Work samples

  • holding pattern
    holding pattern

    circles cut from security envelopes and 2022 Наше Життя (Our Life) magazines, embroidery thread, and acrylic paint                                   

     36” x 54”                                2023                       

    For this piece about the most recent invasion of Ukraine, I first created a traditional Hutsul pattern inspired by shirts worn by me and my family. I then enlarged the вишиванка (vyshyvanka) to beyond human scale. This region’s patterns are specifically geometric and colorful. The colors and the embroidery of all Ukrainian shirts hold significance and are said to be a talisman against evil. To make this work I punched ¼” – ½” circles from Ukrainian magazines (circa 2022-2023) and from my stash of saved security envelopes. I adhered the circles to embroidery thread that I wove into an open grid.

About Julianna

Starting with an investigation of patterns, like those found in storytelling, (mis)communication, textiles, and behaviors; my work speaks about comfort versus security, identity, gender norms, or accountability of actions.
I have methodically cut text to create work about banned books, woven multiples of miniature pants to speak about war, and created a crime scene between the characters of Dorothy and Alice to question our archetypes of gender. My dominant materials are typically from… more

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Breaking News

For this piece I cut newspapers into strips of 3 different heights and rolled each to fit into the fencing. Starting with one torso made entirely of newspaper, I then gradually added gray felt to the rest of the torsos.

I chose felt as it is made from matting and condensing separate fibers into one – similar to how news is, at times, shared. Hopefully, in the process, we don’t end up too far from the truth.      

  • Breaking News
    Breaking News

    newspapers*, felt, fencing, metal posts, and wood               
    61” x 73” x 75”       

    *Newspapers were generously donated by the Enoch Pratt Free Library. 

the rest of the story

the rest of the story, 2023

circles cut from 1991-92 Наше Життя (Our Life) magazines and the artist’s drawings from 2022-23, ink, marker, acrylic paint, pencil, gridded fade-out vellum, and monofilament - Dimensions are variable

For the rest of the story, I pulled Ukrainian magazines from my mother’s collection that spans decades. I purposefully chose copies from August 1991 through 1992 – spanning the first year of Ukraine’s Independence. I cut over 3000 1/2" circles of faces, hands, and text from these magazines and then backed them with over 3000 more cut circles from my 2022 and 2023 sketches and drawings. The circles are attached to hand woven monofilament. The Ukrainian pattern that emerges is ongoing.

  • the rest of the story (detail of the magazine side as exhibited at Artscape's B23 exhibition)
    the rest of the story (detail of the magazine side as exhibited at Artscape's B23 exhibition)

works on paper

All of these works on paper are based on historical textile patterns. The patterns have been altered to include an ebb and flow, push and pull, or tattered to mended to correlate the movements and moods in our daily lives and in our larger shared history. The origin of moments of impact can adjust our lives for a brief time or for the rest of time. How can we tell when we have gone back to the original patterns of our life? Do we ever actually go back? How much do we continue to pass on to others? I work on gridded paper which allows a direct reference to the way embroidery patterns are recorded and passed down in many cultures. I am also drawn to the historical context of the grid in art. This series started in 2021 with status.

  • switching sides
    switching sides

    switching sides        2024

    acrylic on fade out gridded vellum

    9" x 12"

detail images

The following are detail images of my work.

  • falling (detail)
    falling (detail)

    falling (detail)

    acrylic, felt, bird netting