Work samples
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska—installation, front view.Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska—installation, front view. Influenced by contemporary long form cinema, fiction, and memoir and artists ranging from Marcel Duchamp to Laurie Anderson, Livingston’s ongoing multi-media installation includes painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, video, audio, text, and found objects. It is a work of auto-fiction that mines stories culled from the artists life.
TremorsTremors is a video collage animation with composed sound. It uses hundreds of individual frames composed in photoshop and assembled. It is a a image and sound based tone poem exploring memory and aging. The artist ha an inherited form of essential tremor. Essential tremor is a nervous system (neurological) disorder that causes involuntary and rhythmic shaking. It can affect almost any part of the body, but the trembling occurs most often in the hands. Instead of viewing it as an affliction he embraces it—videos quiver, lines shake, and his voice wavers.
As the Water Rushes Over Us —Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska. Installation detail video on canvasFalling Off the Edge of Nebraska. Installation detail. Video projected onto painting and objects. In the installation videos are used to project on paintings and shown on screens. Here a large painting with a white Les Paul guitar serves as the backdrop to a video that has single lines of poetic text that appear between moving images.
WitnessWitness is a video os a lone car burning in the night. It references a situation the artist saw in Houston in the late 1980's and that follow-up research revealed is common all across the country on a daily basis.
About Jack
Jack Livingston is an artist, educator, and writer. His writing on arts and culture is regularly published in online and print arts journals. He has taught at many colleges and universities, including Maryland Institute, University of Maryland at College Park, and Johns Hopkins University. He is currently an adjunct professor at Towson University. His work is in The Menil Collection in Houston and many individual collections nationwide.
Livingston was born in 1953 in far west… more
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska - Installation
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska is an ongoing large-scale multimedia installation that presents a fractured memoir that draws on the American West and the counter-culture experience of the past half century. The artist uses this format to exhume a rich cultural and personal history, full of revelation and myriad contradictions. Livingston grew up in the region and lived there for most of his life.
The installation includes audio, video, sound, found objects, photographs, painting, drawing, and creative writing.
Note: Many of the artist's family have an inherited form of essential tremor. Essential tremor is a neurological disorder that causes involuntary and rhythmic shaking. It can affect almost any part of the body, but the trembling occurs most often in the hands . As the artist ages, he has essential tremors. He embraces it. Throughout the work presented he retains evidence of this. Videos quiver, lines shake, paint is raked, and the sound of his voice wavers .
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska installation front view.Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska multi-media installation front view in a large gallery space.
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska installation back view.Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska multi-media installation back view.
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska installation detail, large glass.
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska installation middle view.Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska multi-media installation middle view.
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska multi-media installationFalling Off the Edge of Nebraska multi-media installation, projected video on canvas and objects.
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska - John BuffaloFalling Off the Edge of Nebraska - installation. John Buffalo painting, acrylic on canvas with objects.
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska - installation. John Buffalo.Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska - installation. John Buffalo painting—detail. Acrylic on canvas.
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska - installation detail.Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska - installation. Sound station. Found sculpture integrated with playable sound equipment.
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska - installation, floor back view.Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska - installation floor back view. Found and created sculpture and sound.
CassettesCassettes and found objects near paintings - installation detail.
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska - Installation
Included are found objects collected from the sides of highways and roads, debries from the artist's travel and his exploration of car culture. Post accident car parts, shredded rubber from tires flug off massive trucks moving at high speed, chunks of broken roadway and rebar. These readymades are full of dignity and beauty, tailmans of the everyday that often go unnoticed.
There are guitars placed throughout the exhibition with places for visitors to sit. The audience is invited to use them. Guitars were seminal to change within the counterculture of the past decades. Instruments that when electrified through amps make a massive sound— mimicking the industrial world, the war machine, the changing mechanized world. They are the most democratic of instruments. Easy to learn to play, affordable, and iconic.
The sound used on videos and in the installation is created by Livingston using avante methods including alt-tuning, feedback, and multi-tracking (influenced by new music and conceptual performance). This can be explored in real time by the artist, visitors, and by guest sound/artists who can bring their own take on the materials and the ideas presented.
Falling Off the Edge of NebraskaSmall room installation of Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska
Falling Off the Edge of NebraskaSide installation view Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska.
Sound area from installationInstallation detail. Found objects, car parts, with guitar and sound equipment.
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska - side view.Installation detail side view.
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska - installation detail.Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska - installation detail, car door, guitars, amplifiers, found objects.
Suitcase with sound equipment and counter culture magazines.Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska - installation detail. Suitcase with sound equipment and counter culture magazines.
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska - installation detail.Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska - installation detail. Amplified corner with Telecaster and Stratocaster with paints and photographs.
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska - installation detail.Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska - installation detail. Car seats, sound equipment, door, painting.
The DaughterThe Daughter - large photo print on silk organza.
RobertRobert - large format photo print on silk organza.
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska - Writing
The Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska installation includes text not only in the work and videos, but a series of short stories published together in a book of the same title. Like the exhibiton, which changes in each installation the book is published in small editions which include differing stories depending on the show.
There are future plans to publish everything together in a final book combining image and text. The stories are also recorded to audio, read by the author, and played in discreet locations within the exhibtion.
The short stories are all auto fiction based on aspects of the artists life and personal history.
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska Book CoverBook cover (front and back) for Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska
Author reading Falling Off the Edge of NebraskaAuthor reading Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska. First story from the book of text and audio that plays in the installation. When a family moves, an anxiety ridden young teenager leaves Denver and drives to Hannibal, Missouri with the wild older sister he admires.
Racing Towards DawnAuto fiction short story from Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska read by the artist. Two friends race through an overnight thousand mile drive between Denver and Chicago that have have made many times before. Their complicated lives are explored through memory and conversation.
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska - Photography
Photographs of cars in western landscapes from the multimedia installation Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska.
Driving across the region is a key motif repeated in the exhibition. The artist has photographed many areas discussed from cars throughout his life. To replicate some the key locations he was depicting, he began to use small cars and google maps to travel back to key locations. He found by placing the cars in front of screens he could capture a sense of the landscape while toying with a sense of reality and playfulness.
He also began using old slides he had taken and collected over the years, digitizing them, and producing them in large formats.
Plymouth Fury IIIPlymouth Fury III in Nebraska landscape.
Black Convertible in Western NebraskaPhoto of car in western landscape.
Chevy Impala in Nebraska StormPhotograph of Chevy Impala in Nebraska storm.
Rambler Station Wagon in NebraskaPhotograph of Rambler Station Wagon in Nebraska.
Larimer Square 1969Larimer Square 1969 - (From the window of Plymouth Fury III) - large format photograph. Larimer was an area in downtown Denver that was the skid row of the area. It is now a tourist area. It sits near the railroad line and is a place many people who lived outside the mainstream culture congregated. My friends and I spent a lot of time in the area as a child and until it's redevelopment. This is the area where Neal Cassidy, the main character of jack Kerouac's On the Road grew up.
South Platte River - 1969South Platte River - 1969 - large format photograph. L Denver, Colorado sits on banks of The South Platte River. I lived near here by Ralston Creek, one of many small tributaries that flow from the mountains into the river. There are many references to this region both in the text, and in paintings, and photographs I took before the region was developed into one big suburbia.
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska - Paintings
A part of the modules include a variety of series of paintings on paper and canvas.
These paintings take many forms. A number are dark abstractions based on what the flat western landscape of the great plains looks like at night from car windows and trains. The land rushes by, blurred in the distance, marks seen on signs and on the highway. The prairie grasses and crops fly by in magnificent patterns, broken by side roads and signage. Various animals are glimpsed. Thoughts are depicted through words scralwed on the surface.
ZepherZepher- acrylic on canvas 4' x 8'
Highway Western NightHighway Western Night, acrylic and pencil on paper 26" x 40"
Western Highway Night (Driver)Western Highway Night (Driver) - acrylic and pencil on paper 26" x 40"
Western Highway Night (Engine)Western Highway Night (Engine) - acrylic and pencil on paper. 26" x 40"
Western Highway Night (Fury)Western Highway Night (Fury) - acrylic and pencil on paper. 26" x 40".
Western Highway Night (No)Western Highway Night (No) - acrylic and pencil on paper. 26" x 40"
Western Highway Night (Passenger Window)Western Highway Night (Passenger Window) - acrylic and paper on paper. 26" x 40"
Western Highway Night (Speed)Western Highway Night (Speed) - acrylic and pencil on paper. 26" x 40"
Western Highway Night (Throttle)Western Highway Night (Throttle) - acrylic and pencil on paper. 26" x 40"
Western Highway Night (The Last Summer)Western Highway Night (The Last Summer) - acrylic and pencil on paper. 26" x 40"
Falling Off the End of Nebraska — Paintings
The Reflector Series are created silver paint and reflector micro beads enbedded in layers of clear medium. The micro beads are the type used in highway signs. They light up in bright reflection when hit by car lights. These paintings change in light as the viewer moves in front of them.
The Highway Estatic Series are painted with industrial yellow highways paint. They depict images drawn from the figurative style of highway signs to depict singular persons in various states of “being” and “ecstatic experience”. Elsewhere the same figures crop up as ciphers within landscapes.
The Car Series are a number of large paintings of automobiles that are are similar to those once owned by the artist over his life, all reference in text and elesewhere in the exhibition. These painting are often combined with objects and some are used to project video on.
ReflectorReflector - silver spray paint, micro-reflector beads. clear acrylic medium. 20 " x 48" From a series.
Falling ManFalling Man - Highway Ecstatics Series. Industrial yellow highways paint and acrylic on paper 38" x 50" This series depicts images drawn from the figurative style of highway signs and depict people in various states of “being” and “ecstatic experience”.
Struck - Highway EcstaticStruck - Highway Ecstatics Series. Industrial yellow highways paint and acrylic on paper 38" x 50" This series depicts images drawn from the figurative style of highway signs and depict people in various states of “being” and “ecstatic experience”.
Run - Highway EcstaticRun - Highway Ecstatics Series. Industrial yellow highways paint and acrylic on paper 38" x 50" This series depicts images drawn from the figurative style of highway signs and depict people in various states of “being” and “ecstatic experience”.
Stop - Highway EcstaticStop — Highway Ecstatics Series. Industrial yellow highways paint and acrylic on paper 38" x 50" This series depicts images drawn from the figurative style of highway signs and depict people in various states of “being” and “ecstatic experience”.
Plymouth Fury / Airline GuitarPlymouth Fury / Airline Guitar - combine painting. acrylic on canvas with charcoal and found object. 6' x 6'
Chevy ImpalaChevy Impala - acrylic and charcoal on canvas 6' x 6'.
Falling Off the Edge of Nebraska - Video
WitnessWitness is a video os a lone car burning in the night. It references a situation the artist saw in Houston in the late 1980's and that follow-up research revealed is common all across the country on a daily basis.
TREMORSTremors is a video collage animation with composed sound. It uses hundreds of individual frames composed in photoshop and assembled. It is a a image and sound based tone poem exploring memory and aging. The artist ha an inherited form of essential tremor. Essential tremor is a nervous system (neurological) disorder that causes involuntary and rhythmic shaking. It can affect almost any part of the body, but the trembling occurs most often in the hands. Instead of viewing it as an affliction he embraces it—videos quiver, lines shake, and his voice wavers.
First WedShort video that include super eight mm film, high definition video, text, and sound created with the instruments that are included in the installation. The artist collects old super eight mm film. He relates to era most depict and culls them for scenes. Here a early 60's wedding is combined with present era video taken from cameras mounted on his car.
Some Kind of RiverShort video poetic collage made from video and images shot by others and sent to the artist, along with found images, text, and sound. It is based upon the story of a woman as she returns to her home town near Chicago after leaving decades before as soon as her children were grown.
What Love Does to Us - Drawings
Ink and Graphite Drawings on Yupo paper - created 2025
A series of experimental "drawings" using alcohol flows with powdered graphite and ink on Yupo paper. The intent is to pursue beauty and the sublime (often traits frowned upon as insubstantial or too "feminine" in the art world) while relinquishing control over the traditional image-making processes.
Graphite, ink, and alcohol on Yupo paper
14" x 11"
Graphite, ink, and alcohol on Yupo paper
14" x 11"
2025 -
dear, dear, dear
Graphite, ink, and alcohol on Yupo paper
14" x 11"
2025 -
Graphite, ink, and alcohol on Yupo paper
14" x 11"
2025 -
Graphite, ink, and alcohol on Yupo paper
14" x 11"
2025 -
The Longing In Between
Graphite, ink, and alcohol on Yupo paper
14" x 11"
2025 -
It Was Hers First
Graphite, ink, and alcohol on Yupo paper
14" x 11"
Swimmers In the Sunrise More than Twice - Painting
Series of small gouache paintings.
By using differing forms of application, this series of diminutive paintings uses traditional media on paper to investigate and challenge old structures and forms of my art-making practice. Set out on a table in the kitchen of my home, work was created in "first thought-best thought" meditative mode as I pursued creative writing as a separate practice.
Gouache on paper
11" x 15" -
Gouache on paper
11" x 15" -
Gouache on paper
11" x 15" -
If I Fell
Gouache on paper
11" x 15" -
Gouache on paper
11" x 15" -
Like Light Sound or Language
Gouache on paper
11" x 15" -
Smoke Is Another Elder
Gouache on paper
11" x 15" -
My Creek
Gouache on paper
11" x 15" -
Gouache on paper
11" x 15" -
Caroline No
Gouache on paper
11" x 15"
Glitterati Chesapeake Rodeo
Small Mixed Media Paintings 2020
This series delved into the playfully existential notion of being through the use of various unusual mismatched materials and found objects.
The Last Time (loves gone again)
Acrylic and collage material on wood
10" x 10"
St Steven (causes go haywire)
Acrylic and collage material on wood
10" x 10" -
Gold Rush Tonia
Acrylic and collage material on wood
34" x 12" -
Another Son Embedded
Acrylic and cloth collage material on canvas
10" x 12" -
Stand Into This Way
Acrylic and collage material on wood
10" x 15" -
Up Here the Thin Air Slips By
Acrylic and collage material on canvas
10" x 10" -
Mercy Street
Acrylic on wood
5 panels of 4"x4" -
Kansas City Wicked Love
Acrylic and collage material on wood 23" x 12"
Nearness of Evermore Clearly
Acrylic on wood
4" x 4"
Roses Lit
Acrylic and fabric on canvas
8" x 10"