Work samples
About Jeanne

Studio: 3500 Parkdale
Baltimore, MD 21211
Keck studied at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA and the Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, OH. She received a full fellowship to the Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT in 1995 and was awarded a Maryland State Arts Council grant in 2010, 2000 and1996. Keck worked in independent studio programs at the Contemporary Art Center, North Adams, MA and Assisi,Italy. She was an artist in residence at… more
A Bird Flew Out In Search Of A Cage
Sometime in my childhood I heard or knew of this statement: "A Bird flew out In search of a cage." I was attracted to its ambivalence. Later, in wondering where this quote came from I found that Kafka said, "A cage went in search of a bird". Where and when I changed it I don't know. But this changed quote became the context of many of my paintings. While we have the urge to be free, to fly, fear can make us make the safer choice of the cage.
A Bird Flew Out In Search Of A Cage XX
Mixed media on canvas, 60 X 48, 2024
Reveal, Conceal/ Light and Shadow
Mixed Media Painting on Canvas, 60 X 48, 2023
Journey Around the Sun
Mixed Media Painting on Canvas, 60 x 48, 2023
When Stars Weep
Mixed Media Painting on Canvas, 60 x 48, 2023
Of A Certain Age
Mixed Media Painting On Canvas, 60 x 72, 2023
Mixed Media On Canvas, 60 x 48, 2023
Et Un Jour (detail)
Detail/ Et Un Jour, 2024
Et Un Jour
Mixed Media Painting, 60 x 48, 2024
A Bird Flew Out In Search Of A Cage XIX
Mixed Media Painting on Canvas, 60 x 48, 2024
Recycles materials are familiar to me because I have used them always in my paintings. I began to work again, reconfigurating the piled up Amazon boxes, other emtied household products, paint filled papers used for cleaning brushes and other found objects to make these sculptures. They are serving as a record of an unimagined world, mine of couse, but one in which we have all shared. So, once again... alone together.
Amazon and Me 20.jpegMixed media/ cardboard and mixed papers
Amazon and Me Second image.jpegMixed Media/ cardboard and mixed papers and wire
Amazon and Me.jpegMixed media/ cardboard and mixed papers and wire
Amazon Hunan Manor and Me.jpegMixed media/ cardboard, wire and mixed papers
Bare Bones.jpegMixed media/ mixed papers
Blue Plus Yellow Makes Green.jpegMixed media/ paper
Paper Story.jpegMixed media/ paper
Quiet Escape.jpegMixed media/ paper
Quotidian.jpegMixed media/ paper
Accidental Freedom
Accidental Freedom IIAccidental Freedom II / mixed media on canvas / 12 x 12 / 2020
Accidental Feedom XAccidental Freedom X / Mixed media on canvas / 9 x 7 / 2021
Accidental FreedomAccidental Freedom V / Mixed media on canvas / 12 x 12 / 2020
Accidental IVAccidental IV / Mixed Media on canvas / 12 x 12 / 2020
Accidental Freedom VIIIAccidental Freedom VIII / Mixed media on canvas / 10 x 7 / 2021
Accidental Freedom VIAccidental Freedom VI / Mixed media on canvas / 12 x 12 / 2020
Accidental Freedom VIIAccidental Freedom VII / Mixed media on canvas / 9 x 9 / 2020
Accidental Freedom IIIAccidental Freedom III / Mixed media on canvas / 12 x 12 / 2020
Accidental Freedom XAccidental Freedom X / Mixed media on canvas / 12 x 12 / 2021
2020 Sculpture Series
Recycles materials are familiar to me because I have used them always in my paintings. I began to work again, reconfigurating the piled up Amazon boxes, other emtied household products, paint filled papers used for cleaning brushes and other found objects to make these sculptures. They are serving as a record of an unimagined world, mine of couse, but one in which we have all shared. So, once again... alone together.
2020 Sculpture Series / Amazon Charmin and MeAmazon Charmin and Me / Mixed media / 15 x 9 x 9 / 2020
2020 Sculpture Series/ Amazon Maxwell House and MeAmazon Maxwell House and Me / mixed media /15 x 16 x 16 / 2020
2020 Sculpture Series / Amazon and Me PlusAmazon and Me Plus / Mixed media / 15 x 8 x 7 / 2020
2020 Sculpture Series / Amazon Charmin Essential Mask and MeAmazon Charmin Essential Mask and Me / Mixed media / 15 x 7 x 8 / 2020
2020 Sculpture Series/ Amazon and Me Plus IAmazon and Me Plus I / Mixed media / 24 x 5 x 5 / 2020
2020 Sculpture Series / Amazon and MeAmazon and Me / Mixed media / 15 x 13 x 13 / 2020
2020 Sculpture Series / Amazon and MeAmazon and Me / wall sculpture / Mixed media / 23 x 8 x 4 / 2020
2020 Sculpture Series / Amazon and MeAmazon and Me / Mixed media / 7 x 7 x 7 / 2020
2020 Sculpture Series / Amazon and MeAmazon and Me / Mixed media / 6 x 6 x 6 / 2020
2020 Sculpture Series / Amazon and MeAmazon and Me / wall sculpture / Mixed media / 20 x 6 x 20 / 2020 - 2021
Strange and Shallow Walls
Steel Magnolias/Moving Thru the Bluessoil/mixed-media/canvas 48x60
Fields of FeverOil/mixed media/canvas 72x60
Strange and Foolish Wallsacrylic/mixed media/paper/2009 30x36
It's Hopeless but Not Seriousoil/mixed media/canvas 68x68
Secret Fieldsoil/mixed media/canvas 60x48
Alone Togetherdiptych/oil/mixed media/canvas 60X96
moons ruthless longingoil/mixed media/canvas 36x24
You are Hereacrylic/mixed media/ canvas 30x30
Journeys Around the Sun
"The knowledge of impermanence that haunts our days is their very fragrance". Rilke
Journey Around the SunJourney Around the Sun acrylic/ mixed media/ canvas 2019 60 x 48
Detail: Journey Around the SunDetail of Journey Around the Sun
A Slice of LifeA Slice of Life acrylic/ mixed media/ canvas 60 x 48 2019
A Slice of LifeA Slice of Life acrylic/ mixed media/ canvas 60 x 48 2019
Journey Around the Sun IIJourney Around the Sun II acrylic/ mixed media/ canvas 48 X 60 2019
ImpermanenceImpermanence acrylic/ mixed media/ canvas 30 x 30 2019
EphemeralEphemeral acrylic/ mixed media/ canvas 30 x 30 2019
Journey Around the Sun IIIJourney Around the Sun III acrylic/ mixed media/ canvas 30 x 30 2019
all the world is a stage /detail/2009oil/mixed media/canvas 68x68
all the world is a stage 2009oil/mixed media/canvas 68x68
Ambivalentoil/mixed media/canvas 60x48
Le Anniversaire diz-huit fevrieracrylic/mixed media/canvas 12x9
Presence of Absenceoil/mixed media/canvas/ 2010 68x68
Steel Magnolias/ Cultivate Fieldsoil/mixed media/canvas 60x48
Tell Him You Are Specialacrylic/mixed media/canvas/2010 12x9
Sometime I go about Pitying Myself While All the Time Being Carried By Great Winds Across the Skyoil/mixed media/canvas/2010 48x60
Lonely Moonacrylic/mixed media/canvas 12x9
La Fin d'une Relationoil/mixed media on canvas 60 x 72
Words and Paint/Uncommon Dialogue
In the Paint and Shadows/If You Show Me Yours, I'll Show You MineOil/ mixed media on canvas 50 x 50
This Is Not What A Painting Looks Likeacrylic/ mixed media on canvas 30 x 30
Night And Day/ Familiar ComplexitiesACRYLIC/ MIXED MEDIA/ ON CANVAS/ 50 X 50
Here Remembering Somewhere Elseacrylic/ mixed media on canvas 50 x50
Naviete's Hopeful FusionAcrylic, mixed media on canvas 30 x 30
Accidental Freedomacrylic/ mixed media on canvas/ 2011
Novels of the Every Day
Strange And Foolish Walls/Tyranny of Habit
Novels of the Every Day
Sometimes I Go About Pitying Myself And All the Time Being Carried By Great Winds Across the Sky
Nurtured Fields Of Comfort
Not Just A Walk In The Park
Strange And Foolish Walls And Some Blues