Work samples
"Church Hat" Animated Stop Motion Short Film
"Church Hat" is an animated short film based on the children's book of the same name, written by Deb Williams. For this project I am the director and animator. The animation is stop motion, using 2 Dimensional Paper Puppets. Sheryl Lee Ralph plays the mother on this project, and I had the pleasure of directing her Voice performance at the world famous Margarita Mix Sound Studio in Los Angeles. This project also received funding through Saul Zaentz, where I was able to attend the Producer Lab.
For each shot, the background, the foreground, each separate character is animated separately, with the puppets being moved after each frame, and then the separate layers composited.
"Heart Attack" Stop Motion, Animated Short Film
This still is from the stop motion animation, "Heart Attack." This is a short film which uses the song "Heart Attack" as its score, by Massive Dad Man. This short is a modern adaptation of Plato's The Allegory of the Cave, illustrating how social media can be the evolution of Plato's Concept. This sequence, depicted in the image, is the most literal representation of Plato's Allegory, and pulls together the shots of The Average Man in the goggles and the treadmill to solidify the idea of "The Average Man" receiving their reality.
"Deeper" Animated Stop Motion Short Film
"Deeper" is an animated stop motion short film. The stop motion is made of 2D Paper Puppets that are shot in layers and composited. In this particular short, we study how methods of technology affect communication, relationships, and expectations. The film focuses on three characters, and places them in different time periods over a hundred years, and explore how their relationship might be different when subjected to the rules of that year.
"The Star in the Mirror" short clip from film
"The Star in the Mirror" premiered at the 2021 Maryland Film Festival and was funded through a successful crowdfunding campaign. This film stars Emmy Harrington, a successful stand up and sketch comic, who has been seen in a number of Sudance films, and on HBO, CBS, etc., including The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Three Women, and Jessica Jones.
Brief Synopsis: Harold invites a music promoter, Brigit, to his house under the pretense of a blind date. He then tries to force his music on her. Harold responds poorly when she shows no interest.
About Miceal

Miceál recently had the opportunity to direct Emmy Winning Actress, Sheryl Lee Ralph at the Margarita Mix Hollywood sound stage for the animated short film, "Church Hat", a recipient of funding from Saul Zaentz, where Miceal got to attend the Producer Lab. He also recently Produced the feature film, "Little Doors," which is currently in post production, with fellow Producers Graham Mason and Lexi Tannenholtz (who are Producer alumni at Sundance, Cannes, SXSW, etc.) and Eric Cotten.
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Church Hat - Animated Short Film
"Church Hat" is an animated short film based on the children's book of the same name, written by Deb Williams. For this project I am the director and animator. The animation is stop motion, using 2 Dimensional Paper Puppets. Sheryl Lee Ralph plays the mother on this project, and I had the pleasure of directing her Voice performance at the world famous Margarita Mix Sound Studio in Los Angeles. This project also received funding through Saul Zaentz, where I was able to attend the Producer Lab.
"Church Hat" Animated Short Film
This is a clip from the animated short film, "Church Hat." This is a 2D paper puppet, stop motion animation. This is temp sound and a temp score.
Overwhelmed by Magic - Church Hat
This is a still from the stop motion animated short film, "Church Hat," based on the children's book of the same name. In this clip, Quentin establishes the magic of his mother's clothes closet, specifically the rows of Church Hats.
The Dance
This is a still from the stop motion animated short film, "Church Hat," based on the children's book of the same name. In this clip, Quentin tries on his mother's hat and is moved to dance.
What's Behind the Boxes
This is a still from the stop motion animated short film, "Church Hat," based on the children's book of the same name. In this clip, Quentin slides the hat boxes out of the way to get to the Easter hat, perched on a hat rack.
The Door Left Unguarded
This is a still from the stop motion animated short film, "Church Hat," based on the children's book of the same name. In this clip, Quentin enters his mother's room, thinking he has been left alone. He then raids her closet.
This is a still from the stop motion animated short film, "Church Hat," based on the children's book of the same name. In this clip, Quentin thinks about his mother, and remembers her hat being so large that it blocked the sun.
"Heart Attack" Stop Motion Animation
"Heart Attack" is a stop motion animation, made from 2D paper puppets. It features music by Massive Man Dad, and explores Plato's Allegory of the Cave, with the Cave represented through the digital lens, rather than shadows on a cave wall.
The Allegory of the Cave
This still is from the stop motion animation, "Heart Attack," and is the most literal representation from Plato's Allegory of the Cave, which inspired this short. This sequence pulls together the shots of the goggles and the treadmill to solidify the idea of "The Average Man" receiving their reality.
The Maestro Works
This still is from the stop motion animated short film, "Heart Attack." In this shot, The Maestro is deep in the flow of his art, orchestrating reality.
The Treadmill
This is a still from the animated stop motion short film, "Heart Attack." This is the Average Man on the treadmill provided by the Maestro, and with the goggles and the feed provided by the Maestro.
The Maestro Has a Vision
This is a still from the animated stop motion short film, "Heart Attack." This moment is the vision of the Maestro, before he goes to work on how to create the reality for The Average Man.
This is a still from the animated stop motion short film, "Heart Attack." In this still we see the life The Average Man sees reflected back at him.
Deeper is a stop motion animated short film that spans the course of 100 years. The film focuses on the representation of three characters in different eras. Deeper has fun hypothesizing on how technology affects their relationships, communication, and expectations.
Stop Motion Animation - Paper Puppet Highlight reel
This is a Stop Motion Reel, using all 2D Paper Puppets. Many of the clips are from "Deeper."
The Library
Liam eyes the cell phone, skeptical.
Production still.jpgCindy and Ron spend quality time together.
The Plane
This is a still from the stop motion animation, "Deeper," made with 2D Paper Puppets. The Opening of "Deeper" introduces us to the beginning of flight, and "closing distances" between people.
Deeper Connection
In "Deeper", the stop motion animation, this is the first couple we meet, who interact without any technological filter.
Man Cannot Live Without Phone
This Short film explores a person who is desperate for the endorphins sourced in the Pings from the phone. He desperately takes selfies to prompt likes and approvels. Man Cannot Live Without Phone premiered at the 2022 Maryland Film Festival.
"Man Cannot Live Without Phone" Poster
One's Image is built from the outside in.
Maybe Love is Found in the PaperOur hero searches through the personal section of the paper. Or rather, he scrolls through a dating app.
Man Cannot Live Without PhoneThis is the full movie, Man Cannot Live Without Phone, where our character struggles to connect to the outside world through antiquated selfies and social media. Through this, we explore how the idea of the photo has changed from the analog cameras to the phone.
The Star in the Mirror
"The Star in the Mirror" premiered at the 2021 Maryland Film Festival and was funded through a successful crowdfunding campaign. This film stars Emmy Harrington, a successful stand up and sketch comic, who has been seen in a number of Sudance films, and on HBO, CBS, etc., including The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Three Women, and Jessica Jones.
Brief Synopsis: Harold invites a music promoter, Brigit, to his house under the pretense of a blind date. He then tries to force his music on her. Harold responds poorly when she shows no interest.
"The Star in the Mirror" short clip from filmThis is a clip from the short film, "The Star in the Mirror," which premiered at the 2021 Maryland Film Festival. The film stars Emmy Harrington, Jake McMichael, Vera Takemoto, Chad Smith, Alina Smith, Ada Smith, and Eileen O'Donnell. Cinematographer - Lauren Scott Producer - Eileen O'Donnell Score - Rick Szybowski
Jake McMichael - The Mirror Tells the Truth
Harold, played by Jake McMichael, stares in the mirror, preparing for his date, and his future.
Santa's Little Helper
The elf, played by Vera Takemoto, comes to enforce Santa's naughty or nice list. She's been watching and is ready to cast judgement.
She Thought This Was a Date
Brigit, played by Emmy Harrington, thinks she is on a date, not realizing Harold is about to pitch his new song. He has been following her, and knows that she can land him a career.
The Edwards Family Knows How to Have Fun
The cast of everyone's favorite show, "The Star in the Mirror." This show is always on, and drives the irritable Harold nuts. But it's Brigit's favorite show? The mischievous elf knows this, and sends Harold into the world of the show, after getting inside his mind.
009 OTS - Emmy Harrington.pngBrigit becomes suspicious.
010 Jake aka Harold CU - kitchen.pngHarold tries to deal with her lack of interest in his song.
015 Emmy Harrington - looking down.pngBrigit realizes that she has just been played.
Blue Light: Haunt My Dreams
"Blue Light - Haunt My Dreams" clipIn 1957 Mildred Sullivan takes a surreal trip, skipping through time. Here, among other things, she sees herself as a child and becomes self-conscious, questioning whether or not she has lived up to her childhood expectations. This film was made for Charm City Fringe's Nights on the Fringe, where staged actors in the audience acted across from the screen. We filmed the live performance, and then cut the two together.
Eileen_at_Magic_Disco.jpgEileen O'Donnell as Mildred, trapped in a disco party that materialized in her living room.
Eileen_ODonnell_hides.jpgMildred hides in the closet, hoping that reality has the ability to autocorrect.
Jessie_Pinnick.jpgJessie Pinnick, as Peggy Sullivan, imagines a life free of the obligations her Aunt Mildred happily suffers through.
Wild_Lines.jpgBaltimore actors Leesa Ashley, Eric Cotten, and Alina Smith record wild lines after their performance at Nights on the Fringe.
Penny_Takemoto.jpgThis young actress plays Mildred as a five year old. With the merging timelines, Mildred gets to walk in and witness the happiness she felt as a child.
Mhairi_Cameron.jpgMildred hears a seraphic voice echoing through the house, and finds a teenager resembling a younger version of herself.
Zach_Brown_and_Zoe_Irving.jpgThe first unwanted ghosts to flash into Mildred's living room are from Mildred's distant future. Played by Zach Brown and Zoe Irving.
Blue Light - Haunt My Dreams.jpg
Blue Light - Web Series
Blue Light has been written about in several online magazines, including Tubefilter, and has recently won "best creative direction" at the BNM Web Fest.
BL Poster Sep 2018 2.png
Blue Light Still with knife.jpgMildred first hears noises coming from the living room.
Blue Light - web series - Episode 1This was a collaboration between the Baltimore Filmmakers Collective, writer director Miceal O'Donnell and students of his acting class. Blue Light is a psychological study of one woman's experience in a "Twighlight Zone-ish" world. Created for the Charm City Fringe Festival.
Blue Light - Web Series - Episode 2Episode 2 of the web series, Blue Light.
Blue Light - Web Series - Episode 3Episode three from the web series, Blue Light.
Blue Light - Web Series - Episode 4Episode Four from the web series, Blue Light.
Blue Light - web series - Episode 5Episode Five from the web series Blue Light.
Blue Light - Web Series - Episode 6Final episode from the first season of Blue Light.
Blue Light Web Poster.jpgPoster for Blue Light - Web Series
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Thematically, the film explores how one's life can turn when emotional intelligence or impulse dictates one's actions in the face of conflict - emotion versus the intellect.
Logline: After release from prison, Billy has one chance for a new life. Caught between a sea of violence and his own demeanor, can he escape?
img_1799.jpgActors Brian Anthony Wilson and Arnold Y. Kim. Photo by Miceal Og O'Donnell.
img_1339.jpgActor Ivans Theo, Tommy Vita, and Claire Ganshert. Photo by Miceal Og O'Donnell.
img_1281.jpgActor Claire Ganshert in background, cinematographer Bruno Doria in foreground. Photo by Miceal Og O'Donnell.
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea - trailer
billy.pngActor Tommy Vita as Billy. Production still by Bruno Doria.
billy-sadie.pngActors Tommy Vita and Claire Ganshert. Production Still by Eileen O'Donnell.
billy-sadie-2.pngActor Claire Ganshert. Production Still by Bruno Doria.
img_1393corrected.jpgActors Ivans Theo and Tommy Vita. Photo by Miceal Og O'Donnell.
audax/viator (detail of view 2)Actors Tommy Vita and Claire Ganshert. Photo by Bruno Doria.
Dante and Minnie
Dante and Minnie is the story of two young homeless people. Minnie is trying to escape life on the streets, while Dante is trying to escape the real world by retreating to the streets. They fell in love as their paths crossed, but now they struggle as they each try to push the other in the direction they are headed.
crew-surrounding-car.jpgCinematographer Bruno Doria, actor Tommy Vita. Photo by Miceal Og O'Donnell.
crew-w-d-and-m.jpgCrew and lead cast of Dante and Minnie (sound Raul Doria, Producer Todd Ritondaro, Actor Lauren Allen, Production Manager Alex Payne, Actor Tommy Vita, Cinematographer Bruno Doria.) Photo by Miceal Og O'Donnell.
dm-poster-lower-res.jpgPoster by Bruno Doria.
Dante and Minnie Trailer
2-shot-cu-through-glass-2.jpgActors Tomm Vita and Lauren Allen. Photo by Miceal Og O'Donnell.
again.jpgActor Holly Ladnier as Cynthia. Photo by Miceal Og O'Donnell.
bruno-and-delia.jpgBruno Doria, cinematographer in back seat, Actor Delia Bennett in front seat. Photo by Miceal Og O'Donnell.
bruno-in-car-waiting.jpgCinematographer Bruno Doria in back seat. Photo by Miceal Og O'Donnell.
The Victory Lounge
Thematically, the film deals with characters who are caught up with competing to project a false image of themselves to the world to deal with a deep torturing insecurity. The Victory Lounge is a dark comedy that often reaches into exploitation in its attempt to share the characters' humiliations with the audience.
holly-2.jpgActor Holly Ladnier in The Victory Lounge. Production still by Miceal Og O'Donnell.
The Victory Lounge - first trailer
belinda-2.jpgActor Elizabeth Ervin as Belinda in The Victory Lounge. Production still by Miceal Og O'Donnell.
belinda.jpgActor Elizabeth Ervin as Belinda in The Victory Lounge. Production still by Miceal Og O'Donnell.
HollyActor Holly Ladnier in The Victory Lounge. Production still by Miceal Og O'Donnell.
girls.jpgActors Rebecca Laborde, Tommy Vita, Rebecca Barras, Samantha Sitzman, and Lauren Allen in The Victory Lounge during Sid's fantasy sequence. Production Still by Miceal Og O'Donnell.