About Ron

Primarily an Illustrator, Ron is a graduate of Maryland Institute, College of Art, and has been creating art for several decades. He has worked in the retail field in Advertising, Marketing and Operations. His background also includes Promotions, Marketing Research and Screenprinting.
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Pen & Ink with Color
This style includes mostly landscapes with some portraiture mixed in.
CaliforniaPier.jpgPacific Pier Illustration
GuatemalaGoats.jpgPen and Ink with color pencil
Crouse,R-#2Kentucky.jpgNight scene
IBC Art.jpgCraft Beer Brewery in Bel Air, Maryland
St.MichaelsScene.jpgDock scene from Maryland Eastern Shore
FellsPtHunter.jpgPortrait and townscape combo in Baltimore, Maryland
Crouse,R-#3StMichaels.jpgStreet scene from St. Michael's, MD in town.
FrederickLandscape.jpgLive sketch from a porch in Frederick, MD
Various portraits using Pen & Ink with color
Portrait of naturalist John Muir
Crouse,R.-#3-F.Douglas.jpgPortrait of Abolitionist Frederick Douglas. Second in a series of "Honorable Americans" (John Muir)
BrianwithPeeWee.jpgA man and his dog. Pen & Ink with color on watercolor paper
MarshalYanda.jpgPortrait of Baltimore Raven Marshal Yanda
LauraGuitaronCouch.jpgLive sketch
JoniMitchell#1.jpgSimple portrait of singer / songwriter / artist Joni Mitchell.
MightyJoeYoung#1.jpgIllustration of Blues Great, guitarist Mighty Joe Young
ScottMclaughlin#1.jpgPortrait of Scott McLaughlin
Streets of Cuba#1.jpgPortrait with Cuban street scene
Tedeschi.jpgPortrait of guitarist Susan Tedeschi
Covid Era Paintings
Acrylic on canvas paintings from the Covid Era.
Driveway Landscape.jpgEn Plein Air 16" x 20" acrylic on canvas
LaurainYard.jpgEn Plein Air 20" x 16" acrylic on canvas.
VanPortrait.jpgPortrait of the legendary Van Morrison. 18" x 24" acrylic on canvas.
MaineLandscape.jpg16" x 20" acrylic on canvas
MaineOceanscape.jpgAcrylic on canvas. Courtesy of Hunter S. Crouse
FloatingPumpkins2.jpg2nd in a series of "Floating Pumpkins" 16"x20" acrylic on canvas.
Smokehouse.jpg16"x20" acrylic on canvas
Waterfall.jpg16"x20" acrylic on canvas
Ma&PaTrailPtg.jpg16"x20" Acrylic on Canvas. Field at Ma & Pa Trail
Azaelas.jpgEn Plein Air 20" x 16" Acrylic on Canvas.
More Paintings
2020 and 2021 Acrylic Paintings
Steve'sGarage.jpg16"x20" Acrylic on Canvas Steve's Garage
RockfieldManor.jpg16"x20" Acrylic on Canvas of Historic Rockfield Manor, Bel Air, MD
LiriodendronScene.jpg18"x24" Acrylic on Canvas of View at Liriodendron
HavredeGraceArtWalk.jpg16"x20" Acrylic on Canvas of Town view, HdG, MD
GibsonHoranoffFarm16"x20" Acrylic on Canvas of Gibson/Horanoff Farm, Fallston, MD. Courtesy Barbara Horanoff
LandscapePainting (2).jpg11"x14" Acrylic on Bristol Board, Landscape
Cait&ChelseaPainting.jpg14"x11" Acrylic on Canvas, Portrait
Ma&PaLandscape.jpgEquestrian Center Landscape, 14"x11" acrylic on canvas
MemlGardins.jpg11"x14" Acrylic on Canvas
BackyardPainting.jpeg16"x20" Acrylic on Canvas
'21/'22 Paintings
FallLandscape.jpg11"x14" acrylic on canvas, Fall Landscape
GoatIslandPainting (2).jpg16"x20" Acrylic on Canvas - Landscape. Courtesy of Hunter S. Crouse
HunterPaintPortrait.jpg11"x14" Acrylic on Canvas * Portrait
LauraPaintPortrait.jpg11"x14" Acrylic on Canvas, Portrait
SnowyWoodsPainting.jpg14"x11" Acrylic on Canvas - Winter Landscape
Snow&Treescape.jpg11"x14" Acrylic on Canvas - Landscape
PetersLakeNYpainting.jpg16"x20" Acrylic on Canvas - Landscape. Courtesy of Peter Ludas
EllieDancingatFire.jpg11"x14" Acrylic on Canvas Board. Courtesy of E. Welker
johnlewisPainting.jpg11"x14" Acrylic on Canvas
WinterCemetaryPtg.jpg10"x8" Acrylic on Canvas
Paintings '23
Acrylic paintings from 2023
Carolina LighthouseAcrylic on Canvas. Courtesy of Hunter S. Crouse
Backstreet at Yuengling Brewery, Pottsville, PAAcrylic on Canvas
Turkey Pt. LighthouseAcrylic on Canvas
Barn at Swan Harbor, HdG, MDAcrylic on Canvas
Havre de Grace, MD Marina at DuskAcrylic on Canvas
Havre de Grace, MD townscape
Acrylic on Canvas. Courtesy of Kevin Zucker