Sarah's profile

Within the world there is an experience all us humans and beings have called life. This life is the electrical energy of being. That's pretty cool if you take a few minutes to think about it.

Within LIFE we get to do tons of explorations and make tons of mistakes, epic fails, internal journeys and create experiences. My art helps me connect and digest the world around me. It's often a bit of an escape, a release of stress and a deep dive into self. How this comes out in a visual form is practiced in paint, embroidery floss and pattered landscape. As an artist I get to study my self and how I interpret materials, paint thrown on a surface or handled with a delicate patience, linear forms building texture or surface space. I seem to have both a high chaos tolerance and an ability to sit with myself in a meditative arts practice in both quiet and solitude for long periods of time. This comes across in my fibers process. Often using the time consuming method of free hand embroidery to create patterned landscape referencing nature, abstraction and the geometry of collage.

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