Work samples
Anima Mundi
The human imagination produces dreams and fantasies that can animate our inner and outer worlds. Anima Mundi is being in a state where everything has a soul and is alive. Children are naturally closer to this state of being.
After becoming a mother, I had to drastically change how to be committed to my art practice. Anima Mundi is a collaborative animation project I am doing with my son. I print out every frame of a video and invite him to draw on them with me. The playful process is a key part of the work itself. This is a 2 min excerpt.
Music by Stephen Santillan
Place in Time
Place in Time (video clip). Made with stop motion animation and a real rhino, Place in Time is an animated collaged narrative of our current earthly predicament.
About Zoe

Zoe Friedman is a multimedia artist passionate about making work that is accessible to a wide audience. She starts by crafting things on an intimate scale, such as hand cut paper or scenes in a stop motion, and gradually builds them into immersive installations. Her work incorporates the ephemeral space around an object, such as light, shadow and movement, which then become an integral part of the piece itself. Zoe's art moves between the familiar and the unknown, to incorporate both the… more
Sentient Forest
In Friedman’s work, the playful, large-scale animal forms and the overlapping bold colors and patterns framing them beckon a heightened form of sentience. Illuminated by lighting elements of the artist’s own design, the installation is a portal into Friedman’s mythology of motherhood, in which she explores the instinct and power to care, nourish and grow. The large scale of each mural within the installation conveys the artist’s understanding of love as an expansive, forceful and overwhelming emotion. Much like a forest, the individual characters and forms in Friedman’s cast are connected and form a wondrous narrative.
Sentient Forest was on view from November 2021 to August 2022 at the Academy Art Museum in Easton, MD.
Tiger96" x 96", mixed media, 2021. Installation view of Tiger in Sentient Forest. Solo exhibition on view at the Academy Art Museum in Easton, MD. Each piece is made with hand cut paper that is then scanned into the computer, resized, and printed large format. Bespoke lighting elements with patterns accompany each animal.
Tiger detail.Detail of tiger. Each piece is made with hand cut paper that is then scanned into the computer, resized, and printed large format. Bespoke lighting elements with patterns accompany each animal.
Cockatoos144" x 96". Mixed Media, 2021. Installation view of Cockatoos in Sentient Forest. Solo exhibition on view at the Academy Art Museum in Easton, MD. Each piece is made with hand cut paper that is then scanned into the computer, resized, and printed large format. Bespoke lighting elements with patterns accompany each animal.
Cockatoo detailThe cockatoo face! Each piece is made with hand cut paper that is then scanned into the computer, resized, and printed large format. Bespoke lighting elements with patterns accompany each animal.
Alligator96" x 96". Mixed Media, 2021. Installation view of Alligator in Sentient Forest. Solo exhibition on view at the Academy Art Museum in Easton, MD. Each piece is made with hand cut paper that is then scanned into the computer, resized, and printed large format. Bespoke lighting elements with patterns accompany each animal.
Alligator detailAlligator face. Each piece is made with hand cut paper that is then scanned into the computer, resized, and printed large format. Bespoke lighting elements with patterns accompany each animal.
Giraffes132" x 168". Mixed Media. 2021. Installation view of Giraffes in Sentient Forest. Solo exhibition on view at the Academy Art Museum in Easton, MD. Each piece is made with hand cut paper that is then scanned into the computer, resized, and printed large format. Bespoke lighting elements with patterns accompany each animal.
Giraffe detailGiraffe faces. Each piece is made with hand cut paper that is then scanned into the computer, resized, and printed large format. Bespoke lighting elements with patterns accompany each animal.
View of the Atrium GalleryView of Atrium Gallery with Tiger, Cockatoos, and Alligator at the end of the hallway
Zoe Friedman: Sentient ForestVideo made by the Academy Art Museum for the exhibition Sentient Forest
Song of Summer
This project is extremely important to me because it lives in the library in my home town and is open for everyone to come and enjoy. It bridges my passion for art and education and is accessible to all.
Completed in December of 2020. Purchased with funds from the Baltimore Percent for Art Program.
Zoe Friedman: Song of SummerView of installation in main space in the Enoch Pratt Free Library in Hampden, Baltimore. 270" x 96", mixed media
Zoe Friedman : Song of SummerInstallation at the Enoch Pratt Library in Hampden, Baltimore.
Zoe Friedman : Song of SummerDetail view of grey catbirds in the large-scale installation
Zoe Friedman : Song of SummerDetail view of grey squirrels in the large installation at the Enoch Pratt Library in Hampden, Baltimore
Zoe Friedman : Song of SummerDetail view of Baltimore Orioles in the large installation at the Enoch Pratt Library in Hampden, Baltimore
Zoe Friedman : Song of SummerDetail view of grey tree frog in the large installation at Enoch Pratt Library in Hampden, Baltimore
Zoe Friedman : Song of SummerDetail view of a blue tailed skink! in the large installation at the Enoch Pratt Library in Hampden, Baltimore
Zoe Friedman : Song of SummerDetail view of fire flies and magnolias in the large installation at the Enoch Pratt Library in Hampden, Baltimore
Library HandoutI partnered with the Patterson Park Audubon Center and the Carrie Murray Nature Center to make this fun and informative hand out to accompany the large mural piece. Viewers are invited to find each plant and animal in the artwork and learn a little about each.
Kids in the LibraryI love getting to see children interact directly with the art! Two kids use the handouts to search for all the animals in the mural on the wall.
Various Animations
I work with hand drawn and stop motion animation. Some are made specifically to be a part of a larger art installation, projected on multiple walls in a gallery or other space, others are screened in theaters. This is a collection of various works over the past few years.
Anima Mundi
After becoming a mother, I had to drastically change how to be committed to my art practice. Anima Mundi is a collaborative animation project I am doing with my son. I print out every frame of a video and invite him to draw on them with me. The playful process is a key part of the work itself.
The human imagination produces dreams and fantasies that can animate our inner and outer worlds. Anima Mundi is being in a state where everything has a soul and is alive. Children are naturally closer to this state of being.
Music by Stephen Santillan
Completed summer 2024.
Idle Hour installation viewDesigned to be a two channel video installation that is projected large scale into the corner of two adjoining walls. 2018
Idle Hour (2 min excerpt)Designed to be a two channel video installation that is projected large scale into the corner of two adjoining walls. This excerpt shows both channels on a split screen. Original soundtrack. 2018 Full video is 6 min
Loop - Installation View
This stop motion animation is meant to be projected into a ceramic bowl. The circular nature of the bowl reflects the ongoing loop of the video, with no beginning or end.
Music by Stephen Santillian, Ceramic Bowl by Sara Prigodich
Animation made to be projected into a large ceramic bowl and looped endlessly (see previous video for documentation). Music by Stephen Santillan. This is the first of a new series I am currently working on that integrates video and sculpture. In collaboration with the artist Sara Prigodich, we are experimenting with physical sculptural form and ephemeral light projections. 2022
Place In Time (1 min Excerpt)Made with stop motion animation and footage from my visit with a real rhino, Place in Time is a collaged narrative of our current earthly predicament. Original soundtrack. 2018 Full video is 4 min 30 seconds
Buena VistaThis animation is a celebration of love. It was created by printing out individual frames of a video and having all my family and friends draw all over them. I recorded the sound on a trip to Mexico. 2018
SmokeThe inside is the outside. Hand drawn animation. Made to play on an endless loop. 2011
Personal Mythology
Zoe Friedman: Personal MythologyView of main hallway Personal Mythology artwork
Zoe Friedman : Personal MythologyView of main hallway
Zoe Friedman : Personal MythologyView of main hallway
Zoe Friedman : Personal MythologyDetail view of large-scale collage with light in hallway
Zoe Friedman : Personal MythologyDetail view of large-scale collage with light
Zoe Friedman : Personal MythologyDetail view of large-scale collage with light
Zoe Friedman : Personal MythologyView from other end of hallway featuring large dogs!
Zoe Friedman : Personal MythologyView of one side of elevator lobby
Zoe Friedman : Personal MythologyView of other side of elevator lobby
Zoe Friedman : Personal MythologyView of large-scale collage with light in elevator lobby
Large Scale Collage
These two examples were made in 2015 and 2017. They are built in custom frames that press the collage between two pieces of glass and hang two inches off the wall to cast shadows behind them.
Zoe Friedman : Nostalgia installation viewThis piece measures 84" x 84", made up of four separate framed works meant to be hung in a large diamond. I thoroughly enjoy the process of collaging images together. It generates connections and meaning between different elements in my life, revealing what feels like memory.
Zoe Friedman Nostalgia detailOne of the four frames that make up this large scale collage.
Zoe Friedman Nostalgia detaila detail view of the large collage
Zoe Friedman Nostalgia detaila detail view of the large collage
Zoe Friedman Nostalgia detaila detail view of the large collage
Zoe Friedman : WILDWOODWildWood is made up of four separate frames that come together as a large landscape. Hand cut paper, lace, giclee prints, pressed in glass to cast shadows. 60 in x 60 in Wildwood is a celebration of how life propagates itself and the new relationships we form to its many iterations. This body of work is made up of photos I took of both wild plants in Costa Rica, my own house plants, and pet dogs that resemble wolves. I print them, cut them out, and collage them into an imaginary landscape. By combining these all together, I am thinking about domestication, our relationship to nature, and how we have a hard time discerning between the two.
Zoe Friedman WildWood dogsTwo dogs sit in a magical garden. One of four frames that make up the large-scale collage.
Zoe Friedman WildWood Dog detailThis detail shows the individual cut pieces of paper hair and hand drawn fur on the dogs.
Zoe Friedman WildWood birdsTwo cockatoos in the garden
Zoe Friedman WildWood Bird detailThis detail shows the hand drawn feathers on the cockatoo. You can also see the cast shadows of the cut paper and lace.
By Land or By Sea
18 hanging mobiles made of hand cut paper, shadows
Zoe Friedman By Land or By SeaHand cut paper mobiles inspired by nature and shadow puppets.
By Land or By SeaShadows dance across the walls cast by 18 hanging mobiles. Music by Steve Santillan.
Zoe Friedman By Land or By SeaHand cut paper mobiles inspired by nature and shadow puppets.
Zoe Friedman By Land or By SeaHand cut paper mobiles inspired by nature and shadow puppets.
Zoe Friedman By Land or By SeaHand cut paper mobiles inspired by nature and shadow puppets.
Zoe Friedman By Land or By SeaHand cut paper mobiles inspired by nature and shadow puppets.
Zoe Friedman By Land or By SeaHand cut paper mobiles inspired by nature and shadow puppets.
Zoe Friedman By Land or By SeaHand cut paper mobiles inspired by nature and shadow puppets.
Zoe Friedman By Land or By SeaHand cut paper mobiles inspired by nature and shadow puppets.
Zoe Friedman By Land or By SeaHand cut paper mobiles inspired by nature and shadow puppets.
A stopmotion animation accompanies the installation.
Each panel is 8 feet tall by 7.5 feet wide. I print each image on regular A4 paper, then cut and assemble by hand. The paper is held in place and attached to wooden panels with nails.
May 2012
Zoe Friedman Alchemy/Chemistry (installation view)View of two of the six large collages that make up this series
Zoe Friedman Alchemy/Chemistry (installation view)View of two of the six large collages that make up this series
Zoe Friedman Alchemy/Chemistry (Organic Forms 1)One of six of the large collages
Zoe Friedman Alchemy/Chemistry (Organic Forms 2)One of six of the large scale collages
Zoe Friedman Alchemy/Chemistry (Rocky Landscape 1)One of six of the large scale collages
Zoe Friedman Alchemy/Chemistry (Water Landscape 1)One of six of the large scale collages
Zoe Friedman Alchemy/Chemistry (installation view)View of gallery with four of the six collages
Zoe Friedman Alchemy/Chemistry (installation view)View of gallery with video and two collages
Zoe Friedman Alchemy/Chemistry (video still)Video made to accompany the installation.
Alchemy/Chemistry (2 min excerpt)This video made to accompany the installation. Mix of live action, stop motion and hand drawn animation, original soundtrack. Full video is 6 min
Time is a Milk Bowl
Time is a Milk Bowl was re-created for Pioneer Works in New York City and at Studio 1469 in Washington, DC in 2015.
Zoe Friedman : Time is a Milk BowlView of two projections in the clock room of the Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower
Time is a Milk Bowl2 minute compilation of footage and documentation from the event Time is a Milk Bowl. A collaborative video projection and music performance with the band Peals.
Zoe Friedman Time is a Milk BowlInstallation view during the live performance at the Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower
Zoe Friedman Time is a Milk BowlInstallation view during the live performance in the Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower
Zoe Friedman : Time is a Milk BowlVideo still from the stop motion animation
Zoe Friedman : Time is a Milk BowlVideo still from the stop motion animation
Zoe Friedman : Time is a Milk BowlVideo still from the stop motion animation
Zoe Friedman : Time is a Milk BowlWilliam Cashion and Bruce Willen of the band Peals play a live musical score made specifically to match the acoustics of the clock tower and the stop motion projections. Photo credit Sarah Templin.
Zoe Friedman : Time is a Milk BowlGuests watch the live performance at the Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower Photo credit Sarah Templin
Zoe Friedman : Time is a Milk BowlZoe Friedman, Bruce Willen, and William Cashion at the Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower
Tapestries that play with Light
I have always loved the paintings of Sandro Boticelli. I wanted to re-create a version of Primavera, or the Allegory of Spring. I divided the painting into five sections and adapted each into patterns. I then hand cut these patterns into large sheets of Tyvek. The piece is meant to hang in windows so that it can play with the light. As the day progresses, the light filters through and casts shadows across the walls and floors of the room.
Made in 2013, this piece has been exhibited at the Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower and Area 405 in Batimore, the Angel Orensanz Foundation in New York City, the WTMD radio station in Towson as part of the show Everything On It with Andrew Liang, the Modella Gallery in Stillwater, Oklahoma, and the Cade Gallery in Arnold, MD.
Pointing at the Moon is a collaged diptech that is printed and then hand cut with intricate patterns and illuminated from the back.
In 2019 both peices were exhibited in a solo exhibition at Format Art Space in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Zoe Friedman PrimaveraHanging tapestries in windows cast shadows that move across the room as the daylight changes outside.
PrimaveraI divided up the Boticelli painting, Primavera, into five sections and broke it down into patterns. All five tapestries displayed here. Each is 36" x 72"
Detail view of PrimaveraHand cut patterns in Tyvek
Zoe Friedman PrimaveraView of shadow cast on floor from hanging tapestry in window
Pointing at the MoonTwo large tapestries are hand cut with patterns and illuminated from the back. 36" x 72" each 2019
Detail of Pointing at the MoonHand cut patterns are illuminated by a light source on the wall behind the piece
Detail of Pointing at the MoonHand cut patterns are illuminated by a light source on the wall behind the piece
Installation view of Primavera and Pointing at the MoonPrimavera (left) hangs in a window to let light shine through. Pointing at the Moon (right) has a light fixture placed behind it. Both use hand cut patterns to play with light.
Installation view of Primavera and Pointing at the MoonBoth pieces are large tapestries that are hand cut with patterns. The piece on the left (Primavera) hangs in a window to let light shine through. The piece on the right (Pointing at the Moon) has a light fixture placed behind it.
Impermanence and Memory
This body of work was created while in residence at the Vermont Studio Center. Besides the hand-cut paper window hanging, all materials were found and collected during my month long stay, then organized into mandala-like arrangements. The patterns changed daily as I moved elements around, finding balance in opposing and fluid forms. At the end, I swept everything up and left it in piles outside.
This piece became a kind of living performance and ephemeral installation.
Zoe Friedman Impermanence and MemoryInstallation view of pine need bears and shaved pine cones
Zoe Friedman Impermanence and MemoryView of pine needle bear, shaved pine cones, stones, and a dead bea in a glass vase
Zoe Friedman Impermanence and MemoryView of stones and a dead bea in a glass vase
Zoe Friedman Impermanence and MemoryView of pine needles in the shape of a bear throwing up berry juice, shaved pine cones, a large stone and duck feathers
Zoe Friedman Impermanence and MemoryA large stone with duck feathers, shaved pine cones
Zoe Friedman Impermanence and MemoryView of installation
Zoe Friedman Impermanence and MemoryView of hand cut paper hanging in window
Zoe Friedman Impermanence and MemoryDetail view of handcut paper hanging in window
Zoe Friedman Impermanence and MemoryStones and shaved pine cones