Michael's profile
I have no formal training, but I am not self-taught. Painting for nearly 4 decades, I have learn so much from fellow artists. I am a pointillist who blends dots and dashes on canvas to create imagery and texture. Pointillism is my gateway to contemplation where there is no perception of time.
My first endeavors began as stipple doodles in the margins of college notebooks. These grew to sketches that filled pages in journals. These dots attracted the attention of artist friends who encouraged me to expand this captivating technique further. Decades ago, one of those friends took me to Pearl Paints on Canal Street in Manhattan, loaded a cart with canvases and paint supplies, then told me to pay for it. My stipple drawings evolved into full sized pointillist paintings.
Applying dots is a time-consuming art. Pissaro tried it, tedium caused him to abandon it. I have never considered abandoning it. Creation for me is more than expressing inner passions. It is also a series of decisions. Artwork needs to maintain an internal balance, unless there’s a call to shift that balance. My technique, albeit always pointillist, has transitioned through the years. My current method is to paint in layers, working the entire canvas before addressing the next layer. This kindles the creative process and maintains the balance for which I strive.
My works have been accepted in the following Juried Shows:
• 9th Annual National Juried Show, Oxford Arts Alliance, Oxford, PA (10/2023)
• Art Maryland 2024, Howard County Arts Council, Ellicot City, MD (10/2024)
• After Dark, Maryland Federation of Arts, Circle Gallery, Annapolis, MD (10/24)
• 10th Annual National Juried Show, Oxford Arts Alliance, Oxford, PA (10/2024)
I have also been invited to participate in traveling show Art from a Soldier
• Gallery 220, Havre de Grace, MD (11/2024)
• Yumi Hogan Gallery, Baltimore/Washington International Airport (01-04/2024)
• The Columbia Art Center, Columbia, MD (TBD/2025)