Work samples

  • Fish Jokes
    "To start, Anna searches for his name. The search returns 5,881 emails—every single thing he sent her for the thirteen months they worked together ..." 

    Fish Jokes, a short story 
    published by American Short Fiction

  • True Story (a novel)
    This work sample is an excerpt from my novel, "True Story," published by Viking in 2020. The excerpt stands alone as a short story. Working in the tradition of the "hermit crab" story, this piece takes the form of a college application essay, with the main character writing multiple drafts within the same text. 
  • It's Time To Radically Rethink Online Book Events
    "Instead of mimicking in-person events, virtual readings during the pandemic should take advantage of the possibilities of the internet." 

    It's Time to Radically Rethink Online Book Events,
    an essay published on Electric Literature
  • Belated
    This is an excerpt from the short film, "Belated," which is part of a series of experimental short films — recorded entirely on computer desktops — that push the boundaries of storytelling in digital spaces while exploring how human relationships change when mediated by technology. You can watch the full film as part of my "Video Stories" project, below.

About Kate Reed

Kate Reed Petty is a novelist and multi-media storyteller. Her debut novel, “True Story,” was named a New York Times Review of Books “Editor’s Choice” in 2020, was long-listed for the Center for Fiction First Novel Prize, and was a finalist for the Shirley Jackson Award.  Kate's fiction and essays have been published in ZYZZYVA, American Short Fiction, Electric Literature, Blackbird, and other outlets, and her short story "Mr. Pink" was listed "Distinguished" in the 2022 Best American Short… more

A Million Dollars is a Million Dollars (work in progress)

My current work-in-progress, A Million Dollars is a Million Dollars, follows an idealistic campaign staffer as she combs through the hacked emails of a sleazy politician — and discovers a conspiracy that ensnares her personally.
The novel starts halfway through a tense congressional campaign. Claire, a 25-year old political junkie, is burned out from her last job in the field Iowa. She joins an opposition research firm where she is charged with digging up dirt on Frank Wild, a congressman whose intense climate change denial Claire finds abhorrent.
Claire's hopes for work-life balance are dashed when a third-party hacker gives her firm access to Frank Wild's email account for 48 hours. Stuck at the office, combing through the strange, intimate fragments of Wild's human life, she is surprised by the empathy she develops for the politician — which is further tested when she discovers a disturbing connection between Wild and Claire's own mentor. 
The reading experience of A Million Dollars is a Million Dollars will be both radically new and deeply familiar to readers. It will be radically new because readers will get the text entirely over email, in real time, as the story unfolds: After signing up, readers will receive (in bcc) the first message on a Thursday morning, and will watch the story unfold as Claire communicates about her findings with her colleagues.
I believe this will be a new narrative experience — there are very few email narratives in practice right now. But as a reading experience, it will feel eerily familiar to audiences to increasingly our world and our relationships through screens.
The roots of this project began with my award-winning literary film, "Belated" (Narrative Magazine, 2015) which takes place entirely in an email inbox, with typing recorded on the screen. The theme continued in my first novel, True Story, which explores the many ways we all shape a "self" for public consumption through different forms of writing and communication. A Million Dollars is a Million Dollars is already opening new channels and pushing my work forward.

  • The Leak
    The Leak
    My second graphic novel, "The Leak," illustrated by Andrea Bell, was published by First Second Books in March 2021. In this compelling middle-grade graphic novel, Ruth, a young journalist, is determined to uncover a secret that threatens her town. Ruth Keller is brash and precocious; she argues with her dentist, her parents, and her teachers. So, when she discovers a strange black slime in the man-made lake of her suburban neighborhood, she decides to investigate. Fortified by the encouragement of those around her, Ruth seeks the truth at all costs, even if it means taking on the rich local country club owner, who she believes is responsible for the pollution. Between the teasing of former friends, and a sudden viral spotlight, Ruth discovers how difficult it is for a journalist to take a stand for what's right in the face of critique and controversy.

True Story (a novel)

Tracing the fifteen-year fallout of a toxic high school rumor, "True Story" is a riveting, astonishingly original debut novel about the power of stories—and who gets to tell them.
2015. A gifted and reclusive ghostwriter, Alice Lovett makes a living helping other people tell their stories. But she is haunted by the one story she can't tell: the story of, as she puts it, "the things that happened while I was asleep."
1999. Nick Brothers and his lacrosse teammates return for their senior year at their wealthy Maryland high school as the reigning state champions. They're on top of the world—until two of his friends drive a passed-out girl home from of the team's "legendary" parties, and a rumor about what happened in the backseat spreads through the town like wildfire. 
The boys deny the allegations, and, eventually, the town moves on. But not everyone can. Nick descends into alcoholism, and Alice builds a life in fits and starts, underestimating herself and placing her trust in the wrong people. When she finally gets the opportunity to confront the past she can't remember—but which has nevertheless shaped her life—will she take it?
An inventive and breathtaking exploration of a woman finding her voice in the wake of trauma, True Story is part psychological thriller, part fever dream, and part timely comment on sexual assault, power, and the very nature of truth. Ingeniously constructed and full of twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the final pages, it marks the debut of a singular and daring new voice in fiction.

  • True Story
    True Story
    My debut novel, "True Story," was published in August 2020. The Baltimore writer R. Eric Thomas called it one of the "Best Books of 2020" in Elle, describing it as "Extraordinary ... Fans of the formal inventiveness and twisty-turny narratives of "Trust Exercise" and "A Visit From the Goon Squad" will be immediately engrossed." The book deals with themes of rape culture, toxic masculinity, the nature of truth, and the power of stories and who gets to tell them. In sections told from different points of view—and filled with “found documents” in the form of screenplays, e-mails, and even drafts of Alice’s college admissions essay—TRUE STORY examines how the past can reverberate into the present, and strips away the overly simplistic fictions we tell about men and women.
  • Reading "True Story" at Sewanee
    This is a video of a reading I gave from the beginning of "True Story" at the Sewanee Writers' Conference in 2019. Video recorded by Jason Zencka.
  • Review in the New York Times Review of Books
    Review in the New York Times Review of Books
    "True Story" received a thoughtful, positive review from Megan Abbott in the New York Times Review of Books. The book was also named an "Editor's Choice" by the book review.
  • Advance Praise for True Story
    Advance Praise for True Story

Short Stories

From a young man railing on Twitter against the #metoo movement to a married couple fighting over a house renovation in a so-called "gritty" neighborhood, the characters in the following stories are constrained by the tropes and formulas of cultural narratives they can't always see.

  • Short Stories, 2016-2021
    Short Stories, 2016-2021
    In my short fiction, I explore themes of gender, feminism, social justice, and environmentalism, looking at human scenarios through the lens of how storytelling shapes our lives. This collection includes "Mr. Pink," "Practice Losing Faster," "Blight," "Live Oak," and "The Monster at the End."
  • Mr. Pink
    "Then Owen spent the rest of Saturday morning writing hundreds of tweets, so that their accounts would look human, and sympathetic, and real."

    "Mr. Pink," published in ZYZZYVA, spring 2021
  • Practice Losing Faster
    "When the oceans started rising fast, I was in my twenties and had never been west of the Mississippi; the reporters wearing thigh-high galoshes on the abandoned streets of Santa Monica confirmed what I had always been told..."

    "Practice Losing Faster," from a work in-progress
  • Blight
    "'We're never going to touch the basement,' I say to my Dad on the phone on Sundays, when he starts telling me that Andrew and I are going about the house all wrong."

    "Blight," from a work in-progress
  • Live Oak
    "The last time I met the devil, he looked exactly like me, except he had the body of a man..."

    "Live Oak," published in Black Bird, spring 2018
  • The Monster at the End
    "He'll describe my bedroom in objects. The closet floor piled with both clean and dirty laundry. Alt-rock heartthrobs leering down from the posters on the walls. It's eleven o'clock on a Thursday night, and I have less than ten minutes to meet my friend Jenny..."

    "The Monster at the End," published in Nat. Brut, spring 2016

Video Stories

These short works of literary fiction take place entirely on computer desktops. Each explores how digital spaces influence the stories we tell, and the ways we understand the stories of our own lives. 
  • Award-Winning Experiments
    Award-Winning Experiments
    I started creating my "video stories" series in 2014, and my video story "Belated" won second place in Narrative's "30 Below" awards in 2015. Click through the icons to the right to watch full versions from this series: "Executive Assistant," "Human Resources," and "Belated."
  • Executive Assistant
    This video story follows a recent college graduate on her first job; it screened in the 2019 Maryland Film Festival. (Note: If the video appears fuzzy, please click the gear icon and change "Quality" to "1080p").
  • Human Resources
    This is the first video story I ever created. It screened at a "literary carnival" event at Le Poisson Rouge in NYC in 2015. (Note: If the video appears fuzzy, please click the gear icon and change "Quality" to "720p").
  • Belated
    Originally published by Narrative Magazine. This is the full, 10-minute-long version of the video story included in my work samples above. (Note: If the video appears fuzzy, please click the gear icon and change "Quality" to "1080p").  

Graphic Novels

In addition to my literary fiction, I write graphic novels for children and young adults. I write detailed scripts for each book, then collaborate with artists and illustrators to bring the stories to life.  
  • The Leak
    The Leak
    My second graphic novel, "The Leak," illustrated by Andrea Bell, was published by First Second Books in March 2021. In this compelling middle-grade graphic novel, Ruth, a young journalist, is determined to uncover a secret that threatens her town. Ruth Keller is brash and precocious; she argues with her dentist, her parents, and her teachers. So, when she discovers a strange black slime in the man-made lake of her suburban neighborhood, she decides to investigate. Fortified by the encouragement of those around her, Ruth seeks the truth at all costs, even if it means taking on the rich local country club owner, who she believes is responsible for the pollution. Between the teasing of former friends, and a sudden viral spotlight, Ruth discovers how difficult it is for a journalist to take a stand for what's right in the face of critique and controversy.
  • Page 2-3
    Page 2-3
  • Page 4-5
    Page 4-5
  • Chasma Knights
    Chasma Knights
    "The things that make us 'weird' are often our greatest strengths." Chasma Knights (KAZ-MAH-nites) is a story about friendship with an environmental message. A middle-grade graphic novel, co-authored with artist Boya Sun (a MICA alum), and published by First Second Books (Macmillan) in May 2018.
  • Chasma Knights Trailer
    Boya Sun animated this amazing trailer for our book! Check out more of Boya's talent at: