Work samples

  • Finding the Mountain Path
    Finding the Mountain Path

    Finding the Mountain Path, Oil and resin, acrylic on wood, 48 X 48”, 2024

  • Installation view at Walker Fine Art, Denver, CO
    Installation view at Walker Fine Art, Denver, CO

    Carry, Diptych, Oil and resin, acrylic on wood, 2 panels, 60 x 72”, 2024 and Birdspotting, Diptych, Oil and resin, acrylic on wood, 2 panels, 60 x 72”, 2024

  • Blends installation, Catherine G. Murphy Gallery, 2022
    Blends installation, Catherine G. Murphy Gallery, 2022

    Wall of nine "Blends" paintings installed at the Catherine G. Murphy Gallery, St. Catherine University, St. Paul, MN in the exhibition "Between the Stripes, Under the Stars", 2022

  • Breathe Box

    Installation view at Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, IL

    Oil and resin on acrylic panel, custom light-box, microprocessor, 12.5 x 12.5 x 4", 2024

About Farida


Farida Hughes (b. New York) explores sociological themes through vibrant color and translucency. Her paintings and interdisciplinary works are an abstract language of the layering and bridging of worlds that formalistically reflect her lived experiences and the merging of cultural and environmental effects. 

Hughes grew up in a mixed South-Asian Indian and German-American household in New Jersey, under the dual family influences of Indian city life, and New York state… more

Infinite Movement

The artworks in “Infinite Movement” represent a metaphoric storytelling of human to human interactions in nature. As each layered color shape is an intentional mark, they allude to the activity of painting as much as the activity that is being depicted. Isolated forms are remnants of bodies that have occupied space. Intertwined layers depicting forms moving together are metaphors for relationships and experiences, punctuated with memories that come in and out of awareness as we are involved in a moment. In considering landscape, I contemplate our human role in a shared responsibility to the earth’s ecosystems that are connected through the endless movement of air, water, minerals, and living things.

My paintings and interdisciplinary artworks are luminous expressions of interconnectedness. Abstraction is my pathway to reflect on sociological themes. In this body of work I am focusing on finding joy with others in the simple interactions we have with nature. Bird watching, hiking on trails, and scattering and planting seeds are repeated or seasonal activities that influence my recent compositions. 

This work lies within the canon of color rich organic abstraction combined with my own interest in contemporary light art and time-based practices. Collected narratives and actual observation of human interactions influence spherical and stacked curvilinear shapes, streamlines, and a flowing composition. By mixing oil paint into epoxy resin I generate a slow build of lush, glossy surfaces, developing into moments of hiding, revealing, and merging as the underlying layers leisurely expose themselves. The artworks encourage emotional connection and participation through their vibrant palettes and glossy surfaces that change as the viewing angle changes. I utilizes the fluidity, transparency, and color harmonies of my medium to guide a metaphorical subject matter of interconnectedness which is felt before it is known.

  • Finding the Mountain Path
    Finding the Mountain Path

    Oil, resin, acrylic on wood, 48 X 48”, 2024

  • Scatter/Sow/Grow

    Oil, resin, acrylic on wood, 48 X 48”, 2024

  • Detail, Scatter/Sow/Grow
    Detail, Scatter/Sow/Grow
  • Carry

    Diptych, Oil, resin, acrylic on wood, 2 panels, 60 x 72”, 2024

  • Birdspotting

    Diptych, Oil, resin, acrylic on wood, 2 panels, 60 x 72”, 2024


  • As Above, As Below
    As Above, As Below

    Oil and resin, acrylic, on wood panel, 40 x 36", 2025

    Available for Purchase
  • Undercurrents

    Oil and resin, acrylic, on wood panel, 40 x 36", 2025

    Available for Purchase
  • Pollen

    Oil, resin, acrylic on wood, 48 x 36”, 2024

  • Memory of Water
    Memory of Water

    Oil, resin, acrylic on wood, 48 x 36”, 2024

  • Detail, Memory of Water
    Detail, Memory of Water

Inter-disciplinary Pieces

The Breathe Box and resin screen pieces are natural extensions of the translucent properties of my painting practice. The Breathe Box is designed to simulate the arc of human breathing. When the viewer spends long enough with the piece their breathing will naturally sync with the artwork’s “breathing”. This is meant as a visual interpretation of what it is like to connect with another, and a manifestation of interconnectedness.

In my resin screen piece, Delhi Light, I am investigating the jali screen in islamic architecture in all of its metaphorical implications: the emotional effect of the light it allows, the duality of the screen as barrier/passageway, protection and privacy, nature vs. artifice, the enduring yet fleeting passage of the sun, playing with metaphors of skins and perforations/holes. My artistic vocabulary mingled with gallery lighting creates an encompassing installation that exists at the intersection of nature and artifice, chance and control, interior and exterior worlds, climate change and comfort. 

  • Breathe Box, Green
    Breathe Box, Green

    Oil and resin on acrylic panel, custom light-box, LED lights, microprocessor, 12.5 x 12.5 x 4", 2024

  • Delhi Light
    Delhi Light

    Delhi Light, Epoxy resin mixed with eyeshadow, fiberglass cloth, cast shadow, 30 x 24”, 2024

  • Installation view, Breathe Box and Delhi Light
    Installation view, Breathe Box and Delhi Light

    Installation view of Breathe Box and Delhi Light at Asian Art & Culture Center, Towson University, Towson, Maryland

  • Breathe Box

    Oil and resin on acrylic panel, custom light-box, microprocessor, 12.5 x 12.5 x 4", 2024

Below the Surface

In this project are works on paper that were made in partnership with the landscape, and subsequently turned into a backlit light performance piece. The Below the Surface set of works began with direct rubbings using volcanic rock on lave fields, the results being drawings of perforations that let light pass through illuminating the directional flow of molten lava. The drawings are incorporated into boxes that are lit with LEDs and programmed with choreographed sequence designed by the artist. This body of work was created as a public art project held in 2023 in collaboration with a new musical composition written by a local percussionist in response to one of the drawings. 

The immersive, hour-long performance of percussion music and responsive light-box art that is Below the Surface combines the creativity of Farida Hughes and Matt Keown. Their signature project represents the true spirit of collaboration as the two artists bring their respective disciplines together to create a dialogue between art and music. Sixteen perforated paper drawings made by Hughes on a lava field in Hawai’i show visible tracings of the paths of arrested volcanic activity. Situated in two long rows of custom-crafted light-boxes, the drawings pulse and fade between black and white and underlit vibrant colors as the performance proceeds. Keown’s music is scored for three specific instrumental arrangements consisting of found objects and various scrapers, marimba, and graduated drums. As the light-boxes dance, Keown’s intricate playing teases, echoes, and explodes, telling a story of creation, erosion and new possibility. Together, the artists create a live experience greater than the sum of the parts, suggesting that the boldness to act on creative impulse is necessary and reinvigorating in our post-pandemic world. Inspired by the unknowable power of creative volcanic activity, Hughes’ abstract art, animated by illumination, and Keown’s multi-movement percussion solo together present a multimedia experience reflecting on the ideas of nature, artistic invention, and collaboration.

  • Below the Surface, detail with hand
    Below the Surface, detail with hand

    Live image of person interacting with light-box, from "Below the Surface", Paper, mixed media, custom lightboxes, LEDs, microprocessor, 13 feet by 14 inches, 2023

  • Below the Surface, Performance Set-up
    Below the Surface, Performance Set-up

    Below the Surface full view of performance set-up, Two runs of lightboxes with programmed play, 13 feet by 14 inches each, 2023

  • Below the Surface, Light-box image backlit with LED lights
    Below the Surface, Light-box image backlit with LED lights

    Detail of assembly of light-boxes, paper, charcoal, fabric dye, custom light-box construction, LED lights, 14" x 13.5', 2023

  • Below the Surface, Light-Box assembly
    Below the Surface, Light-Box assembly

    Detail of assembly of light-boxes, paper, charcoal, fabric dye, custom light-box construction, LED lights, 14" x 13.5', 2023

  • Below the Surface, Light-box assembly
    Below the Surface, Light-box assembly

    Detail of assembly of light-boxes, paper, charcoal, fabric dye, custom light-box construction, LED lights, 14" x 13.5', 2023

  • Below the Surface, Light-box assembly
    Below the Surface, Light-box assembly

    Detail of assembly of light-boxes, paper, charcoal, fabric dye, custom light-box construction, LED lights, 14" x 13.5', 2023

  • Below the Surface, Light-box assembly
    Below the Surface, Light-box assembly

    Detail of assembly of light-boxes, paper, charcoal, fabric dye, custom light-box construction, LED lights, 14" x 13.5', 2023

  • Below the Surface, Frame from Light-box Run
    Below the Surface, Frame from Light-box Run

    Paper, charcoal, fabric dye, in custom frame and light-box, 14" x 9", 2023

  • Below the Surface, Sample video

    Below the Surface, sample routine for light art and music performance

  • Below the Surface, Light-box assembly

    Below the Surface sample studio view of coded routine being played

Blends, 2019–present

“Hughes’s paintings are ravishing merely as color-blending exercises, but their layered depths have poignant human significance.” – Mark Jenkins in the Washington Post, exhibition review July 23, 2021.

My Blends paintings celebrate diversity in humanity through the sensitive appreciation of multiplicities in identity. This project is ongoing, with 55 paintings completed to date, as a way to explore and celebrate multiculturalism. An abstract endgame begins with content as the paintings develop from solicited lists and stories of real peoples’ cultural and ethnic backgrounds and experiences. Anecdotes of blended histories offered allow me to respond in a painterly manner to memories, facts, and experiences that the abstract “portraits” explore through formal investigation: colors are distinct, but layered together they become new forms, and the paintings develop as I join parts into harmony. The pieces are constructed composite “portraits” composed of colors and shapes that combine visually to create a new and complex identity. Paintings are exhibited with the corresponding stories. (Note–In some cases the stories presented here may appear only in part due to the paragraph allotted space.)


  • Installation of nine Blends paintings
    Installation of nine "Blends" paintings
    Each of my "Blends" paintings display a composite portrait of the layers of an individual’s cultural and ethnic background, based on stories that I solicit and collect from friends and acquaintances. I respond to the anecdotes collected as I create each of the abstract paintings. This series began as a way to unwrap my own multicultural (South-Asian Indian and German-American) background, and subsequently grew to celebrate the unique blended-ness of each person contributing a story, and the effects of historical moments that the narratives inevitably present. Beginning the project in 2017, I continue to collect stories from new people, and grow this community of Blends. Using my abstract visual language in this way I aim to celebrate and value human difference. My artwork involves ideas of crossing boundaries, blending experiences, and celebrating a universal wholeness even through difference.
  • Installation view of Blends paintings from the exhibition Embedded Poetries, Artspace, Richmond
    Installation view of "Blends" paintings from the exhibition "Embedded Poetries", Artspace, Richmond

    Installation view, grid format of Blends paintings, Artspace, Richmond, VA, 2024

  • Blend 48
    Blend 48

    BLEND 48, Oil, resin, acrylic on wood, 20 x 20", 2023

    Contributed story for Blend 48 – "The Germanic part of my heritage is not only the largest, but also what I most relate to and identify with. From ages 6 through 17, I lived with my maternal grandparents every summer and spent other long school breaks with them as well. I am an only child, and as you can imagine, the substantial amount of "alone" time I spent with these beloved adults in my life was a major influence on my development.
    Clem and Ann were both raised as part of large, German-descended Catholic families. Clem's ancestors had been in the United States for at least a couple generations, but in Ann's case, it was her father who emigrated to the United States and married a woman whose father was German American and mother, Polish American. Grandma Ann told me about how they spoke German in her house as a child until the war (WW I) came along and put an end to that in light of widespread anti-German sentiment. She was very young when they switched from German to English, so she carried only snippets of German into adulthood. She would use those German words and phrases here and there, as would my Grandpa Clem. One that I distinctly remember was "Ach!" or "Ach du lieber!" as an expression of exasperation. 
    More that anything, though, my grandma's Polish-spiked German heritage came through in her cooking and baking. She was an excellent home cook, and her passion for cooking and baking passed down to both my mom and me. In savory cooking, vinegar and bacon comprised my grandma's go-to flavor profile. In the summer, this meant leaf lettuce wilted with a warm bacon-vinegar dressing, and salads of green beans or shredded cabbage tossed with the same. Other staples at my grandma's table included a sliced cucumber salad made with salted-down, thinly sliced cucumbers in a cream-vinegar dressing; handmade and hand-cut egg noodles that would be used in homemade soup or tossed with browned butter and breadcrumbs; and always, homemade bread or rolls. 
    I love to cook and bake, and these crafts are a lifelong source of connection to my mom, grandma, and our shared ethnic heritage. It might be worth noting for your project that I have no children."

  • Blend 32
    Blend 32

    Oil, resin, ink on wood 20” x 20”, 2021

    Contributed story for Blend 32 – "So my blend is on my dad’s side, Syrian/Lebanese, my mom Scottish, Irish and English... Me I am half of each! I was born in Beirut, Lebanon, lived in Iraq, then evacuated from the 6 day war from Lebanon, took a huge ship that brought us to America. Then back to live in Kuwait. Then moved back to Paris. Then here to NY to study art. Then here to DC…"

    Available for Purchase
  • Blend 45
    Blend 45

    Oil, resin, acrylic, ink on wood 20” x 20”, 2021

    Contributed story for Blend 45 – "I am Sičangu Lakota through my mother and German and Welsh American through my father. There may be some mystery blood in there as well that remains unknown because of my mom’s adoption. My mother was born on the reservation but adopted out to white missionaries at the age of 18 months. This is how she ended up being raised in Wisconsin and how [she] met my dad whose family also had settled in Wisconsin. I went to Haskell Indian Nations University, a tribal college in Lawrence, KS. This is where I met my husband. He is Navajo, San Carlos Apache and Quechan. Our children are Lakota, Navajo, San Carlos Apache, Quechan, German and Welsh. (And potentially some unknown elements as well!)"

    Available for Purchase
  • Blend 42
    Blend 42

    Oil, resin, ink on wood 20” x 20”, 2021

    Contributed story for Blend 42 – "My parents and grandparents were all born in the Transylvania region of Romania. Most of the grandparents’ relatives and their parents were killed in the Holocaust. All of my grandparents survived the Holocaust with 3 of them in concentration camps and one on the cleaning crew (for lack of a better description) of the German army. My grandparents knew each other before the war and after their relationships formed and they got married. My parents knew each other as young children. My father then immigrated to the US with his parents in 1961. They lived in Vienna, Austria for two years while waiting for their papers. After college my father travelled back to Europe to look at medical school; my grandfather wanted him to be a doctor. In going back he visited his home town and saw my mother. Their love story goes like this: my mother asked what my dad was doing back and my dad’s response was – I came back to marry you. He proposed after 1 week and my mom said “not right now”. So they corresponded for two years before getting married and by that point my dad was doing his medical schooling in Brussels, Belgium where I was born. We moved back to the US in 1976 and my brother was born in Baltimore. It’s a good ending to a very difficult period of time for my grandparents."

    Available for Purchase
  • Blend 26
    Blend 26

    Oil, mixed media, and resin on wood, 20 x 20″, 2019

    Contributed story for Blend 26 – "I recently did my 23andMe ancestry and a few things were a surprise – like there is zero Irish (I’d been told about my supposed Irish-ness forever) and there is 8% SubSaharan (east) African (which both of my parents deny...). So, from what I know in order of the biggest percentages, not that one needs to blood quantum oneself: Indian 40% (dad); German 20% (mom); Middle Eastern 8% (“Persia” - so Iran) (dad); all else is 8% or less: Scottish (mom); Lebanese (mom); East African (has to be mom); Swedish (mom); British (mom); Spanish (mom)."

    Available for Purchase
  • Blend 35
    Blend 35

    Oil, mixed media, resin on wood, 20 x 20", 2020

    Contributed story for Blend 35 – "Both [my parents] might be considered children of the Second World War. My father was born and grew up in s. Japan. (That town is...known internationally for a serious mercury poisoning...that critically affected the local fishing community.) My mother grew up s. Denmark, on an island in the Baltic near the German border. Living 50 miles across the bay from Nagasaki, my father witnessed the mushroom cloud left by the atomic bomb dropped there. My mother’s father was German. Living in Denmark, he managed to stay out of the military, but in 1944 German citizens, regardless of country of residence, were called up for service. My mother was 4 when she witnessed her mother receive the news that her father would not be coming home. My father and mother, both probably possessing strong interests in reconciling for themselves what was a youth defined by a fractured world, traveled to and studied in the U.S. ...My Japanese grandfather permitted my father to [attend college] in the U.S. under two conditions: that he return after graduating and not bring home a blue-eyed, blond girl. He broke both conditions. In 1962, my mother–knowing that there was a 50/50 (sic) that the marriage would work out–bought a one-way ticket to Japan. They were married shortly thereafter, at a church, during a typhoon."

    Available for Purchase
  • Detail, side view, Blend 32
    Detail, side view, Blend 32

    Side view detail, Blend 32, 20 x 20", 2021

    Available for Purchase
  • Detail, Blend 45
    Detail, Blend 45

    Detail close-up of Blend 45, oil and resin on wood, 2021

    Available for Purchase


The diptych format intrigues me, both as a way to acknowledge and explore the two sides of my own ethnicity, and evolving to think about dualities within ourselves and bridges of connection between two people. I am also exploring the use of my medium by painting gestures that look immediate, yet are made of layered isolated pools of color with each mark carefully considered. In my diptych paintings I approach the idea of human connection and the intimacy between the movement of forms. 

Considering concepts of identity in our current state of things, I had previously been exploring compositions in diptych format using abstract head-like forms paired as a couple but with gazes that do not include the other. The paintings are loosely informed by paintings of couples by David Hockney, which show a pair of individuals in a space together, but not necessarily including the other in their portrait. This type of image, to me, reflects on our current moment of isolation and inter-dependency. Are we as humans becoming more isolated, even as we become more intertwined?

"Farida Hughes’ series of resin and oil paintings on wood panels feature eye-appealing blobs of overlapping colors — bright and fruity blues, yellows, reds and greens. From a distance, you might think the paintings are standard examples of corporate art, color and polish just for the sake of color and polish. Up close, however, the fluid shapes reveal themselves to be human head-like forms. She means these works to be “portraits” of a sort, though without eyes, ears and noses. Instead, they’re all emotion, thought, introspection. Layers and layers of those things. They’re lively, but also difficult." - Ray Mark Rinaldi, Special to The Denver Post,  Nov 23, 2019, on "Layers of Existence" at Walker Fine Art

  • Dancing in Light, Diptych
    Dancing in Light, Diptych

    DANCING IN LIGHT (Diptych, two panels), Oil, resin, acrylic polymer on wood, 60 x 72 x 1.5”, 2023

    Available for Purchase
  • Loose Diptych, 2 Panels
    Loose Diptych, 2 Panels

    LOOSE DIPTYCH, Oil paint, resin, acrylic on wood, 48 x 72″, 2023

  • Touch

    Touch, (Diptych), Oil, resin, acrylic on wood, 60 x 40", 2024

    Available for Purchase
  • Lights, Diptych
    Lights, Diptych

    LIGHTS Oil stick, oil paint, epoxy resin, on wood, 60 x 30" each panel (diptych total 60 x 60"), 2023 

    Available for Purchase
  • Couple B, (diptych)
    Couple B, (diptych)

    Oil, resin, acrylic on wood panel, diptych, 36 x 72", 2019

  • Couple A
    Couple A
    Oil, resin, acrylic on wood panel, diptych, 36 x 72", 2019


  • Terrace Party Conversations
    Terrace Party Conversations

    TERRACE PARTY CONVERSATIONS, India ink, oil paint and resin on wood, 36 x 36″, 2022

    Available for Purchase
  • Golden Hour
    Golden Hour

    GOLDEN HOUR, India ink, oil paint and resin on wood, 36 x 36″, 2023

    Available for Purchase
  • Glass Bangles
    Glass Bangles

    GLASS BANGLES, Oil stick, oil paint, mica powder, resin on wood, 40 x 40”, 2023

    Available for Purchase
  • Bluebird

    BLUEBIRD, India ink, oil paint and resin on wood, 36 x 36″, 2023

    Available for Purchase
  • That Moment in the Sune
    That Moment in the Sune

    THAT MOMENT IN THE SUN, India ink, oil paint and resin on wood, 36 x 36″, 2023

    Available for Purchase
  • Party Number Two
    Party Number Two

    PARTY NUMBER TWO, India ink, oil paint and resin on wood, 36 x 36″, 2023

    Available for Purchase

Seeing Through Masks

The ceiling installation Seeing Through Masks was exhibited at the University of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minnesota in the group show  “Between the Stripes, Under the Stars”, November–December 2022. The installation is composed of 30 hanging mask-like forms made of resin, paint, and found objects. The forms are positioned to be at, above, and below eye-level, and are configured in a circular pattern strung from a metal rack that is suspended from the ceiling. There are 3 entry points within the circular configuration, and visitors are able to walk inside the piece and participate in a “group” experience of inclusion, avoidance, covering, allowing, and many other actions or descriptions that it conjures up. Of the St. Paul installation and its invitation to the viewer to duck under and experience it from inside, poet and artist Hawona Sullivan Janzen said it is “…such a gorgeous metaphor of what it means to be a new person in a community and a culture.” These are experiences I aim to explore and replicate with a goal of eliciting introspection and empathy.
  • Seeing Through Masks
    Seeing Through Masks
    Resin, found objects, oil paint, dye, 30 pieces suspended from wound rack, ceiling installation, 60 x 60 x 40", installed at eye level with three entry points for viewer to experience from within, 2022
  • Seeing Through Masks, detail
    Seeing Through Masks, detail
    Detail of resin and mesh pieces, suspended in a group at eye level
  • Seeing Through Masks in front of wall of Blends paintings
    Seeing Through Masks in front of wall of Blends paintings
    Installation view of Seeing Through Masks in front of a wall of Blends paintings
  • Installation view with floor shadows, Seeing Through Masks
    Installation view with floor shadows, Seeing Through Masks
    Installation view showing cast shadows on the floor, Catherine G. Murphy Gallery, St. Paul, MN
  • Installation view with floor shadows and wall of Blends paintings, Seeing Through Masks
    Installation view with floor shadows and wall of Blends paintings, Seeing Through Masks
    Installation view showing hanging artwork in front of wall of paintings and cast shadows on floor, Catherine G Murphy Gallery, St. Paul, MN
  • Seeing Through Masks
    Seeing Through Masks
    Resin, oil paint, found objects, dye, monofilament wire, 60 x 60 x 40", suspended ceiling installation, 2022

Kindred Systems

These works are composed with the notion that each individual is their own unique blend, but all are part of, and reliant upon, a larger system. All works in this project are made with oil paint and resin on panel with additional mixed media.

  • Little Discoveries
    Little Discoveries

    LITTLE DISCOVERIES, Oil paint and resin, acrylic, on wood, 40 x 40″, 2023

    Available for Purchase
  • Interplay

    Oil and resin, acrylic, on wood, 40 x 40", 2023

    Available for Purchase
  • Eloquence
    India ink, oil, resin on panel, 36 x 36, 2019
  • Circular Connections
    Circular Connections
    Oil, resin, graphite on panel, 36 x 36", 2019
  • Melange
    Oil, resin, graphite on panel, 36 x 36", 2019
  • Kindred
    Oil, resin, and charcoal on panel, 36 x 36", 2019
  • Family Circles
    Family Circles
    Oil, resin, graphite on panel, 36 x 36", 2019
  • Generations, 1 of 5
    Generations, 1 of 5
    Graphite, oil, resin on gessoboard 36 x 36" 2020

Blends, 2015–2019

My Blends painting project began as a way to explore my multi-culturalism as a uniquely blended individual, along with the intention to collect and portray narratives from friends and acquaintances. Abstraction begins with content as the paintings develop from solicited lists and stories of real peoples’ cultural and ethnic backgrounds and experiences. The blended-ness of people creates interesting identity issues that the abstract “portraits” explore through formal investigation: colors are distinct, but layered together they become new forms, and the paintings develop as I join these parts into harmony. I explore edges where intentions slip and overlap, forming areas of rejection or incorporation, all with shimmering, saturated color and a glass-like surface that leans toward reflection. In this way, I am constructing composite “portraits” made up of colors and shapes that combine visually to create a new and complex identity. As the project progresses and I collect more stories I am seeing connection to a vast modern world history unfolding across a collection of intimate personal anecdotes. I acknowledge the voice of each individual story donor by presenting the story with the painting, only edited for grammatical consistency.

Identity in our current state of things is becoming more complex, and so I believe it is increasingly urgent to consider. To me, identity is not one- or two-dimensional, but multi-layered. Our edges are not as defined as they were even decades ago. The need to allow for openness and empathy in our relationships with others is clear when we witness closed boundaries as a root of adversity. Using my abstract visual language I aim to celebrate and value human difference, in the hope that the more we appreciate and see each other’s uniqueness, the more effectively we can relate with one another to build a better world.

The paintings in the Blends series are exhibited with the corresponding stories. (In some cases the stories presented here may show only in part due to the paragraph allotted space.)

  • Blend 23
    Blend 23
    Oil, resin, graphite on panel, 20 x 20", 2019 | "I'm half-Mexican and half-Irish… I lived in Mexico as a kid and moved [to the US] for first grade. I was back in Mexico [recently] and I ran into a woman who had not seen me since I was five years old. She watched me speaking with [my daughter and wife] in English, and blinked at me in amazement, saying, "the last time I saw you, you didn't even know *how* to speak English." It was a powerful reminder of how my life changed moving here. [My daughter] is a quarter Mexican, a quarter Polish, a quarter Irish and a quarter Scottish. When we landed in MN after being away, she saw her breath from the cold and said: "This is what home should look like." We are having very different childhoods."
  • Blend 10
    Blend 10
    Resin, oil, graphite on panel, 20 x 20", 2017 | "So I'm half Ashkenazi Jew half U.K. My father's family immigrated from ghettos in Poland and the Ukraine. There is one great great grandparent we don't know where she came from.  Breast cancer runs higher in Ashkenazi Jews, so I had some extra genetic testing done. My mother's family traced her lineage back to the Mayflower (though when I sent the information into the Mayflower Society and Daughters of the American revolution, they had no record of that lineage, and then it seemed like too big a project to pursue). There were ancestors from Northern Ireland, but protestants. I did once and it came up that there were Huguenots, Protestants from Northern France…[b]ut my mom was unaware of that..."
  • Blend 6
    Blend 6
    Oil, resin, graphite on panel, 20 x 20", 2017 | "I was born in Estonia and am a WW II refugee. My first husband and the father of my two kids, [is] half French/Luxembourg."
  • Blend 5
    Blend 5
    Oil, resin, graphite on panel, 20 x 20", 2019 | Coming from a multi-cultural, dual-religion household, where differences were often a point of contention, my latent concerns of identity and community have increasingly become the content of my artwork. As an American daughter of first generation Indian/German descent, there is a personal awareness of being different in all groups; I developed strategies of blending in, which affected my deep interest in personal identity vs. community growth, energy and bonding, group formation, group movement, and human social behavior. Abstraction serves as metaphor for this commentary on social interactions. My images explore forms as individuals of unique character, yet also as part of the collective energy of a whole, symbolically referencing how lives and relationships intersect and synchronize, self-segregate, and become interdependent. My children are a blend of Indian, German, Hungarian, Welsh and Irish.
  • Blend 7
    Blend 7
    Oil, resin, graphite on panel, 20 x20", 2017 | "Him - Native American…“Sovin” speaker - language identity. NC tribe is Saponi maybe Cherokee. Russian/Romanian/European nobles, founder of Troy including Ed. Longshanks “Brave Heart.” [B]lood children all of this + French…He has been nomadic (parents joined army). House of Israel - both religious and cultural. Symbolism [is] part of who we are."
  • Blend 27
    Blend 27
    Oil, resin, graphite on panel, 20 x 20", 2019 – "I have a really mixxxed up background: on my father's side, I am a descendant of American slaves from Africa. On my mother's side, I am descendant of immigrants from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. My paternal heritage knowledge stops in South Carolina. My maternal side knowledge is not much better, my mom is not sure if they are Polish, Russian, Czech, Slovakian or some mixture of all of that. Her mother always told her she was American and not to worry about it. My mother always told me she was Polish and Czechoslovakian as a kid but later admitted to not really being sure. ALSO, she has a rare condition called Oguchi's disease found mostly in Asia and therefore believes that one of her relatives is from the Mongolian Empire. My father also always told us we were part-Cherokee, but I have nothing to back this up and have also learned as an adult that this is a common misconception among MANY African-American families. My mother's mother also disowned her when she learned she was having a child with a black man, and never spoke to her again!!"
  • Blend 24
    Blend 24
    Oil, mixed media, and resin on board, 20 x 20″, 2019 | "I am Pakistani. I was born in Nigeria and lived there till age 12 when I moved to the United States. My Pakistani heritage includes a great great great grandfather who was Jewish and moved to India from Iran. However he was originally Syrian. He married a Mughal woman, but could not have children so he took a second wife, and my family descends from her. One of my great grandparents married a Parsi woman which was frowned upon. Another great great grandparent was a Hindu with a wife and kids who converted to Islam. His mother refused to let her daughter-in-law and grandchildren convert and move with him to Pakistan (though they were willing) so he remarried a Muslim, and again, our line descends from that second marriage. This is all on my mother’s side. On my father’s side, my grandfather was a Pathan with light skin and grey eyes. He was some sort of chief of the Indian British police in India. They lived in Pune among other places he was posted, but that is where my father and his siblings were born. They moved to Pakistan during Partition. My paternal grandmother’s family came from Saudi Arabia originally I am told. So within the area, I have a lot of different backgrounds. My son has all of these plus Swedish and Norwegian and some Northern European from his father."
  • Blend 30
    Blend 30
    Oil, resin, graphite on panel, 20 x 20", 2019 | "My kids are about one third early colonial American from both sides (with claims to the Mayflower & the DAR, and one now-controversial ancestor who was lauded a hero in her day, having led a bloody revolt against & escape from her Native American captors). The rest of our heritage is a good mix of early 20th century European immigrants, including at least one foreign navy deserter who found his way from New Orleans to Chicago, and a great grandmother from Belarus who seemed to have come to America to flee a mysterious past/possible first marriage she never divulged to anyone before dying. Some of us on my side of the family (English/Norwegian/German/Dutch) have olive skin and nobody seems to know why—I have always wondered if Viking raids played a role."
  • Blend 3
    Blend 3
    Oil, resin, graphite on wood, 20 x 20" 2017 | "I’m 97% Irish. 3% Norwegian. The Norwegians looked down on the Irish in my grandmother’s town in North Dakota. Even my mom refused to frame a photo of the pub her ancestors ran because it was still a source of shame. My kids are me + (my husband) who is a mish-mash-mutt of German, French, English, Scottish."
  • Blends installation, Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design
    Blends installation, Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design
    From “I Contain Multitudes”, Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, 2019, installation view of “Blends” paintings by Farida Hughes. Image courtesy of MIAD.

All Terrain

The over-sized watercolor painting All Terrain took 3 years to complete. The 48 x 96" watercolor on canvas painting began on the ground on the bank of the Wisconsin River in 2016, using river water to dilute the colors, and the undulations of the sand underneath the canvas to pool and direct the color. It was continued in the studio in Minneapolis and Baltimore and completed in 2019. The piece was made to be oriented in any direction. The painting portrays an aerial view of an invented world but based on familiar land and water elements, with colors and imagery suggesting a movement of people through various terrains. In keeping with the artist's  ongoing interest in human relationships, collective movement, and migration, the piece alludes to a movement of people across a varying landscape.

  • All Terrain
    All Terrain

    Watercolor on watercolor canvas, 48 x 96″, 2016-19

    Available for Purchase
  • Detail, All Terrain
    Detail, All Terrain

    Detail, All Terrain, watercolor on watercolor canvas

  • Detail 2, All Terrain
    Detail 2, All Terrain

    Detail, All Terrain, watercolor on watercolor canvas

    Available for Purchase