Work samples

  • Upresting (stereo excerpt)
    This is an excerpt from a quadrophonic sound installation that I completed called Upresting. This piece is supposed to be experienced with a quadrophonic sound setup, so this recording is not a completely accurate piece of documentation. The installation allowed people from the public to engage with a microphone and put their own voice into the installation. The installation uses a tapestry of field recordings created by me and national activist Deray McKesson. I created a computer program, using the programming language Max/MSP, that manipulates the samples as well as the voice, to recreate the ever changing and multifaceted experience of a protest. The samples played on a 30 minute loop for 8 hours each day. This installation never repeats the manipulations and modulations that are applied to the samples and voice. This piece was part of a two person exhibition called Black Maths at the Stamp Gallery in College Park, MD from Oct. to Dec. 2016.

About Adam

Adam G Holofcener (AGH) is a sound artist, composer and performer from Baltimore, MD, USA.  His work ebbs and flows between digital and analog efforts with an emphasis on a synergistic interplay between the two: one informing the other, literally and otherwise, ad infinitum.  The theoretical underpinnings for his work come from a variety of sources but primarily congeal around the personal and communal ethical and existential morays formed by the body politic.  This… more