Lisi's profile

Lisi Stoessel is a Baltimore-based theatre artist and experience designer exploring the transformative potential of embodied human connection in real time and space. In her capacities as performer, director, scenic designer, and puppeteer, she creates immersive theatrical experiences deeply informed by the place in which they happen. Whether engaging with her audience as a character or inviting them into an environment that fully enlivens the senses, Lisi makes the audience central to her work, playfully disrupting habitual ways of thinking and being with meaningful, vivid, otherworldly experiences.

Lisi is a Core Creator of collaborative artworks company Submersive Productions (Baltimore). She has designed and fabricated sets and puppets for many companies along the east coast of the US and beyond, including Submersive Productions, Single Carrot Theatre, Synetic Theater, force/collision, Adventure Theater, Forum Theatre Company, Constellation Theatre Company, Pig Iron Theatre Company, Swim Pony Performing Arts, Applied Mechanics, The Berserker Residents, Philadelphia Shakespeare Theatre, and The Idiopathic Ridiculopathy Consortium.

Lisi has received a Mary Sawyers Baker Award in Performance, as well as a Jim Henson Foundation Grant for her immersive theatre piece in collaboration with Submersive Productions, H.T. Darling's Incredible Musaeum. She has also won a non-equity Jeff Award in Artistic Specialization for her robot design for Sideshow Theatre Company's Heddatron (Chicago). Lisi has studied mime, clown, and Butoh in Washington DC, Prague, and Berlin. She holds her MFA in Scene Design from the University of Virginia. Lisi teaches immersive experience design at the Maryland Institute, College of Art.

Lisi's Curated Collection

View Lisi's favorite works from other Baker Artists
One Hundred Melodies of Solitude, No.34
Jo Brown, Work (©2012)
Literary Arts
Riparia reading Ecological Fortunes
Inter- and Multi-Disciplinary Work
Prayer III (Chandelier)
Visual Arts
3,637,920 foot stretch
In Hotpants Shows Ass (an Allegory of Inspirational Distress)