Work samples
Everything Is Canceled
This is a song/video from Darsombra's 2023 album, "Dumesday Book". The video was directed, shot, and edited by Ann Everton--full credits in the YouTube video description. The video is part of a longer video work to accompany "Dumesday Book"; ostensibly, a feature film, to be released in either 2025 or 2026.
This song/video, "Everything Is Canceled" represents the feelings of late March, 2020. It was storyboarded by Ann in a dream in 2023, and filmed in 2024 on location at the Cloisters Castle in Lutherville, MD (the site of Ann's first job as a teenager), as well as various castles around the UK and EU while Darsombra toured there in spring 2024. -
Still from "Shelter In Place", 2024
A still from my 2023 video to Darsombra's song "Shelter In Place", from the album/upcoming film "Dumesday Book". The imagery in the 3-minute video represents the feeling of the ides of March, 2020. You can watch the video: here
Still from "Gibbet Lore", 2023
A still from my 2023 video to our Darsombra song, "Gibbet Lore", from the album/upcoming film "Dumesday Book". A gibbet is a metal, human-size cage that hangs on a gallows outside of town, containing a living or dead body, to let passerby know: fuck around and find out! A cruel punishment, outmoded for sure. This was many hundreds of years ago. But I do wonder what people will think of us in 300 years? So this is a video about the follies of man during a plague, and reflects our experience of early 2021, pre-vaccination.
"History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of man." Blue Öyster Cult
You can see the 8 minute video: here
"Harvest Moon" by Air (with characters of Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse), 2001
This is some of my long-ago unsolicited urban mural work, on a long-destroyed tennis court in East Baltimore. I painted this alone one October afternoon in can see the tools of the trade in the lower right of the picture. I surrounded my piece (this was when I wrote Air) with images of Ignatz Mouse throwing a brick at Krazy Kat (from an old cartoon by George Herriman). The mouse represents the graffiti world, and the cat represents me. The brick represents a brick.
(In "Krazy Kat", Krazy Kat is in love with Ignatz Mouse, who throws bricks at him/her/it?)
About Ann

Ann Everton is a filmmaker and musician working from West Baltimore. Though she has been making video art since the late '90s, her current project is being part of the band Darsombra, with musician Brian Daniloski. In Darsombra, Ann plays synthesizer, percussion, and sings, but she's best known for creating videos to the band's long-format, cinematic music. Her process includes conceptualizing, directing, filming, editing, and producing said videos and projecting them live on… more
Dumesday Book
"Dumesday Book" is a 2023 album by my band, Darsombra. I'm currently working on a feature film to visually accompany the album, which is about Darsombra's experience of the pandemic from mid-march of 2020 until May of 2021. As of January 2025, the project is 60% complete; you can see scenes from the film at Darsombra's YouTube page, or here.
The album itself is available to purchase on LP, CD, or cassette format, from .
Cover to "Dumesday Book"
This is the cover to Darsombra's 2023 album, "Dumesday Book". Image by Ann Everton.
Available for PurchaseYou can purchase this album on LP, CD, or cassette at .
Shelter In Place
The opening track/video to "Dumesday Book", "Shelter In Place" visualizes an unknown fear of a feeling unprecedented in my lifetime but known deep in the collective human ancestral awareness: plague times have arrived. It's a representation of mid-March, 2020.
Call The Doctor
This scene from "Dumesday Book" represents that manic freedom many felt in mid-March, 2020, when they no longer had to go to work. Although anxiety was high, so was self-determined revelry--a strange sense of freedom and potential for an unprecedented future could bring about a veneer of optimism and energy.
Everything Is Canceled
This video was storyboarded in a dream in 2023. It represents the harsh acceptance of a shut-down world in late March-early April of 2020.
This video represents mid-to-late summer of 2020, when many found the garden and gardening to be a healing entity.
Gibbet Lore
Plague mania causes the population to resort to folk remedies and feasts of fools. There is mistrust of conventional Western medical knowledge, just as vaccines begin rolling out. This is a visual/sonic representation of the early months of 2021.
Transmission, 2019
"Transmission" is a 43-minute film to Darsombra's 2019 album of the same name. The music was produced in collaboration with Brian Daniloski in our band Darsombra--it took us five years to finish the album (which is one 43-minute song), and it took me two years to shoot, edit, and release the film.
The music and images tell a story whose meaning is subjective to the viewer, but I like to think of it as a sonic and visual meditation on various cultural approaches to death and dying, including ideas of the afterlife, hell, heaven, and reincarnation.
Bill Murray Life Lessons, 2009-2011
This was a project in filmmaking I started in March of 2009 (my last project pre-Darsombra), because I felt creatively stuck. I decided I needed to increase my skill as a filmmaker, so began making reenactments of scenes from Hollywood movies--specifically, scenes in which Bill Murray seemed to be imparting some sort of "life lesson". I followed Murray's career, chronologically, starting with "Meatballs" (1979) and working my way all the way through "Kingpin" (1996). I stopped working on the project in November of 2011 for two reasons: first, I had joined Darsombra as a video artist and projectionist at this point and had my time occupied by that, and second, I couldn't find an appropriate life lesson in Murray's next film after "Kingpin", "Space Jam" (1996). Perhaps I'll return to this project one day.
Bill Murray Life Lessons, Vol. 1: Meatballs
My first video in this project. Fun with green screen.
Bill Murray Life Lessons, Vol. 5: Stripes
Filmed in Wyman Park, Baltimore--also, my first creative collaboration with Brian Daniloski of Darsombra, who provided sound design.
Bill Murray Life Lessons, Vol. 7: Ghostbusters
Filmed on location at Columbia University, NY--where the original scene was filmed.
Bill Murray Life Lessons, Vol. 9: Little Shop of Horrors
Filmed at my then-job, after hours, starring one of my co-workers at the time, Nikki Smith-Diamantopoulos. A lot of this project fell under the category of "if there's a will, there's a way".
Bill Murray Life Lessons, Vol. 10: Scrooged
Filmed at the Creative Alliance, Baltimore, MD.
Bill Murray Life Lessons, Vol. 13: What About Bob?
Bill Murray Life Lessons, Vol. 15: Ed Wood
Filmed at local Baltimore art legend Dan Van Allen's house.
Bill Murray Life Lessons, Vol. 16: Kingpin
Filmed at Taylor's Duckpin Bowling just north of Baltimore City--a place of countless childhood birthday parties for me and my friends so long ago. Later, in high school, I got to do an after-school intramural class there and suddenly got really good at duckpin bowling. I would watch the employees play--they would literally throw the balls down the lane! But Taylor's is still here, after all these years, which brings me pleasure as the city and area around it has changed a lot since my childhood. The Bill Murray Life Lesson project was as much about practicing filmmaking for me as it was about documenting my world here in Baltimore (and beyond).