Work samples
About Schroeder

Originally from Washington, DC, Schroeder Cherry is an award- winning Maryland-based, multimedia assemblage artist and puppeteer whose art for decades has captured everyday scenes of African diaspora life. He has performed puppetry in museums, cultural centers, libraries and schools across the United States, and his art is in numerous private and public collections. As a museum professional, he has worked in seven U.S. museums, including the Studio Museum in Harlem; The J.… more
Barber Shop Series
These works are acrylic with objects on wood.
Barbershop Series #42 CutsAcrylic, glass, thread, metal with objects on wood. 26 x 27 inches Private collection
Barber Shop Series #53, TightAcrylic, glass, thread, metal with objects on wood. 25 x 30 inches
Barber Shop Series # 55Acrylic, glass, thread, metal with objects on wood. 32 x 29 inches
Barber Shop Series # 58Acrylic, glass, thread, metal with objects on wood. 33.5 x 31.5 inches
Barber Shop Series #35, ShootAcrylic, glass, thread, metal with objects on wood. 29 x 39 inches
Barber shop Series#37Acrylic, glass, thread, metal with objects on wood. 30.5 x 22 inches. Private collection
Barber shop Series#36 SideAcrylic, glass, thread, metal with objects on wood. 31 x 25.5 inches
Barber Shop Series#50, PreyAcrylic, glass, thread, metal with objects on wood. 27 x 24 inches Private collection
Barbershop Series #48, TrimAcrylic, glass, thread, metal with objects on wood. 30 x 20 inches Private collection
Barbershop Series #47, Own 28.5 x 21 inches-1.jpgAcrylic, glass, thread, metal with objects on wood. 28.5 x 21 inches
Assemblage Portraits
SongDoor Open private collection
I've Watcheddoor closed text by Thomas Estler Private collection
No Touchdoor open Text by Thomas Estler.
Reclaiming My Timedoor open , 21.5 x 9.5 x 8 Private collection
Graduatedoor open private collection
Family Tree door open-1.jpgMixed media on wood. Private collection
Joker30.5 x 10.5 x 1.5 inches Acrylic, wood, objects on glass washboard
No Labels24“ x 10”
Two Dads31 x 31 inches photo by Minas Konsolas
Schroeder Cherry and His Puppets
Schroeder Cherry played with puppets as a kid. In college he tried puppets again and was hooked. He apprenticed to a puppet master in Chicago and joined a troupe before setting out on his own. Working with sculpted rod puppets and wood cut outs that he designed, Schroeder has performed original shows with puppets in museums, libraries, schools, and cultural centers across the United States. Performances include: "Can You Spell Harlem?," "The Land of Primary Colors," "Underground Railroad, Not A Subway," "Tuskegee Airmen," "How The Sun Came To The Sky," and "Civil Rights Children's Crusade." Puppet Docent Ms. Lily was designed specifically to lead adult tours in museums and art galleries.
Puppet Jamahl with drumJamahl. Rod puppet with drum.
Puppet Ms. LilyMs. Lily at Wits End Puppet Slam, Takoma Park, MD
Puppet Curtis EntrepreneurRod puppet singing blues song
How The Sun Came To The SkySet for How The Sun Came To The Sky. Rod puppet with wood cut-outs.
Puppet TevinPuppet Tevin at Smihsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum, talking about Tuskegee Airmen.
Underground Railroad Not A SubwayCabin scene of rRailroad, Not A Subway.
Puppet Ms .Maya O'PinionMs. Maya O'Pimion, rod puppet.
Mr. BojanglesPuppets Mr. Zeke and Smooth Earl perform "Mr. Bojangles."
Puppet Dallas Dan w guitar32 x 10 x 4 inches
Ms LilyPuppet Ms. Lily, museum docent.
Angel Can Series
Angel Can #789.5 x 9 x 3.5 inches. Private collection
Angel Box.jpg
Angel Can # 669x9x2.5 inches
Angel Vessel #414 x 5 acrylic on wood with African gourd, metal, cowrie. Private collection
Angel Can #688.5 x 12 x 2.75 inches Private collection
Angel Can #739x11x2.25 inches Private collection
Angel Can #718 x 9 x 2.75 inches Private collection
Railroad Porter Series
The Railroad Porter Series commemorates those people who toiled on American railroads, largely establishing America's first Black middleclass.
Janus with Schedule48 x 30 inches Private collection
Traveling Shoes.Acrylic, glass, thread, metal with objects on wood. 48 x 30 inches Private collection
I Got Two MindsAcrylic, glass, thread, metal with objects on wood. 48 x 24 inches Private collection
Baker King22 x 10 inches Private collection
Sliver Tray w slice
GenerationsAcrylic, glass, thread, metal with objects on washboard. Private collection
WantedAcrylic with objects on wood. Private collection
GraduateAcrylic, glass, thread, metal with objects on wood. Private collection
Work Clothes Play ClothesSilver trays and mixed media. Private collection
2 knivesSilver tray and mixed media. Private collection
Music Series
Piano46 x 48 inches
Serving_Slices_30 x 26 inches.
Watermelon Blues48 x 46 inches.
Double Blow
Sing28 x 25 inches
Sax Man38.5 x 22.25 inches
To Die For47 x 27 inches
Blow48 x 32 inches
Mens Choir 1.JPGAcrylic with objects on wood. Private collection
Sang!32.5 x 22.5 inches Private collection
Protest Series
Good Trouble (doors closed)Acrylic with objects on wood and metal washboard. 33 x 12.5 inches
Tic_Tac_Covid_30_x_30_inches.jpgTic Tac Covid Acrylic, thread with objects on wood 30 x 30 inches
Good TroubleAcrylic with objects on washboard. 33 x 28 inches.
MaskAcrylic with objects on wood 30.5 x 35.25 inches
Future Voter Series
Future Voter#11acrylic, metal with objecst on wood; 31.5 x 26.5 inches
Future Voter #3Acrylic with objects on wood. 21 x 20 inches~2.jpg Private collection
Future Voter Series #12, TwnsAcrylic with objects on wood. 38 x 27 inches
Future Voter #29, Splash GirlAcrylic with objects on wood 27 x 38.5 x 3 inches 2023
Future Voter #26 Splash BoyAcrylic with objects on wood. 2023