Work samples

  • Homebody.jpg
    Introspection on the human figure with fabric as an expression of both comfort and restriction
  • Intersect_web.jpg
    A photographic collage series based on my experience within Baltimore City. Torn photographs are reconstructed using Sashiko mending, a traditional form of Japanese embroidery.
  • Fibers.jpg
    Introspection on the human figure with fabric as an expression of both comfort and restriction

About Yoshika

Baltimore City
Christina Yoshika Greene is a multidisciplinary artist and designer based in Baltimore City. Her recent work explores her multicultural heritage, exploring the fusion and tension existing between her American and Japanese nationality. Her work is a reaction to her experience of living for four years in Baltimore City, and how her heritage has influenced her experience. She utilizes painting, photography, and mixed media collage to reflect on home, belonging, and memory.

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This Body of Mine, This Body of Yours

I paint human bodies intermingling with fabrics, draping and reacting to the movement of these bodies. The fabrics are interconnected with the figures, expressing emotion and energy as the limbs move underneath. The fibers act as an outlet expressing emotional themes of revealing and concealment.

  • Reclaim
    12x16. Oil Paint on Canvas. 2020.
  • Soft Touch
    Soft Touch
    16x20". Oil Paint on Canvas. 2021.
  • Homebody
    16x12. Oil Paint on Canvas. 2022.

Sashiko Photographs

Sashiko mending is a traditional form of Japanese embroidery, historically used by the working class for utilitarian purposes of preserving their clothing. By combining different pieces of fabric together, the clothing is strengthened on top of providing aesthetic decoration to their apparel. I embroider torn photographs I took around the city of Baltimore with sashiko mending, joining together different scenes and subjects. This series is a reflection of my Asian American identity, thinking about home and memory within my time living in Baltimore.

  • Skate
    Available for Purchase
  • No Parking, Charles Street
    No Parking, Charles Street
    Available for Purchase
  • Intersect (Lexington Market)
    Intersect (Lexington Market)
    Available for Purchase
  • East 25th Street
    East 25th Street
    Available for Purchase