Work samples
"B-Side Man"
"B-Side Man"
Through an extended monologue, an African-American man reflects on growing up black but not angry, his life as a playwright, a short-lived exotic dancing experience, and his free-thinking liberal arts background. Ultimately it’s his transformation from “singular satellite” to married man that forces him to face the challenge of continuing to write, or abandoning his creative journey. Personal tragedy is just one of the elements that declares individuality may not be the end-all-be-all it’s cracked up to be.
“B-Side Man” is a coming-of-age journey that explores what it means to grow up with views that run against the prevailing cultural, racial and artistic tides.
Opening Night at True Colors Theatre, Atlanta, GA.
Opening night at TRUE COLORS theatre in Atlanta, GA. The applause knocked me over. This was the tail end of it, and what can I say. It was, as they say, "all that."
Here's some more perspective from my blog:
The play was done 30 some years ago in Atlanta. That's a helluva long time, and from my perspective it gave me a sense of legacy. I don't know what else to call it.
Vivisections at the Goodman.jpg
There were a few productions of "Vivisections" that I didn't get to see. This was part of a black theater festival. Clinton Turner Davis directed "That Serious He-Man Ball" at American Place Theatre in NYC. And, he also did the same for "Vivisections" in DC. and Atlanta.
About Alonzo
Alonzo LaMont, Jr. Playwright/
I've been writing plays all my adult life, and am proud of what I've been able to achieve. Outside my own personal journey, I've collaborated with outside organizations (Veteran's organizations, senior citizens) to produce work that's brought me a unique sense of fulfillment. I like to think this amplified my own work, and given me valuable internal resources --- (insert laughter) --- if you're a playwright you… more
"Vivisections From The Blown Mind"
Excerpt from Vivisections 2024.pdf
"Vivisections" Synopsis
The time is the early 1990’s and “Castro” is the biggest Rap Star in the world. At a major press conference, Castro announces he’s waiting for someone to ask him THEE QUESTION that forces him to blow his brains out.
Later, he confronts his agent, and former lover, Angelique, who doesn’t know if his actions were a stunt or a cry for help.
Goliath Ardsberry, a interviewer for “Mocha Metropolitan” a black celebrity fan magazine, arrives for an interview, but as the evening unfolds he forces Castro to confront the racial legacy he’s leaving behind.
Vivisections From The Blown Mind in Atlanta
"Telling Baltimore" --- The Telling Project
I was Director and contributing writer for "Telling: Baltimore" The Telling Project is a national arts organization dedicated to giving veterans an artistic format to detail and describe their experiences. After our performance at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, we negotiated with Center Stage to have a performance there also. We rehearsed for months with a cast of 9 and for many it was the first time their family had heard their stories, their private thoughts and the entire range of their experiences. Easily the most rewarding dramatic journey I'd ever had.
"Telling Baltimore" (2014)
My cast for "Telling Baltimore" religiously drove DURING RUSH HOURS from DC, Virginia and the outer regions of Maryland to Hopkins east Baltimore campus to rehearse at Hopkins east Baltimore campus. They wanted to get their veteran's story out there, and they wanted it to be right. I could never be exhausted because they were putting so much into the whole experience.
Telling Baltimore at Center Stage
We also did several other performances in DC and Maryland. We became a Veterans's touring company for several years.
"Masters of Spin"
"Master's of Spin" was based on an event that happened at a local university. The university had recruited a public relations firm to raise the campus profile through a series of psa commercials. But something went askew.
BALTIMORE BOUND Gratitude Monologue.pdf
In 2021, I was part of a six-week series of monologues with the theme of gratitude. After the experience of writing and listening I think everyone who participated came away with an even greater sense of gratitude in their lives. I know I did. I loved diving into the theme on such a personal level. At first I didn't know how I'd approach the theme, but with time I found my voice for it. When it was over I had such a respect for being able to contribute something that would resonate....
A small African-American public relations firm launches a series of Public Service Announcements for a historically black local college. Unfortunately, the firm has included highly inflammatory language advertising the PSA’s. As the firm is “exposed”, we see an internal conflict that extends across generational as well as cultural boundaries. Ultimately, the “Masters Of Spin” must find a new direction.
Marsh International SOLO FEST (2022)
Another "B-Side Man" performance, 2000. During Covid, Zoom became a life-saver. Especially for solo shows. In case you missed the synopsis:
Through an extended monologue, an African-American man reflects on growing up black but not angry, his life as a playwright, a short-lived exotic dancing experience, and his free-thinking liberal arts background. Ultimately it’s his transformation from “singular satellite” to married man that forces him to face the challenge of continuing to write, or abandoning his creative journey. Personal tragedy is just one of the elements that declares individuality may not be the end-all-be-all it’s cracked up to be.
“B-Side Man” is a coming-of-age journey that explores what it means to grow up with views that run against the prevailing cultural, racial and artistic tides.
Vivisections From The Blown Mind at the Goodman in Chicago, 1994-1995
Directed by Chuck Smith, and it seems so VERY long ago. But love that "Vivisections" showed out in Chi-Town. Don't believe there's ever been a play about a rap star having a nervous breakdown. People thought it was a play with rap. It was a play about a rapper with, as I like to think, "classic undertones" to something darker.
"Exposed To Strangers"
A married middle-aged librarian, Odysseus, decides to send letters to a “famously” imprisoned middle-school teacher who had a controversial affair with a teenage student of hers. The controversy evolved into a full-scale tabloid media spectacle, and drew national outrage. Ultimately, the teacher was found guilty of sex with a minor. Though Odysseus writes letters, he’s never received one in return. Till one day a letter arrives, much to the surprise of his wife.
Inside Hopkins comments on my "East Side Story" Project
Inside Hopkins Article copy.pdf
I worked with the Afro (African-American), the Welch Medical Library (Johns Hopkins east baltimore), and the Gado Project to produce a dramatic presentation. I used outside actors, and the purpose of the project was to show the connections between Johns Hopkins and the east Baltimore community. At the time I was a communications specialist with the Library, but thought this was an invaluable connection that was worth the investment.
The Ensemble Theatre of Houston
I was asked to reflect on "GRACE" for a project with Peter Bruun. He was creating a multi-media showcase. I'd worked with Peter for several years with the New Day Campaign.
Baltimore Magazine
I was thrilled having Baltimore Magazine giving me a platform to describe my challenges as a local Playwright. I think they hit the nail on the head. And, when you read the comments from the Center Stage at the end ---- I think it makes them come up a little small.
Baltimore Magazine
A few years back (maybe decades?). Baltimore Magazine gave me some nice "space". The response from the Center Stage (final sentences) in this interview gave me the absolute motivation to move forward.
I've performed "B-Side Man" a number of times. This was with the Baltimore Fringe Festival.
The reviewer just stopped in for excerpts from a variety of Fringe Festival performances. He seemed to like mine.
A Preview of the Baltimore Fringe Fest by Andrew Sargus Klein
"After back to back preview nights for the Charm City Fringe Festival, I found myself wishing for more such performances (in general, not just for the Fringe Festival).
There’s a certain looseness and camaraderie that comes when a half-dozen casts are crammed into one ill-fitting venue and asked to perform a small slice of a larger work. Lines are bobbled, sets are broken, and audience participation is pretty much always on the table. It’s a low stakes accessibility, and it works. The price of good, informal cheer was a lack of nuance and subtlety.
Since the productions picked their most crowd-friendly scenes to present at Joe Squared and Mercury Theatre, it’s difficult to plot the emotional spectrum of this year’s lineup. As such, it’s also difficult to pinpoint which productions are can’t-misses and which ones are a hard pass
It was clear enough that humor and accessibility are two of the more dominant themes at this year’s Fringe. I didn’t mind that I saw Alonso Lamont Jr. perform the same piece of his one-man show on both preview nights; B-Side Man, which centers on Lamont’s “journeys, transformations, segues, stories, love, loss, [and] dark days,” was a hit with both crowds.
Lamont described life as an African-American man in 1970s Iowa City—specifically, dancing to Aerosmith wearing nothing but a red thong and cowboy boots. There’s an immediacy to his storytelling and a genuine warmth of character that comes with it."
Me and part of "Zulu Fits" cast at lunch
Zulu Fits Synopsis:
2 teenage girls (sisters), NeeCee & Giselle, run a website called
“The Blow-Up Sistas”. They decide to kidnap a former black power
advocate, Jersey Jack Black, from prison. The sisters and their mom and
dad have recently moved into a home with a “slavery background,” yet
there is little interest on the part of anyone in the household to pursue
this particular history, even though the girls are haunted by elements of
past evils contained in the legacy of their house. The new family home
was the center of a profitable slave-kidnapping business belonging to
Patty Cannon (true), and the mystery of the Fits ultimately intrudes into
the more ‘contemporary’ business NeeCee & Giselle set as their
revolutionary goal.
However as they grow closer to actually “springing” Jack from
prison, the girls and their male cohort fall victim to a series of
uncontrollable Fits (seizures). Jersey Jack, too, has intimate knowledge
of the Fits and he’s known of their existence for quite some time. When
the Blow-Up Sistas finally reach Jersey Jack, his past, their present and
the mystery of Zulu Fits all converge. Past secrets are revealed and
present motivations are unmasked. Ultimately a new fiction is created
surrounding the revolutionary spirit NeeCee and Giselle singlehandedly
try to re-create.