Cindy's profile

I knew early on in life that I wasn't going to fit in. Then again, most of us artists figured that out along the way,  didn't we? Creative natures go against the grain.

 My creativity demanded that I live authentically and I have lived paving my own way, writing my own rules, and challenging norms. This is the story of my life.

I learned quickly that as a free spirit, I was my own best support system- and this drew me into the field and study of psychology.   

The synthesis of my love of art and psychology somehow became an amazing career that began with helping myself and transformed into helping other artists.  Along the way I developed a passion for the emotional needs of creative souls: I express them through my art and I support them through counseling and coaching. 

If I am being honest, I have learned to live a creative life authentically is to embrace the struggle of going against what is expected, and this can be a lonely and more difficult path. My art has followed me on this journey and reflects these experiences and my values. Things that I know as a result of my experiences? I know that true value in our lives lies in our experiences along the way to our destinations. 

Today, like all of us, I am a summation of my life experiences. I have learned that Creative People have personality traits that are specific and need specific support- like a regular creative practice.  I have devoted myself professionally to researching, supporting and exploring the needs of Creative People.  I am a working mom.  I believe in the power of women. I believe in the beauty in the little moments of nurture. My work is informed through the female gaze which I believe is undervalued and under explored in art. My goal is to elevate the moments that we overlook as insignificant and “soft" because I find beauty and power and creation in them. That is why my art is figurative and impressionistic (read, has a dream-like quality) showing every day moments that were  somehow still our most poignant memories.

My advice? Since you asked ;) Pause and poof the dandelions. Squeeze that chubby baby cheek. Breathe in the beauty of the field of wildflowers. Don't let magic pass you by on your way to a destination. The arrival is all around you. 

The beauty of this world is so magnificent it cannot stay quiet. I hope you feel joy and inspiration here. 

Love, Cindy

Cindy's Curated Collection

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