About Julia

In my work, I aspire to the kind of storytelling achieved in dreaming, where a resonant reality is built outside of physical and temporal logic. Each piece illustrates a single moment of conscious existence by layering symbolism, drawing from diverse, sometimes deliberately clashing cultural artifacts.… more
Recent Works: Water and Air
*Please click on full image for a larger, sharper photo. Initial images appear slightly blurred.
Conjuring Armor
4 x 5 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
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Traveler's Prayer: Life Behind Things
4 x 5 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
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Traveler's Prayer: Memory (Diptych)
6 x 4 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
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While Magic is Real
6 x 6 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
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Dream of Venice
3 x 5 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
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New Vision
3 x 5 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
Underwater Treasure
3 x 2 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
3 x 3 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
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Story Boxes
*Please click on full image for a larger, sharper photo. Initial images appear slightly blurred.
Traveler's Prayer
9" x 11" x 2" wooden box and mixed media
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What You Bring With You
9.5" x 12.5" x 2.5" wooden box and mixed media
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9.5" x 12.5" x 2.5" wooden box and mixed media
Harvest of Good Karma
9.5" x 12.5" x 2.5" wooden box and mixed media
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Save Haven
9.5" x 12.5" x 2.5" wooden box and mixed media
12.5” x 9.5” x 2.5" wooden box and mixed media
Friend Totem
12.5” x 9.5” x 2.5" wooden box and mixed media
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12.5” x 9.5” x 2.5" wooden box and mixed media
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Morning's First Thought
12.5” x 9.5” x 2.5" wooden box and mixed media
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9.5" x 12.5" x 2.5" wooden box and mixed media
Warrior Series
*Please click on full image for a larger, sharper photo. Initial images appear slightly blurred.
The constant pursuit in creating images: How to preserve one moment in life as a totem, that speaks to you across time and culture, to bring you back to that spot that in reality has instantly disappeared. A dream-like recording pulling from sometimes incongruous things to achieve that. In this series it's about a woman moving through life, honoring the moments that it takes to create a path. In personal battle, in repose, in creation, in burning down and starting again.
Warrior Series: Armor
Warrior Series: Armor, 6 x 6 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
3 x 5 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
Warrior Series: Flying Dream
8 x 3 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
Warrior Series: Fanning the Flames
8 x 3 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
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Warrior Series: Book of Dreams
5 x 8 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
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Warrior Series: Flurry (Diptych)
4 x 4 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
Warrior Series: Happy Place
6 x 6 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
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Two Moments of Solitude (Diptych)
2 x 8 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
Warrior Series: Siren Song
8 x 3 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
*Please click on full image for a larger, sharper photo. Initial images appear slightly blurred.
This series came out of and extended perior of travel and the balance between fascination with, and discomfort with, being out of my element. I use beasts to attempt to represent a consciousness within its own mental environment, not exactly a person, not exactly an animal, of no particular gender, age, race... simply a being.
Beast on the Vltava
4 x 5 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
Beast Under Ponte Vecchio
4 x 5 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
Having It All
5 x 4 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
Afternoon (diptych)
8 x 5 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
5 x 5 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
Hidden Beast
3 x 5 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
Flying Dream Over Venice
5 x 4 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
Moment in the Forest
5 x 3 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
Flying Dream Over Prague (diptych)
8 x 5 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas
Flying Dream Over Český Krumlov
4 x 5 feet, oil and mixed media on canvas