Work samples

  • Spirit World
    "Spirit World"

    "Spirit World"  acrylic, mixed media on wood panel.  25" x 36"

    Available for Purchase

About pamela

With painting,  I let my life experiences lead the way. 
Early on in my life the eco-spirituality movement caught my attention and since then has inspired and guided my work as a painter.  As a result, the core of my work has been the inseparable deep connection to nature, human nature and spirituality.  Poetry, my love of books and many travel experiences have also informed and woven their way into my paintings.  
In the late 70's I quit my job working in an art gallery and… more


Exploring other ways of deciphering the spiritual world. 

  • Into the Night I go
    "Into the Night I go"

    "Into the Night I Go". acrylic, mirrors, clay birds on two panels.   20" x 34"

    Available for Purchase


These paintings reflect my experiences with the healers and shamans I've met in my travels as well as working in the healing arts.

  • Wondrous Land
    "Wondrous Land"

    "Wondrous Land"  acrylic, mixed media on canvas. 131/4" x 10"

    Available for Purchase


Completed during Covid and part of the "Healers and Shamans" series.  I recycled some earlier prints and watercolors to create these. 

  • Cantata

    "Cantata" collage, graphite on paper 25 3/4" x 19 3/4"

    Available for Purchase


With a burst of stored up creative energy I did these two large works after almost a year absence from my studio while being a caregiver. 
  • A Place Beyond Dawn
    "A Place Beyond Dawn"
    "A Place Beyond Dawn" acrylic, ink, graphite, copper, abalone shell on panel 33" x 56"


A sampling of the many works on paper I did exploring form and pattern in nature.  

  • Place of Passage
    "Place of Passage"
    "Place of Passage" acrylic, ink, plant material on paper 36" x 53"


"Old maps lead you to strange and unexpected places" 
  • Gate Keeper
    "Gate Keeper"
    "Gate Keeper". watercolor, graphite on old map 15" x 11 1/4"


A drawing exercise using graphite on paper and adding branches from the False Indigo plant.  The paper is handmade and from an album.  
Each 9 1/2" x  7 1/2"
  • Places Where Lines Flow
    "Places Where Lines Flow"


Here I explore nature using discarded book covers and experimenting with natural and found materials in a 3-dimentional way.   
  • Untitled
    "Untitled" book, graphite, wax, thread, fabric, wings, seeds, etc. 7" x 7"