52 – Dyptyke – RoofTop View 6Components: Variety of copper and corregated metal. Size: each piece is 23 x 16 x 2 2013
3D Metal Collage 46 – RoofTop View 3Components: Painted aluminum pattern, rusted corregated steel, patinaed copper, iron, cutout and tractor part Dimensions: 16 x 25 x 3 ...5lbs 2012
3D Metal Collage 50Components: Variety of found copper pieces and a piece of corregated metal from old shed Dimensions: 26 x 20 2013
3D etal Collage 56Components: Aluminum skeleton, copper. In this piece I began to introduce a marquetry technique 24 x 24 x 2 2015
3D Metal Collage 45.jpgComponents: corregated roof, copper, 1942 Chevy hubcap- 24 x 24 x 4
3D Metal Collage 46.jpgComponents:copper and corrugated metal- 24 x 24 x 2
3D Metal Collage 5.jpgComponents: Copper, aluminum- 25 x 23 x 1
3D Metal Collage 18.jpgComponents: Copper, electric strips :25 x 21 x 2
3D Metal Collage 41 - DiptychComponents: Copper, patinaed copper, steel, keyhole, door knob - 13 x 16 x 3
Functional Art - 1995 - 2020
My functional art period began early in my exploration period - making lamps, mirrors and tables using a variety of found objects that I had in my studio. A friend of mine was rebuilding an old log cabin and I became the receipient of the ends of the logs. The logs are oak and from and old Indiana log cabin. I then clean the logs, and cut them to size for cocktail tables and lamps. The copper is incorporated into each piece. For the first time I am also doing commissions for the tables and lamps.
Art Deco TableComponents: Aisle seat from an art deco movie theater in New Haven Connecticut , Welded steel and glass top. Dimensions:24 x 30 x 18 .... Custom Glass available 2013
Baffled LookComponents – aluminum heating baffle, aluminum cutout, patinaed copper and steel tractor pieces - 39 x 19 x 4
Clocktail TableComponents- stainless steel disk, tractor blade, clock, stainless steel legs,aluminum blocks. H 25 x 24 Diameter 10lbs 2004
Log Cocktail TableComponents – Aluminum, sections from copper downspouts, oak base from 1850’s Tennessee log cabin, glass top and steel braces. Note: Glass table top can be designed and cut to your tabletop wishes H 17x W 60 x D 18 70lbs 2011
Art Deco lampComponent:Tractor gear, telescope base, titanium, gas stove element, copper, art deco lampshade- 25 x 12 x 12
Log Cabin Table Lamp 3Components: Oak log from 1850's cabin, patinaed copper, 1940"s green glass shade- 24 x 24 x13
Control TableComponents: Aluminum legs, machine scrap metals, stainless steel- 18 x 24 x 20
Scythe LampComponents: Scythe, antique Chinese hat, tractor chain, lab equipment- 69 x 10 x 6
Firewatch MirrorComponents:Fireplace arch, steel trellis, mirror- 32 x 28 x 5
Table baseComponents:Oak piece from 1850's log cabin, aluminum, patinaed copper, custom cut glass top- 18 x 60 x 1
Indoor Art - 1995. - 2020
This series of indoor sculptures include totems which were made using wood from an old cherry tree that I had taken down and milled from my old home in Takoma Park, MD. Farm pieces and other renewable artifacts are integrated into this work.
Brazen LadyComponents - steel, aluminum automobile transmission part, ironwood tree branch cut down by a beaver…check teeth marks,farm parts and brass fireplace tool holder. 51 x 16 x 12 1996
ShamanComponents: Farm piece, steel, aluminum, railroad piece. 32 x 24 x 13
On GuardComponents: Oil can, lamp base, old computer disc, copper, steel, shoe stay and potato grater.- 36 x 36 x 8
Ring MasterComponents - Steel, aluminum, computer circuit board, steel spring harrow, part of old outside drain 20 x 13 x 20 1998
Brass RingerComponents: Aluminum, brass, clamp. 10 x 9 x10
Painted LetterComponents – Steel stove spindle, aluminum, brass mail box, small painted picture, bent steel and cherry wood plank 68 x 12 x 12 1998
The PrayerComponents: Walnut, aluminum: 20 x 9 x 6
The TranceComponents: Cast iron plow share, steel, adz: 16 x 19 x5
Lock and ChainComponents: Cherry wood, steel, aluminum, lock, steel chain: 69 x 10 x 10
Tableleg TotemComponents:Table leg aluminum, brass water sprinkler, computer disk, lamp base. 33 x 8 x 8