Work samples
Out Through the MouthOut Through the Mouth combines LIDAR-scanning, 3D animation, and digital compositing in a self-portrait about either birthing or barfing — generating a life force or losing control of one’s soul. This piece was created as a site-specific, 3-channel projection for the Projections at the Peale program for the Spark 6: Refractions exhibition at The Peale in Baltimore, MD.
Eyelydian DocumentationEyelydian is a 360° video that uses abstraction, animated geometric patterning, and photographic images to call to mind the colors, patterns, and visions seen as light filters through closed eyelids. 360° digital video, 3:15, 2019
Fake BelieveFake Believe -- Fake blood watering fake flowers. In this time when we call fake things real and real things fake, what are we growing? This video references a nature-documentary photographic style, shot in high-framerate slow motion, as fake blood rains onto national flowers. Digital video, 3:38, 2017.
Antennae in-progress demoAntennae is an interactive virtual reality experience set in a greenhouse that presents a dreamlike narrative about our vulnerability to the pervasiveness of broadcast media. Virtual reality interactive narrative for SteamVR. A work-in-progress demo.
About Ryan

Ryan Schmal Murray creates conceptually-driven artwork that combines digital and physical media. His work addresses the search for moments of meaning by turning pop-culture media/technology on itself and transforming everyday objects and experiences into subtle psychedelia.
Murray was born in Pittsburgh, PA. He received his BFA from Carnegie Mellon University and his MFA from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Murray’s artwork has been exhibited internationally… more
Out Through The Mouth
Site-specific, 3-channel digital video projection, 2:00
The Peale Museum, Baltimore, MD
Out Through the Mouth combines LIDAR-scanning, 3D animation, and digital compositing in a self-portrait about either birthing or barfing — generating a life force or losing control of one’s soul. This piece was created as a site-specific, 3-channel projection for the Projections at the Peale program for the Spark 6: Refractions exhibition at The Peale in Baltimore, MD.
Out Through the MouthOut Through the Mouth installation view
Out Through the Mouthdocumentation of Out Through the Mouth at the Peale Museum
Out Through the Mouth installation viewOut Through the Mouth installation view
Out Through the Mouth installation viewOut Through the Mouth installation view
Out Through the Mouth installation video stillOut Through the Mouth installation video still
Out Through the Mouth installation video stillOut Through the Mouth installation video still
Out Through the Mouth installation video stillOut Through the Mouth installation video still
Out Through the Mouth installation video stillOut Through the Mouth installation video still
Out of Context - Tricycle Bicycle Cycle
A stereoscopic 360 experience made up of multiple fragmented and collaged 3D 180 recordings filmed during the recording of their new EP, this psychedelic music video captures the garage rock spirit of Pittsburgh/Baltimore-based indie band Tricycle Bicycle Cycle.
Tricycle Bicycle Cycle - Out Of ContextA stereoscopic 360 VR experience made up of multiple fragmented and collaged 3D 180 recordings filmed during the recording of their new EP, this psychedelic music video captures the garage rock spirit of Pittsburgh/Baltimore-based indie band Tricycle Bicycle Cycle.
TBC Out Of Context poster 16-9.png
Out Of Context 1.png
New York Film Festival: Convergence
360 Film Festival, Paris
Light City Baltimore
Tacoma Film Festival
San Francisco Frozen Film Festival
University Film and Video Association
Milwaukee Underground Film Festival
360° digital video
Eyelydianstill from 360° digital video (entire 360° image stretched out in equirectangular projection), 3:15, 2019
Eyelydian Still 2.pngstill from Eyelydian
Eyelydian Still 3.pngstill from Eyelydian
Eyelydian viewer.pngstill from Eyelydian with viewer demonstration
Eyelydian DocumentationEyelydian is a 360° video that uses abstraction, animated geometric patterning, and photographic images to call to mind the colors, patterns, and visions seen as light filters through closed eyelids. 360° digital video, 3:15, 2019
EyelydianClick and drag around the image to navigate the 360-degree video, or view on the YouTube app on a smartphone or VR headset like an Oculus Go or Google Cardboard. Eyelydian is a 360° video that uses abstraction, animated geometric patterning, and photographic images to call to mind the colors, patterns, and visions seen as light filters through closed eyelids. 360° digital video 3:15 2019
Antennae is an upcoming interactive virtual reality experience set in a greenhouse that presents a dreamlike narrative about our vulnerability to the pervasiveness of broadcast media.
You awaken in a greenhouse. The fluorescent lights are harsh and buzzing. There are empty pots and an old watering can. You set to work watering flowerpots, but instead of flowers, television antennas and satellite dishes grow. You pick them and install them in your body. Grating, garbled audio broadcasts overwhelm you. As things build to a head, you find out what’s outside the greenhouse and what we’ve been doing with all of these antennas.
Incubated at DevLab 2019 -- Kaleidoscope, RYOT Films, & Saul Zaentz Innovation Fund
virtual reality interactive narrative for SteamVR
in-progress, 2018-20
Antennaestill from virtual reality interactive narrative for SteamVR. In-progress.
Antennae prototype demonstrationAntennae is an interactive virtual reality experience set in a greenhouse that presents a dreamlike narrative about our vulnerability to the pervasiveness of broadcast media. Virtual reality interactive narrative for SteamVR. A work-in-progress demo.
Antennae stillStill from Antennae, point of view with antennas and satellite dishes attached to your body
Antennae stillstill from Antennae, pouring the watering can to water the flower pots
Fake Believe
This video references a nature-documentary style, shot in high-framerate slow motion. It depicts fake national flowers watered with fake blood.
West Virginia Mountaineer Short Film Festival
Revolutions Per Minute Festival
Minneapolis College of Art and Design
University Film and Video Association
Portland Underground Film Festival
Montreal Underground Film Festival
Digital video
Fake Believestill from digital video, 3:38, 2017
Fake BelieveFake Believe -- Fake blood watering fake flowers. In this time when we call fake things real and real things fake, what are we growing? This video references a nature-documentary photographic style, shot in high-framerate slow motion, as fake blood rains onto national flowers. Digital video, 3:38, 2017.
Eyelydianstill from 360 video
Fake Believestill from digital video, 3:38, 2017
Fake Believestill from digital video, 3:38, 2017
Fake Believestill from digital video, 3:38, 2017
Fake Believestill from digital video, 3:38, 2017
Fake Believestill from digital video, 3:38, 2017
Perfect Pixels
The Rule of Thirds is the compositional principle that divides an image into thirds vertically and horizontally. Cinematographers align subjects along those guides to create the most visually interesting composition. The points where these lines intersect are said to be the most visually powerful in the composition. Drawing this idea to its logical conclusion, the exact pixels at those points should be the most perfect pixels throughout the entire film.
The individual pixels are so small that you might not be able to see them blinking. But when they are magnified, they become colored flicker films, charged with the most important visual information in their original source film.
Light City Baltimore
University Film and Video Association
Video loops on four wall-mounted digital picture frames, gaffer tape
Perfect PixelsVideo loops on four wall-mounted digital picture frames, gaffer tape, 2016-18
PerfectPixels1.jpgVideo loops on four wall-mounted digital picture frames, gaffer tape, 2016-18
PerfectPixels2.jpgVideo loops on four wall-mounted digital picture frames, gaffer tape, 2016-18
PerfectPixels3.jpgVideo loops on four wall-mounted digital picture frames, gaffer tape, 2016-18
Space Helmet
Delaware Contemporary
EBC Art Center
Hood College
Globe, papier-mâché, box, antennae, plastic tubes, spray paint, plastic film, video monitor, 2 minute digital video loop
Space Helmetglobe, papier-mâché, box, antennae, plastic tubes, spray paint, plastic film, video monitor, 2 minute digital video loop, 2014
Space Helmetstill from digital video loop
Space Helmetstill from digital video loop
Space Helmetstill from digital video loop
Space Helmetglobe, papier-mâché, box, antennae, plastic tubes, spray paint, plastic film, video monitor, 2 minute digital video loop, 2014
Space Helmetglobe, papier-mâché, box, antennae, plastic tubes, spray paint, plastic film, video monitor, 2 minute digital video loop, 2014
Every Feature Film On My Hard Drive, 3 Pixels Tall and Sped Up 7000%
footage experience of media hyperavailability. It has become so easy to amass personal, virtual libraries
of cultural artifacts, and by creating this piece I was thinking about how to use that enormous wealth of
material to generate new work. I conceived of this piece as painting with films. By compressing each
movie into a stripe of color and duration, and lining them all up together in a single frame, the whole
history of my film-watching is experienced as a single painterly composition.
The Festival of (In)Appropriation Tour (6 cities in the US, UK, and Canada)
CICA Museum
EBC Arts Center
University of Michigan
Antimatter [Media Art]
Basement Media Festival Tour (10 cities in the US and Canada)
Experimental Film Festival Portland
Digital video
Every Feature Film On My Hard Drive, 3 Pixels Tall and Sped Up 7000%still from digital video, 3:29, 2013
Every Feature Film On My Hard Drive, 3 Pixels Tall and Sped Up 7000%still from digital video, 3:29, 2013
Every Feature Film On My Hard Drive, 3 Pixels Tall and Sped Up 7000%still from digital video, 3:29, 2013
Every Feature Film On My Hard Drive, 3 Pixels Tall and Sped Up 7000%digital video, 3:29, 2013
Picture Frame
images of family and friends. These devices occupy a wonderful “the-future-is-now” meets “sure to look
dated” cultural space, but in this work the frame itself becomes both canvas and subject. By recursively
displaying pictures of itself showing pictures of itself, the frame slowly creates a wormhole. This portal
suggests science fiction aesthetics, space travel in films from the psychedelic sixties, and minimalist film
and painting compositions. The magical-yet-kitschy nature of the object then recedes back until only the
blank frame is left once again.
Antimatter [Media Art]
Lease Agreement
Digital images, digital picture frame