Work samples
Bigotry Vs. God- "CRAYON FASHION"
In a Nut-shell a bigot is a person that thinks they are bigger and better than others. The film series Crayon Fashion is an elite group of teenage dancers belonging to a national famous School of Dance.
Baltimore's Freddy Grey- ''CUTE BOYS"
Project 3: Baltimore's Freddy Grey- THOSE CUTE BOYS (2018)
When riot police attempted to control the violence at North Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue due to the death of Freddy Grey, while fires and violence was happening all over the city. Just 3 blocks from North Avenue and Pennsylvania is a mostly white community called Bolton Hill that went untouched.
This one particular house on Bolton Street has a roof-top porch where you can see the fires happening at the North & Penn Subway station. This particular house is also a house of prostitution known only by the Baltimore Elites. But some of the women in this story struggle with drugs and worst of all..."those cute boys."
A stage play showing four women and their different struggles.
But there is one women who has never heard the name Freddy Gray.
Written and produced by Michael Leroy Harding -
A Malcom X lesson- "NEGRO WATER"
Project 1: A Malcom X lesson- NEGRO WATER (1999)
What was Michael Harding thinking when he wrote, produced and acted in stage play Negro Water.
Michael followed the leadership of the great Malcom X during the Sixties as a teenager. Malcolm taught the term Negro was a lie and not all Water should be swallowed.
As a pre-teen, Michael saw it normal to see his father drink vodka in the morning before work.
Most of all, his father never appeared drunk and always kept his job.When four little black girls were murdered in their church by a bomb-blast. This was the one time the father drove his truck drunk, causing the death of a white woman. During a time it was 'legal' to drink & drive. But a 1963 racist Prosecutor seeks a death penalty for this manslaughter.
My .22 cal. rifle- " HIM or Him? "
Project 2: My .22 cal. rifle- "HIM" (2008)
At age 13 in 1966 my older sister allowed her boyfriend to beat her. When I found out what was happening, I loaded my .22 cal. rifle with bullets. As soon as I saw her boyfriend, I came close to him to shoot many shots. But before I could pull the trigger, he snatched the rifle and said go home and play. Somebody eventually told me some women feel domestic abuse is okay!
Some women say it is okay because they love "Him".
A single-mother shares why she allows her man to beat her and then discovers it's the same common reason why other women allow it... But one day she finds a peculiar way out. Produced and performed by Michael Leroy Harding

In 1972 Michael Leroy Harding graduated from Baltimore’s Mervo High School, where he took the music of Isaac Hayes' SHAFT and recruited Students and Teachers to help create the school's first Black History assembly to a 60% all White school… more
How it Started
Content Provider, Stage Director, Actor`& Film Director
* Writer & Co-Writer to -
CRAYON FASHION (2021-2025)
CUTE BOYS (2017)
HATE (2012)
Him or HIM (2011)
THE SIX OF US (2005)
OTR Theater since 1999
Before becoming a famous Dance Theater Company, we look back at the family life during the teenage years of the two company owners.
Then after decades of Dance Theater, secret sex trafficking and retribution.. A teenaged dancer's suicide, or was it her murder must be solved.
Starting as a stage play, the story has evolved into many, many more characters. Causing the stage play to become a filmed featured mini-series.
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After being in the Pacific War during WWll, Lloyd a proud black Marine returns home to Baltimore. Looking for work with other black truck drivers.
When a driver's route was made available, Lloyd avoided being called 'Hey Boy' in a crowd of other black drivers. The white foreman showed no desire to remember the names of the black drivers. But Lloyd always wore a white-cap in the crowd, causing the foreman say: ''Hey You, in the white-cap"!
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Write Your Story (Music Video)
Opening music scene to Season 1 Episode 3 of Crayon Fashion/ School of Dance.
The saga and the story of a troubled 10 year-old dancer having an alcoholic mother and no father. Her struggles to write her story, a Michael Leroy Harding stage play to become a studio film production.
A Gay old Time (1921)
A story of TENSIONS between 99 year-old Great Grandfather and his 19 year-old Great Daughter. Then it all began to come to a boiling-point at the same hour the Twin Towers were struck on September 11th
Stage play produced and directed by Michael Leroy Harding
CRAYON FASHION / Original Stage Play
Original stage play (2021) LIFE BACKSTAGE / Crayon Fashion series:
SERIES EPISODE ONE: Divine intervention with Teens trafficking pre-teens, parents not paying attention, dancers being bullies and various hidden mental illnesses. Staring, written and produced by Michael Leroy Harding
Four Days Old
A 12 year-old Crack-dealer being annoyed by the constant crying of puppies in his basement.
Eventually makes his way to the basement and stomps the heads of each puppy to death while they were just- Four Days Old. Ten years later when he rules half of the Crack-market in Baltimore, a Crack-addicted Grandmother gives him a reason to repent and JUST LISTEN. Written and Produced by Michael Leroy Harding