Work samples
Aerial View of Pimlico INSPIRE Placemaking ProjectLarge Scale Placemaking, Collaborative Horizontal Murals, Fence weaving, Semi- Permanent Abstract Steel Sculpture in Park Heights Renaissance neighborhood in West Baltimore. Partnership with city planning and Pimlico Elementary/Middle School, design workshops with youth, door knocking, community art events that engaged residents in the painting process, worked with Department of Transportation for road closures and approval, special events permits
About Whitney

Whitney Frazier is an interdisciplinary artist, mother and educator with a community based public art practice in Baltimore, MD. She completed her BA in Painting, MA and MFA in Community Arts at the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA). Since 2002, Frazier has intentionally worked with diverse groups of people to implement community focused, concept driven public art projects that lead to relationship building, new resources for neighborhoods and bringing to life the shared… more
Park Heights Pathways : Design for Distancing
10' x 10' x 10'
Exterior/horizontal murals
Park Heights Ave. NW Baltimore, MD
Park Heights Pathways : Design for Distancing1 of 11 horizontal murals along Park Heights Ave. NW Baltimore
Park Heights Pathways : Design for Distancing2 of 11 for small businesses along Park Heights Ave. to encourage outdoor dining and patronage.
Park Heights Pathways : Design for Distancingdetails of murals & social distancing stencils
Park Heights Pathways : Design for Distancing3 of 11 for small businesses along Park Heights Ave. to encourage outdoor dining and patronage.
Park Heights Pathways : Design for Distancing4 of 11 for small businesses along Park Heights Ave. to encourage outdoor dining and patronage.
Park Heights Pathways : Design for Distancing5 of 11 for small businesses along Park Heights Ave. to encourage outdoor dining and patronage.
Park Heights Pathways : Design for Distancingdetail
Park Heights Pathways : Design for Distancingdetail of social distancing signage - codesigned with Greg Gannon
Park Heights Pathways : Design for DistancingMayor Brandon Scott painting with community leader and president of Pimlico Merchants Association, Sister Yeshiyah Israel
Park Heights Pathways : Design for DistancingMayor Scott with youth and community leaders painting murals along park heights ave. for design for distancing project.
Pimlico Placemaking INSPIRE Project
Large Scale Placemaking, Collaborative Horizontal Murals, Fence weaving, Semi- Permanent Abstract Steel Sculpture
Unsafe routes for students to travel to local school, % of homeowners declining, desire for beautification, need a place for kids to peacefully play and interact
Partnership with city planning and local Elementary/Middle School, design workshops with youth, door knocking, community art events that engaged residents in the painting process, worked with Department of Transportation for road closures and approval, special events permits
20+ volunteers from Park Heights neighborhood and other areas of Baltimore City contributed to painting and beautification of the Pimlico triangle park, 12 middle school students engaged in design workshops and implementation of project, parents and residents asking “What’s next? We want more!”, additional slots money funds 100k allocated to next phase of wayfinding project for 2020
Pimlico INSPIRE Project
Aerial View of Pimlico INSPIRE Placemaking ProjectLarge Scale Placemaking, Collaborative Horizontal Murals, Fence weaving, Semi- Permanent Abstract Steel Sculpture in Park Heights Renaissance neighborhood in West Baltimore. Partnership with city planning and Pimlico Elementary/Middle School, design workshops with youth, door knocking, community art events that engaged residents in the painting process, worked with Department of Transportation for road closures and approval, special events permits
Aerial view of Pimlico INSPIRE
Pimlico Placemaking_ from abovedrone shot of mural in progress summer 2019
Pimlico Placemaking_ Sculpture Componentpainted steel with concrete installed on DOT right away lot with support from city planning
Detail of Horizontal Muralexterior porch paint approved by Dept. of Transportation
Pimlico Placemaking: INSPIRE ProjectFirst paint day with youth from Pimlico Elementary Middle School at Pimlico Triangle park
Community Celebration of Pimlico INSPIRE ProjectCelebrating the unveiling of steel painted sculpture installed at Pimlico Triangle for INSPIRE project with local youth.
Youth Participants on Horizontal Mural at Pimlico INSPIRE
Pimlico student wheelie on Horizontal MuralPimlico student wheelie on Horizontal Mural during community celebration
Darley Park Space Transformation
Darley Park Mural & Play ElementsGateway murals at Darley Park with play elements 2010 - 2019. Normal Ave. and Harford Road East Baltimore. Works created in partnership with Darley Park Community Association, BUILD Baltimore, 6th Branch, NDC, BOPA and Parks and People. Assisted by local artist Greg Gannon and youth from Darley Park neighborhood.
Darley Park Mural & Play ElementsBefore and after images of first large scale mural in Darley Park, 2017. Completed with sign painter Greg Gannon.
Darley Park Gateway Mural, #1Community beautification project for larger redevelopment park. Collaboration with community leaders, M.I.C.A., students and local sign painter Greg Cannon. 30' x 40'. Gateway Park, East Baltimore, 2017.
Darley Park Gateway Mural, #2A mural incorporating a portrait of a young girl paired with poetry by Mr. Abdullah Moaney, whose home the mural adorns. The mural was made possible through NDC with support from Baltimore Office of Promotion and the Arts, and a team of community members, volunteers and supporters from the Darley Park Community Association and BUILD. 30’ x 40’. Darley Park, East Baltimore, 2018.
Polytab Mural Elements in Darley ParkStudents contribute messages of hope to the large scale mural through workshops at St. Rita Church Rec Center in Darley Park.
Darley Park Designs for ParkInitial design planning with residents and final images of versatile stage and park elements. Park completed in 2019.
Darley Park Sun Stage SailsDesigns by elder women in Darley Park Community inspired by matisse cutouts. Created to be on display during public art events, in collaboration with TT the Artist. Each sail 15’ x 25’, 3 total. Darley Park, East Baltimore, 2018.
Darley Park Light City EventPerformances on Darley Park Stage during Neighborhood Lights 2018.
Darley Park Sun Stage SailsDesigns by elder women in Darley Park Community inspired by matisse cutouts. Created to be on display during public art events, in collaboration with TT the Artist. Each sail 15’ x 25’, 3 total. Darley Park, East Baltimore, 2018.
Bon Secours' Food Access Project
Food Truck in ActionBon Secours' Urban Farm Project: Mobile Market co-designed with Michael Rosenband. Painting and signs by Whitney Frazier. Part of a larger food access initiative in West Baltimore. 300 families in surrounding neighborhoods receive fresh food deliveries on a bi-monthly schedule, 4 local artists employed to create food truck designs and other murals on site, increased visibility of the urban agricultural program. 2018-2019 Fulton & Fayette Ave. West Baltimore MD
Food Truck Mobile Market12' truck, 2018
Food Truck Serving Local Produce to Residents in West Baltimore
Urban Farm Shipping ContainersCollaboration with local artist Naomi Hanna, 10'x10'x40', 2018.
Urban Farm Shipping ContainersCollaboration with local artist Naomi Hannah, two containers; one 10'x10'x20', one 10'x10'x40'. 2018
Food Truck Mobile Market12' truck, 2018
Food Truck Mobile Market12' truck, 2018
Mural and Signage for Food Pantry
Bon Secours Centennial MuralEngaging community in a beautiful project, celebrating the balance of sunrise and sunset. 286’ x 10’. 2000 W. Baltimore St. 2018.
Bon Secours Centennial MuralEngaging community in a beautiful project, celebrating the balance of sunrise and sunset. 286’ x 10’. 2000 W. Baltimore St. 2018.
Riverdale Park Food Access Project
Riverdale Park Refrigerated Food Access Project
Riverdale Park Food Access : Faith (Trailer 1)1 of 2 refrigerated food trailers / theme of Faith representing diverse communities in Riverdale Park MD
Riverdale Park Food Access : Faith (Trailer 1)1 of 2 refrigerated food trailers / theme of Faith representing diverse communities in Riverdale Park MD
Riverdale Park Food Access : Faith (Trailer 1)
Riverdale Park Food Access : Hope (Trailer #2)
Riverdale Park Food Access : Hope (Trailer #2)
Abstract Interior Murals
T. Rowe Price mural seriesBased on their mission and vision I designed and produced 3 large scale interior murals at their Owings Mills Campus.
Mural 1 _ Ethics
Mural 2_ Interconnectedness
Detail of T. Rowe Price Murals
Detail of T. Rowe Price Murals
Detail of T. Rowe Price Murals
Fayetteville Mural in Yoga StudioCommission for yoga studio in personal home Fayetteville, AR
Locust Point Interior Mountain Mural2019 in SW Baltimore home
Digital Mock Up for Locust Point Mural
Cover Up Series
Color Lines: Cover Up SeriesColor Lines: Cover Up Series / mix media on archival paper 5ft w x 3 ft. h. This series of work explores issues of "covering" up our racist past and how we will always remain interconnected to one another despite the pain and suffering.
Detail of Color Lines
Detail of Color Lines
Cover Up Series: Blue Power Suitmix media 42" x 50"
Cover Up #2mix media on canvas, 24" x 36" (2)
Cover Up #4mix media 50" x 70" framed
Cover Up Series: Shakrasmix media on canvas 36in w x 48 in h
Cover Up Series: Rat Burgermix media on canvas 36 in x 36 in.
Photo Collage & Painting
Shells and Shells Series
SW Baltimore 3photo & acrylic on canvas, 36" x 24"
SW Baltimore 2photo & acrylic on canvas, 36" x 24'
La Betty CommissionLa Betty family style restaurant in NW Washington DC
Baltimore's Promise MuralCommission mural work for Baltimore's Promise. A non-profit organization serving youth and young adults in Baltimore City. Photos by Crystal Micriotti.
Shells on Shells SeriesMix Media, collage including imagry of sea shells and bullet casings. 20.5" x 23.5"
Shells on Shells SeriesMix Media, collage including imagery of sea shells and bullet casings. 20.5" x 23.5"
Shells on Shells SeriesMix Media, collage including imagery of sea shells and bullet casings. 20.5" x 23.5"
Shells and Shells Seriesa series about violence to each other and the earth
Shells and Shells Seriesa series about violence to each other and the earth
Cycles: Womens Health Project
The large graffiti drawings document my memories and discoveries about my body through my own experiences and stories told to me by other women. I use drawing to vent about the western medical system and reveal alternative options to women’s health issues.
The interactive bathroom installations are a part of my research for the Cycles book project to gather additional stories and concerns to address in the book. I initiate the conversation with a drawing and written prompt. Viewers are asked to contribute anonymously when visiting the public restrooms.
Women's Health Manual
An interactive PDF training manual called “Implementing Physical Rehabilitation Services into Comprehensive Fistula and Maternity Care: A Training Guide for Health Care Workers” including over 50 original illustrations and posters. Created in 2019 with physical therapists working in clinics and in the field of women’s health. Supported by larger international organizations like Engendered Health,
Conducted research on medical drawings and design layout options for low literacy patients.
Increasingly high rates of women with fistula, stigma of women living with fistula, lack of resource materials for health care workers treating women with fistula and other reproductive health issues, out of date visuals and information.
***Digital download available for free on Mama, LLC website and Engendered Health, additional funding of 5k secured for translation into french, swahili, and portuguese. Physiotherapists and health care workers are saying, “The illustrations are stunning!”
Sample Illustrations from Women's Health Manualpelvic floor muscles & bone structure (without labels)
Women's Health Manualcover design and sample illustration
Women's Health Manualbefore and after layout changes with illustrations, font and design options.
Sample Illustrations from Women's Health Manual
Sample Illustrations from Women's Health Manual
Sample Illustrations from Women's Health Manual
Sample Illustrations from Women's Health Manualpelvic floor muscles (without labels)