Work samples

  • Elixir.jpg

    We are a magical mixture of humanity. Our brilliance, resilience, and perseverance are the essential fibers of our existence. We are every human's ancestor. "Elixir", acrylic and canvas scraps, on canvas, 48" x 48"

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  • Meaning

    Meaning, acrylic and ink on canvas, 30"h x 40"w image, 34.5"h x 44.5"w framed, 2024

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  • Eulogy_2.jpg

    Eulogy, acrylic and ink on canvas, 48"h x 60"w,  2024

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  • The Gift of Legacy.jpg
    The Gift of Legacy.jpg

    A Gift of Legacy, acrylic,  ink, and paper on canvas, 36"x 36", 2024

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About Alma

Alma Roberts StudioAlma Roberts is a second generation abstract expressionist painter who "paints her way through life" with vivid abstractions rich in passion, history, and the stories she has lived. She is a rising talent despite having celebrated her 75th birthday in… more

Heads and Bodies

While I identify myself as an Abstract Expressionist painter, some of my early works were bodiless heads and headless bodies. These works express my emotions, my social consciousness, and document my commentary on a host of issues, but they are indeed figurative.

  • Those Masked and Sacred
    Those Masked and Sacred

    Those Masked and Sacred pays tribute to those on the front lines of the COVID pandemic fighting for lives while theirs were in jeopardy. Acrylic on canvas, 30" x 40", 2020

  • Beautiful Heart
    Beautiful Heart

    Acrylic on canvas, 18" x 24", 2015

  • Driven to Madness
    Driven to Madness

    "Driven to Madness"  We all walk a razor's edge between sanity and functional madness. This is my depiction of what I imagine it would look like if it got to be true madness. The eyes say it all. The painting is acrylic on canvas, 20" x 20", 2016

  • Woke

    Woke. Despite my age, I remain woke to social activism. I desire to do so until I can't. I must hold hope that things can be different and better. Acrylic on canvas, 24" x 24", 2017

  • Two Spirit
    Two Spirit

    Two Spirit is the term Indigenous people use to describe individuals who display both male and female demeanors. These are revered individuals in the Indigenous Cultures. Acrylic on canvas, 30" h x 24" w, 2016

  • Deconstruct.jpg

    Deconstruct, acrylic on canvas, 24" x 24", 2022. We are the sum of our parts, physical and mental, ancestral and those in our lives currently. We absorb thoughts, emotions, actions, and more from all that constructs our persona. 

  • The Spirit of My Ancestors
    The Spirit of My Ancestors

    Spirit of My Ancestors, acrylic on canvas, 30" w x 40" h, 2016

  • A Vessel Full of Power
    A Vessel Full of Power

    A Vessel Full of Power is in the permanent collection at JELMA (James E. Lewis Museum of Art at Morgan State University). Acrylic and fabric on canvas, 24" w x 36" h, 2018.

  • The Transfiguration of Freddie Gray
    The Transfiguration of Freddie Gray

    Transfiguration of Freddie Gray, acrylic on canvas, 24" x 36", 20215

  • Unexpected

    Unexpected, Acrylic on canvas, 20"x20", 2015

The Impact of Race and Racism

I am deeply engaged in exploring  the impact of racially motivated acts that shaped or misshaped the social, economic, educational trajectory and wellbeing African-Americans in this country. From the paintings, The Sorrow of the Stolen Ones, The Ultimate Sorrow, Strange and Bitter Fruit, to one of my most recent works, They Found the Clotilda, I am probing and documenting the history, that I am, as a 75 year old African American, still unearthing and digesting. This project presents some of what will be an ever-evolving body work for the remainder of my time.

  • The Ashen Landscape In Tulsa
    The Ashen Landscape In Tulsa

     The Ashen Landscape In Tulsa, acrylic and ink on wood, 12" x 12", 2023, is one of a 4 part series of paintings on the Tulsa, Oklahoma Race Riot of 1921. The lives were loss, lives were disrupted, and the landscape was scared from raging fires, and explosives forever reminding the world of the price of hatred and racism.

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  • Tear Dress
    "Tear" Dress

    Several Native American tribes have fashioned a dress by tearing pieces of cloth into squares and rectangles and sewing them together. They called them tear dresses. My painting uses the phrase "Tear" Dress to pay homage to the many Native American women who have gone missing. Tear (as in to rip) becomes Tear ( as to shed a tear). Acrylic on canvas, 24" x 30", 2023.

  • Stacked and Fitted
    Stacked and Fitted

    We came to this country stacked, fitted, and chained in the bottoms of ships. We have since been caged and shackled in prison cells, and stacked in blighted urban housing projects. We have been cramped and fitted in under- resourced and overcrowded schools, but “still we rise” and stand out, and excel. Stacked and Fitted, acrylic and ink on canvas, 60" x 40" (framed), 2022

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  • A Strange and Bitter Fruit
    A Strange and Bitter Fruit

    A Strange and Bitter Fruit is a painting that reflects the inhumanity of lynching. The title of the work is a line from the song, Strange Fruit, by Baltimore Singer, Billie Holliday. She experienced the brunt of racism and racists traveling through the Southern States. Her experiences are not that dissimilar to what Black people continue to experience today including the heinous act of lynching. Racism impacts my daily life and while I paint hope into all of my work, it is done with a heavy dose of skepticism. Acrylic and ink on canvas, 24" x 24", 2023

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  • The Ultimate Sorrow
    The Ultimate Sorrow

    When we reflect on the trauma of slavery, we think mostly of those individuals ripped from their families and their homelands, but we must mourn as much for those left behind to grieve. The Ultimate Sorrow, acrylic on canvas, 30" x 40", 2022

  • The Last Breath
    The Last Breath

    George Floyd called for his Mother with his last breath. With all my heart, I hope she found comfort in knowing his last thoughts were of her. Acrylic and ink on canvas, 30"w x 40"h, 2020.

  • Twenty Aboard the White Lion
    Twenty Aboard the White Lion

    The first but far from the last ship to harbor the stolen cargo of my Ancestors sequestered in its wooden, seafaring, belly. Twenty Aboard the White Lion, acrylic on linen canvas, 48" x 50", 2020.

  • 4,743 Recorded
    4,743 Recorded

    Lynching is the most heinous act of inhumanity that has been perpetrated on people of color in this country. There are 4,743 lynchings recorded, but we all know that there have been many, many more. The painting 4,743 Recorded is acrylic on canvas, 36" x 36", 2022

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  • Collateral Impact (2).jpg
    Collateral Impact (2).jpg

    Collateral Impact, Acrylic on canvas board, 24"h x 30"w framed, 18"h x 24"w image, 2024. The results of adversity is not just collateral damage, but positive impact as innovative and problem solving strategies and collaborations are accelerated. We have entered a period of opportunity for enhanced social impact. I hope we rise to the occasion.

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  • Indigenous

    A tribe to my Native American heritage. Indigenous, Acrylic on canvas, 36"x36", 2021

The Fabric of Social and Political Justice

The role of the artist is to champion social justice, to give a "voice" to the underserved, the marginalized, to assist the environmental advocates, and more, all for enhancing the wellbeing of humanity. We must never shy away from the frank portrayal of injustice and the hope for equity and justice for all.

  • The Recursive Nature
    The Recursive Nature

    The Recursive Nature, acrylic and ink on canvas, 35"h x 60"w framed, 2024. Societal responses play their part in making history repeat itself. The current political and social environment seek to redeploy policies from post slavery and Jim Crow eras. 

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  • Unredeemed

    The City of Flint, Michigan has been unredeemed for sometime; left to the issues presented by a contaminated water supply like the poorest of third world cities. Unredeemed, acrylic on canvas, 22" w x 28"h, 2016.

  • Be Opened
    Be Opened

    Jesus used the word Ephphatha (Be Opened) to employ God to heal the deaf and mute. This painting employs all of us to be opened to heal ourselves from the self-inflicted “wounds” and “ills” of divisiveness. Be Opened, acrylic on linen canvas, 52" x 40 " (framed), 2023,

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  • Filling In the Missing Pieces.jpg
    Filling In the Missing Pieces.jpg

    Our country is a period of dichotomous thinking and acting. It is a period of both reckoning with our history and at the same time, working rigorously to bury it, deny it, and change it. The painting "Filling In the Missing Pieces acknowledges the need to bring truth and reconciliation to the history as we currently know it. The history that marginalizes the role African-Americans and Native Americans have played in the development and prosperity of the tapestry of our history.

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  • Man in a Box
    Man in a Box

    Man In A Box is may commentary on mass incarceration or man dehumanization as I choose to call it. Years ago, I visited a prison in my home state to help inmates form a literary group. I got to see firsthand how these men and women were made to "live" and I have never nor will I ever forget the sadness in all of those eyes. Man In a Box is acrylic on canvas, 12"x12", 2011.

  • Empty Windows
    Empty Windows

    Home is where the heart is has such meaning to me. I have warm, comforting memories of growing up in a house filled with people who loved and cared for me and provided for all my needs. Empty Windows is to remind me and all who view it that each and every minute of every day hundreds of thousands of people in our country are homeless, and hungry. We must all become social justice advocates. Empty Windows, acrylic on canvas, 22"x28", 2016

  • Common Ground (1).jpg
    Common Ground (1).jpg

    A diverse society can not thrive on divisiveness. We must embrace inclusiveness and find the common ground upon which we can co-exist. Common Ground, acrylic on canvas, 36"x36", 2023

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  • Women Walking Ardently
    Women Walking Ardently

    Women are by nature, advocates. We are the fierce protectors of our homes, our children, our virtues. Women of Color, linked arm in arm have fought and won more battles then history can record and recount. We’re still marching. Women Walking Ardently,  acrylic and ink on canvas, 24"x24", 2022

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  • Truth In The Midst Of Doubt  (1).jpg
    Truth In The Midst Of Doubt (1).jpg

    Truth In the Midst of Doubt, acrylic and ink on canvas, 24"w x 36"h, 2019

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  • CaliforniaSkiesAreBurning

    Mother Nature is fighting back. California Skies Are Burning, acrylic on canvas, 30"x40", 2020

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That Would Be Me

I am on a journey that should be a movie. I am in the senior years, having the time of my life, fully engaged in many roles and meaningful activities. All of it is like a patchwork quilt with every chapter full of passion, commitment, activism, and then, beginning at the age of 62, my art that is life sustaining. I often say that " I paint my way through life" and indeed that is what I will continue to do.

  • In the Morning When I Awake
    In the Morning When I Awake

    Morning is a sacred time for someone my age. It is both a time of joy and anxiety. Joy, because I have lived to see the dawning of another day; anxiety because I am keenly aware that this morning means there is one less in the lifetime of mornings we are given. There is also joy in knowing that this day can be spent with loved ones doing the things that make us happy. There is some anxiety in knowing and accepting the responsibility of living the day to its fullest in service to others and for the betterment of self. In the Morning When I Awake, acrylic on canvas, 36" x 36", 2024.

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  • Sawubona

    Sawubona, I see you. You see me. I acknowledge your existence and you acknowledge mine. We value each others presence. We are jointly a part of humanity. Acrylic, ink, and painted canvas scraps on circular canvas, 20" in diameter, 2023.

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  • Patched: To Mend and Strengthen
    Patched: To Mend and Strengthen

    Patched: To Mend and Strengthen, acrylic and mixed media on canvas. 48x48, 2023

  • Interposed (1).jpg
    Interposed (1).jpg

    Interpose, acrylic on canvas, 36x36, 2021

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  • My Urgent Mind
    My Urgent Mind

    In realizing my mortality, my mind and soul want to do, learn, be all that I can in the time I have. My Urgent Mind, acrylic and paper on canvas, 36x36, 2021

  • True to Our Native Land (1)
    True to Our Native Land (1)

    True to Our Native Land, acrylic on canvas, 36"x36", 2021

  • Cover Me With Love
    Cover Me With Love

    I have been able to traverse the winds of adversity and conquer major challenges because of the bonds of love and support that have blanketed me all my life. Cover Me With Love, acrylic and cold wax on canvas, 36" x 36", 2023

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  • Mas Amor
    Mas Amor

    More love for everyone from everyone! Amen. Mas Amour, acrylic on canvas, 36x36, 2018

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  • Stepping Stones
    Stepping Stones

    On the "backs" and the will of my ancestors, I have succeeded. Stepping Stones, mixed media on canvas, 48"x48", 2022.

  • One Of A Kind.jpg
    One Of A Kind.jpg

    A one of a kind, a maverick, a risk taker, outspoken, advocate, and activist, that would be me. One of A Kind, acrylic on canvas, 48'x48', 2024

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Small Works on Paper and More Ink

I was requested by a gallerist to prepare small works on paper to include in their space. Out came these works that are mostly acrylic and ink on watercolor paper. 

  • An Inconvenient Change In Circumstances
    An Inconvenient Change In Circumstances

    An Inconvenient Change In Circumstances, acrylic, ink, and paper on watercolor paper, 12"h x 15.5"w framed, 2024

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  • Like Uncoiling a Serpent
    Like Uncoiling a Serpent

    Like Uncoiling A Serpent, acrylic and ink on watercolor paper, image size: 12" w x 9", framed size: 15" w x 12" h, 2023

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  • Lyrical .jpg
    Lyrical .jpg

    Lyrical,  acrylic and ink on watercolor paper, 12"wx15.5h", 2024

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  • Also Known As (1).jpg
    Also Known As (1).jpg

    Also Known A, acrylic on watercolor paper, 12"h x 15.5" framed, 2012

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  • Living Like Lace
    Living Like Lace

    acrylic and ink on watercolor paper, 11.5x 8.5 framed, 2023

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  • Confluence

    Confluence, acrylic and ink on watercolor paper, 24" w x 32"h, framed, 2023

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  • Kaleidoscope

    Kaleidoscope, acrylic and alcohol ink on watercolor paper, 18.25" w x 20" h, 2023

  • Snare.jpg

    Snare, acrylic and mesh wire on watercolor paper, image- 9" x 12", 11"x14" framed and matted

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  • A Source of Remembrance (1).jpg
    A Source of Remembrance (1).jpg

    A Source of Remembrance, acrylic, ink, paper on watercolor paper, 12" h x 15.5" w(framed), 2024

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  • An Opening In The Sky
    An Opening In The Sky

    An Opening in the Sky, acrylic on watercolor paper, 26" w x 20" h framed,  2023

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Things In Life I Can't Explain

The mysteries of life, culture, environment have stoked my interest all my life. Now I paint about them, still with little or no understanding of the how and why of some of these things. 

  • Falling Star
    Falling Star

    Falling Star, acrylic on canvas, 60"h x 48"w, 2025. The origins of those streaks of brilliant light that shoot across the darkened sky are unknown, maybe, moon dust, bits of celestial rock, no one is quite sure.

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  • Chain Reaction
    Chain Reaction

    Chain Reaction, acrylic on canvas, 24" x 24", 2024. A series of casual actions and reactions that heretofore may not have been related or connect. 

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  • Upload

    We live in an environment where all sorts of data magically get transported from page to page, device to device, from written to audible. Billions of points of data are emailed, scanned, faxed, and texted each and every minute of every day. The how it happens is a mystery to me. The why these data don't get all scrambled in whatever universe they traverse, is an even more phenomenal mystery to me. Upload, acrylic on canvas, 24" x 30", 2022.

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  • Distant Stars In Urban Skies
    Distant Stars In Urban Skies

    Acrylic on canvas, 24" x 30", 2017

  • World Without End
    World Without End

    The earth is round and yet we don't slide off. About 8 billion people, a plethora of animals, plants, and sea creatures co-habit on its surface. Bodies of water ebb and flow constantly in sync with earth's moon. The earth has rotated and turned in the same manner for millions and millions of years, and for at least the last 4.5 billion years. the earth has done all this without smashing into another planet or stars or its own moon, much less change its orbit and gone off in a new direction. World Without End, acrylic on canvas, 36" x 36", 2021

  • A Reflection in Dark Waters
    A Reflection in Dark Waters

    What an inexplicable wonder. I can peer into a body of water and see a reflection of myself and all that surrounds me. The water can reflect the light and swallows up the dark; all at the same time. A Reflection In Dark Waters, acrylic and ink on canvas, 24" x 30", 2022

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  • Mystic Metaverse(0) (2).jpg
    Mystic Metaverse(0) (2).jpg
    Mysterious, virtual world where I/we can work, play, shop, and generally interact with other than human entities. Oh my or AI or mind's eye. Whatever, I can't explain it. Mystic Metaverse, acrylic and spray paint on canvas, 30"h x 48"w, 2025
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  • In the Beginning
    In the Beginning

    A seed before it becomes a seedling, a nebula before it becomes a star, a zygote before it becomes an embryo, all begin as balls of energy and light searching for a place to nestle and grow. It is fascinating that things around us that are so disparate, have beginnings so similar. In the Beginning, acrylic and spray paint on canvas, 52.5" x 40.5" (framed), 2022.

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  • The Mystery of Pi
    The Mystery of Pi

    Pi is a mathematical value that is literally endless and when applied to circles of any size, its value remains the same. SMH. The Mystery of Pi, acrylic on canvas, 60" x 48", 2023

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  • What Happens At Night
    What Happens At Night

    Stars, planets, moon, the sun all traverse an interglactic universe for hundreds of thousands of years and only on rare occasions does something go awry. What Happens At Night is me postulating that a lot more goes on away from our "naked eyes."  What Happens At Night, acrylic on canvas, 30" x 24", 2022

In Search of Solace

I paint my way through life and so much of life is filled with noise, pain, stress, and divisiveness. I am prioritizing solace and rewardin my art, in my friends, my engagements, and especially through my art.

  • A Broken Heart Still Has Some Joy
    A Broken Heart Still Has Some Joy

    A Broken Heart Still Has Some Joy, acrylic on canvas, 44" x 34" (framed), 2022

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  • New Life
    New Life

    New Life, acrylic on canvas, 36" x 36", 2017

  • Eulogy.jpg

    Eulogy. Acrylic and paper on canvas, 60"w x 48"h, 2024

    To all of my African ancestors who were stolen from the Motherland and who died during the horrors of the Middle Passage; to the families and communities that were left to grieve their abrupt and unexplained departure; for those souls who lived and died enslaved throughout the diaspora; and for those who lost their lives to the barbarism of lynching, this painting is a eulogy to praise your brilliance, resilience, and courageous fortitude. God bless you al for the sacrifices you made, and the lessons you conveyed. Amen

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  • How I Wonder (1).jpg
    How I Wonder (1).jpg

    My creative process amazes me. I can start with a thought, a color, a pattern and end with a painting with complex dimensions and messages and I can barely remember how I created it. I do know that I feel joy, and fulfillment, and a profound sense of accomplishment. "How I Wonder", acrylic and paper on stretched canvas, 60"w x 48h " framed, 2024

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  • This Is Where I Belong (1).jpg
    This Is Where I Belong (1).jpg

    This Is Where I Belong, acrylic and cold wax on canvas, 52"w x 28"h, 2024

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  • The Rite of Transfer (1).jpg
    The Rite of Transfer (1).jpg

    The Rite of Transfer, acrylic and ink on canvas, 36"x36". Generations of stories and traditions get handed down, reshaped and passed on to and unknown future. It is a rite and a responsibility we all participate in to keep a growing heritage.

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  • A Place of Solace
    A Place of Solace

    A Place of Solace, acrylic and ink on canvas, 36 x 36, 2020

  • Calmed

    Calmed, acrylic on canvas, 36 x 36, 2023

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  • What's Behind the Noise
    What's Behind the Noise

    What's Behind the Noise, acrylic on canvas, 36" x 36", 2019

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  • Working On Happiness
    Working On Happiness

    Working on Happiness, acrylic and ink on canvas, 36" x 36", 2021

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