About Sarah

Within the world there is an experience all us humans and beings have called life. This life is the electrical energy of being. That's pretty cool if you take a few minutes to think about it.
Within LIFE we get to do tons of explorations and make tons of mistakes, epic fails, internal journeys and create experiences. My art helps me connect and digest the world around me. It's often a bit of an escape, a release of stress and a deep dive into self. How this comes out in a visual form… more
Work considered fibers or painting, embroidery and natural dye techniques
Beginning of KnowledgeAvailable for Purchase
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Gifts of a Higher Self
28" x 44"
acrylic paint on canvas
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Explosion Sky Form
30" x 30"
embroidery floss, hand embroidery, on canvas, mounted on natural indigo dyed fabric
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Deep Shadow Walking
3 1/2 ft x 5 1/2 ft
natural dyes, hand embroidery, batik, quilting
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Intersection of Innocence
32" x 48"
acrylic paint on canvas
snakes as knowledge seekers and healers
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Feelings of Finished
37" x 37"
acrylic paint on canvas
Available for Purchaseget in touch directly for purchase or at www.SarahMagidaArt.com
The Oracle of Fire and Water
36" x 55"
acrylic paint on canvas
Available for Purchasebe in touch directly to purchase
Fibers 2017-2016
Land Timeembroidery on canvas, fabric
Bathing Outembroidery on canvas, fabric aplique
Meanderingembroidery on canvas
Networkingembroidery on canvas
littleloveembroidery, fabric on canvas
Cross Jackembroidery on canvas
Hands for Weaving, Plants for Plantingembroidery and aplique on canvas
Fluidembroidery on canvas
Fiber Work
ManiManiEmbroidery on canvas
Reach Outembroidery on canvas
two greetingsestombre
MapsHuichol yarn painting technique, yarn pressed into wax on board
Piecesembroidery, pieces, silk screen, hand embroidery, contemporary craft
Diamond Facade
Circuslace, acrylic paint, embroidery floss on canvass
Jazzy Seasembroidery floss on canvas, acrylic paint
detail of untitled
Untitledembroidery and beadwork
Ladies et all
V*I*C*T*O*R*Ydrawing, 38"X50", 2016, ink, pencil, colored pencil, paint marker
3 in the Ringacrylic paint on archival paper
Wild Cardacrylic paint and mediums on archival paper
Flyers for Art Shows, Abstract Comics & Text Art
Art Show 2008The first of art shows curated by my self at my home.
Watermelon TourmalineIt was a beautiful day. Then this lion and this angel...
Bunny HopImages gathered on the internet, commenting on images of beauty, fluff and death
Sea Creature in ParisSnake head fish from Baltimore meets Belleville babe in Paris making friends with many sparkly things
apathy.jpgTo be posted in Baltimore. invites the viewer or passer by to write what they believe in on the poster
Art Show, February 2009The second Art Show curated by myself at my home.