Work samples

  • Image from my Vietnam War Experience (recently updated): Ready for the Next Mission
    Image from my Vietnam War Experience (recently updated): Ready for the Next Mission

    B&W digital image from my original color slide. The photo is of the platoon leader waiting to join his troops at the top of the hill for movement to a new position. My original slide was taken in 1970. In 2024, I converted it to a digital image and turned it into a black and white image. It is part of a recently curated set of images from my photographic record of my tour of duty (1970-71) in Vietnam as an Infantry Platoon Leader.

  • Image from my Vietnam War Experience (recently updated): Loading up and moving out
    Image from my Vietnam War Experience (recently updated): Loading up and moving out

    B&W digital image from an original colored slide. My platoon is being transported by helicopter(s) to a new position for a new mission. The original slide was taken by me in 1970. In 2024, I converted it to a digital image and turned it into a black and white image. It is part of a recently curated set of images from my photographic record of my tour in Vietnam as an Infantry Platoon Leader.

  • Letter from Home
    Letter from Home

    A watercolor, 16"x20", recently painted, with reference from an original colored slide photographic image that I took during my tour of duty in Vietnam 1970-71.

  • Extraction from the Rock Pile
    Extraction from the Rock Pile

    A watercolor painting, 24"18", depicting my troops loading onto a helicopter after a difficult mission on a hill called the Rock Pile. I painted this from an original colored slide photographic image that I took during my tour of duty as an Infantry Platoon Leader in Vietnam 1970-71.

About Hal

With my retirement and relocation from Chicago to Maryland, I have time to seriously pursue a life-long interest in art, photography, and art history. As I develop/refine my skills in pen/ink, graphite/colored pencil, photography and photo processing, and oil/watercolor painting, I am creating life studies, portraits, and plein air paintings. My subject matter is wide, as I continue to explore my new avocation. Recently, I am reflecting on my tour of duty in Vietnam War and have started both… more

Photographic Essay - We Were Soldiers - Once and Young

This portfolio is a small compilation of the photographs that I took as a First Lieutenant in the US Army in 1970-71, stationed in South Vietnam. At that time, I was a Platoon Leader in the 2/502nd Infantry Battalion, 101st Airborne Division.

The Vietnam War had recently reached its peak and the U.S. was trying unsuccessfully to negotiate an end to the war. So, the conflict was ongoing and our mission, in the northern part of South Vietnam, was to block the North Vietnam Army (NVA) from entering the country. Therefore, for most of my tour, I led my platoon in the mountains and jungles in pursuit of the NVA. 

I took the photographs over 50 years ago and, only now in retirement, had the opportunity to resurrect them ( by digitizing, processing and converting them to B&W images) with the idea to preserve the memories and to share the story.  It is the story of most wars – wars are fought by very young men (and women) who are there for many reasons – we were drafted, or we volunteered, and we were for or against the war. Somehow, we were placed together and became a team who supported each other in very difficult and dangerous conditions. I hope to share a little bit of this - my team, my platoon, my men - as we survived the war.

  • Stand Tall
    Stand Tall
  • Loading Up and Moving Out
    Loading Up and Moving Out
  • On Patrol
    On Patrol
  • Taking a Break While on Patrol
    Taking a Break While on Patrol
  • Shooting the Breeze
    "Shooting the Breeze"
  • The Card Game
    The Card Game
  • A Letter for Home
    A Letter for Home
  • Time for Rest
    Time for Rest
  • Resupply Helicopter
    Resupply Helicopter
  • Ready for the Next Mission
    Ready for the Next Mission

Paintings Drawn from my Vietnam War Experience

Paintings from my experience in the Vietnam War. Painted recently using my original photographs as reference material.

  • Morning Light on the Firebase
    Morning Light on the Firebase

    Watercolor based on one of my original photographs from VN. Soldiers on a firebase at first light, getting a measure of the day ahead. 18x12. 

  • Extraction from the Rock Pile, VN
    Extraction from the Rock Pile, VN

    Watercolor. 18x12. Painted from one of my original VN photographs.

  • Letter from Home, VN
    Letter from Home, VN

    Watercolor painting from one of my original VN photographs, showing me reading a letter from home. 18x12.

  • On the Move, Vietnam
    On the Move, Vietnam

    Watercolor showing three soldiers of my platoon moving through the mountains of Vietnam. Painted from my original photographs. 12x18. 

  • Machine Gun Guard Post
    Machine Gun Guard Post

    Watercolor painting. 20x25. Painted with reference to my original photographs of the VN War.

  • Coming through the Elephant Grass, VN
    Coming through the Elephant Grass, VN

    Watercolor. Painted from one of my original VN photographs. 10x14

Conflict and War

Reflections on current political and world conflicts and war. Scenes and personalities. Referenced from news sources.

  • War Tanks Rolling Through the City
    War Tanks Rolling Through the City

    Watercolor painting. 18x12. War - Battles Tanks Moving Out of the City

  • Ukraine II
    Ukraine II

    Ukraine II.  Pen and ink drawing with some color, 11"X14", of Russian tanks as they move during the invasion.

  • Vladimir Putin
    Vladimir Putin

    Pencil drawing, 11"x14", of Vladimir Putin at the time of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

  • Volodymyr Zelensky
    Volodymyr Zelensky

    Pencil drawing, 11"x14", of Zelensky at the start of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

  • Zelensky after 40 Days
    Zelensky after 40 Days

    Pen and ink drawing, 11"x14", of Zelensky after 40 days of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Referenced from news sources

Drawn from the News

I like doing portraits, and recent news events offer plenty interesting faces to draw or paint. I used print media and internet images as my starting point. 

  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
    Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
  • King Charles III
    King Charles III
  • Peter Hegseth
    Peter Hegseth
  • Kamala Harris
    Kamala Harris
  • JD Vance
    JD Vance
  • Tim Walz
    Tim Walz
  • Elon Musk
    Elon Musk
  • Donald Trump
    Donald Trump


Portraits. Mostly paintings and drawings from live sessions. Some inspired by images of holidays and celebrations. 

  • Day of the Dead
    Day of the Dead
  • Portrait of Mike - Vietnam Veteran
    Portrait of Mike - Vietnam Veteran

    Watercolor of Mike painted during a live session at Gallery 220, Havre de Grace, MD. 11x15. 2023.

  • The Scream
    The Scream

    Watercolor of a woman screaming at someone. 9x13. 2023.

  • Portrait of Craig - Vietnam Veteran
    Portrait of Craig - Vietnam Veteran

    Pencil portrait of an artist friend. Drawn from his image on his podcast. 11x14. 2023

  • Harley Quinn
    Harley Quinn

    Watercolor. Painted from news and publicity photographs of Lady Gaga as Harley Quinn. 9x13. 2023

  • Santa - Recovering after the big day
    Santa - Recovering after the big day

    Watercolor. Draw from various Santa Claus internet reference photos. 9x12. 2023.

  • An Angry Young Boy
    An Angry Young Boy

    Watercolor painting.11x15. From a photograph I took several years ago. 2023

  • Tammy in a Pink
    Tammy in a Pink
    Painting started in a live model session at Artist Emporium, Havre de Grace, and finished in the studio. Tammy was wearing a wonderfully pink jacket and was looking very serious. I tried to capture her mood and to do justice to the pink jacket. Oil on canvas. 30x36
  • Portrait of Kaitlyn Brown
    Portrait of Kaitlyn Brown

    Pencil drawing during a live studio session. 11x14. 2022

  • Jackie and cat
    Jackie and cat

Jesters and Artist Mannequins


The jesters, loosely patterned after medieval court jesters, are of my own creation, and I used them in various posings and grouping to illustrate themes or ideas.

As for the mannequins, I used them to help me create the jesters, but I also pose them in different ways to practice drawing but also to create imaginative scenes.

  • Juggling Jesters in Complementary Colored Outfits
    Juggling Jesters in Complementary Colored Outfits
  • Tossing Complements
    Tossing Complements

    A painting of complementary colors and single point perspective. Using my artist mannequin as a model and jesters from my imagination. 20x16. 2023.

  • Self-Portrait as a Jester
    Self-Portrait as a Jester

    Watercolor. Self-portrait with a made-up jester's hat. 2021. 5x8.

  • Juggling Jesters Balancing
    Juggling Jesters Balancing

    The two jesters are doing balancing and juggling feats for us. Showing perhaps the many (too many) things we have to balance in our lives. Their stage is a barren land with a road leading off into the far unknown distance.

  • Reaching for the Sun
    Reaching for the Sun

    Three jesters on balls holding a ball from which a jester is jumping to reach the sun. Impossible maybe. But we still try to reach challenging (perhaps unreachable) goals. And we have help from others.

  • Jesters Waiting for the Way to Open
    Jesters Waiting for the Way to Open

    The jesters are not playing. They are waiting with some uncertainty/apprehension for the way to clear. It is unclear if the way will again be safe.

  • Longing at a Distant Ancestor
    Longing at a Distant Ancestor

    The two jesters are looking at long distant ancestor and wondering about their past and journey. The ancestor seems so different - strange and a bit intimidating.

  • Priorities
    A solo jester balancing and juggling. Balancing all the things we have to do, and keeping all the balls in air. Life is a bit like this sometimes.
  • Complementary Twins
    Complementary Twins
  • Mirror Images of Juggling Mannequins
    Mirror Images of Juggling Mannequins

Scenes from Bel Air and Harford County

The greater Harford County region and Bel Air offer plenty of scenes to paint, and I am only just getting started in exploring the possibilities. Most of these paintings are the end result of  plein air painting outings with fellow artists. Some were finished on site, but others completed later in the studio.

  • Cool Beans in Port Deposit
    Cool Beans in Port Deposit
    On an outing with a plein air group from Lancaster, PA, we converged on Port Deposit, along the Susquehanna River. It was a bright, sunny day in early Autumn. The town center was very quiet and peaceful, and the small coffee shop (Cool Beans) with a few patrons was my focal point. Oil on canvas. 20x16
  • Jerusalem Mill Farmhouse
    Jerusalem Mill Farmhouse

    Watercolor from the Jerusalem Mill Historic Park. Started on-site and finished in the studio. 13x9. 2022.

  • Shed at the Tudor (Booth) House
    Shed at the Tudor (Booth) House

    Watercolor painted on location at Tudor House Park in Bel Air. 13x9. 2022.

  • Harford Glen - Autumn I
    Harford Glen - Autumn I

    Watercolor painted on location at the Harford Glen Park (Bel Air). 13x9. 2022.

  • Jerusalem Mill Field
    Jerusalem Mill Field

    Watercolor painted on location at the field near the Jerusalem Mill Park. 13x9. 2022.

  • The Golden Years
    The Golden Years

    Oil Painting of a house in Bel Air that no longer exists. In its "golden years" as the large sign echos.

  • Motorcycle at the Cleaners
    Motorcycle at the Cleaners

    Watercolor painting


Flower arrangements and flowers from around the house and photo references. All in watercolor.

  • Poppies for Veterans Day 2023
    Poppies for Veterans Day 2023

    Watercolor of poppies, painted from web reference images. 15x11. 2023

  • Flowers in a clear vase with reflection
    Flowers in a clear vase with reflection

    Watercolor painting with pencil under drawing. 11x15. 2023

  • Iris in a Ball Jar
    Iris in a Ball Jar

    Watercolor painted in a loose, quick manner. 9x15, 2023

  • Red Poppies with Others
    Red Poppies with Others

    Watercolor. 9x13. 2022.

  • Jonathan's Flowers I
    Jonathan's Flowers I

    Watercolor painted in homage to a fellow artist's flower series. 9x13. 2022.

  • Liriodendron Flowers I
    Liriodendron Flowers I

    Watercolor painted onsite of a flower arrangement at the Liriodendron. 9x13. 2022.

  • Liriodendron Flowers II
    Liriodendron Flowers II

    Watercolor painted onsite of a flower arrangement at the Liriodendron. 9x13. 2022

  • Poppies II
    Poppies II

    Watercolor of poppies painted for 2022 Veterans Day. 13x9. 2022.

Animals (mainly cats, turkeys and birds)

Animals (turkeys, birds, ground hogs) and family pets (cats) I have painted/drawn recently. 

  • Pardoned White House Turkey
    Pardoned White House Turkey

    Painting of one of the President's pardoned turkeys. 11x15.

  • Emmeline

    Watercolor with colored pencil of a family cat, a Ragdoll. 9x13.

  • Keira

    Painting (watercolor and colored pencil) of our family pet - Keira - a Persian Calico cat. 8x10. 

  • Regal Alaura
    Regal Alaura

    Our house cat, Alaura, a Maine Coon cat, looking very regal. In colored pencil and a light blue-green watercolor background wash. 9x13.

  • Punxsutawney Phil
    Punxsutawney Phil

    Watercolor, 16"x20", of Punxsutawney Phil with handler. I used press photographs for reference.

  • Coopers hawk
    Coopers hawk

    Colored pencil drawing of a Coopers Hawk from my photograph of it in the back yard.

  • Male House Finch
    Male House Finch

    Colored pencil drawing of a House Finch from my photograph of it in the backyard.

  • Eastern Bluebird
    Eastern Bluebird

    Colored pencil drawing of an Eastern Bluebird, from my photograph of it in the backyard.

  • House Finches
    House Finches

    Colored pencil drawing of a pair of House Finches from my photograph of them in the backyard.

  • American Goldfinch
    American Goldfinch

    Colored pencil drawing of an American Goldfinch from my photograph of it in the backyard.

Landscapes, Cityscapes

Water color scenes painted from my travel photography and imagination.

  • Moving into Alignment
    Moving into Alignment

    Watercolor, 24"x18", painted from imagination. many layers of watercolor washes. Added spheres (circles) for points of interest. And broad brush strokes indicating movement. 

  • San Giorgio Maggiore Across the San Macro Canal, Venice
    San Giorgio Maggiore Across the San Macro Canal, Venice

    Watercolor painting from an original photograph taken during a visit to Venice. 11x15. 2023.