Work samples

  • Prom King
    Prom King

    Velcro, oil on canvas and panel, 20 x 24 in., 2020

  • Calm Before
    Calm Before

    Velcro, oil on panel and canvas, 48 x 60 in, 2019

  • Rose Garden
    Rose Garden

    Velcro, oil on canvas and panel, 48 x 72 in., 2023

  • Animist

    Velcro, resin, oil on canvas and panel 38 x 59.5 in, 2022

About James

James Williams II (b. 1982, Upstate New York) is an interdisciplinary artist who creates paintings and sculptures centered on topics of racial constructs, systematic racism, and cultural identity in the United States. His paintings integrate non-traditional materials to create layered reliefs. His most recent solo exhibitions have been with UTA Artist Space, Atlanta, GA; LCVA Museum, Longwood, VA; Langer Over Dickie, Chicago, IL; Resort Baltimore, Baltimore, MD. His work has been included in… more

Fact, Fiction, and the Black Construct in America

My work uses satire and visual riposte to challenge the ambiguity of the black construct as both an object and personhood. What started as an inquiry about the discursive formation of the black race by my then five-year-old daughter followed my investigation into the subject within American society both past and present. The black construct is complicated, fluid, and unreliable with anthropomorphic qualities. The “truth” of race and complexities is intrinsic to our lives yet as my daughter reminds me daily it's not as complex as we make it. The use of various photographic, technology, and fiber materials blended within the painting is an attempt to find a childlike understanding of the inaccuracies and indecisiveness of racial classifications of Black Americans and the achromatic color they both share.

  • Red, White, and Blue
    Red, White, and Blue

    Velcro, yarn, oil on canvas and panel, 60 x 72 in, 2023

  • This Ski Mask is for Hiding Tears
    This Ski Mask is for Hiding Tears

    Velcro, yarn, oil on canvas and panel, 20 x 24 in., 2023

  • How to Completely Disappear
    How to Completely Disappear

    Velcro, resin, yarn, oil on canvas and panel, 72 x 72 in., 2022

  • Force Majeure
    Force Majeure

    Velcro, oil on panel, led lights, resin, polylactic acid, and plexiglass, 17 x 14 x 14 in., 2023

  • Victory Lap
    Victory Lap


    Velcro, oil on canvas and panel, 72 x 60 in., 2023

  • Zig Zag Ricky
    Zig Zag Ricky

    Velcro, oil on panel, led lights, DC motor, watercolor paper, polylactic acid, and plexiglass, 17 x 14 x 14 in., 2022


    Click here to see the Painting in motion

  • Self Care
    Self Care

    Velcro, resin, linear cycle actuator and oil on panel, 12 x 16 in., 2021.

    Note: the bullet seen on the side moves in a linear motion from the inside of the panel to the outside of the panel. 


    Click here to see the Painting in motion

  • Chain Gang
    Chain Gang

    Velcro and oil on panel and canvas, 20 x 24 in., 2019

  • BLK/M/5’8”/Checkered Sweatshirt/Dark Jeans/Brown Boots or in short Self-Portrait with Checkered Sweatshirt
    BLK/M/5’8”/Checkered Sweatshirt/Dark Jeans/Brown Boots or in short Self-Portrait with Checkered Sweatshirt

    Oil on panel, LCD screen, HD video, no sound, 1:23 min. (loop) 2017, 16 x 16 1/2 inches


    Click here to see the Painting in motion

    *This video is capturing the painting and its entirety. The painting has a small, embedded video inside of it.

  • John the Baptist
    John the Baptist

    Velcro, yarn, oil on canvas and panel, 12 x 12 in., 2019

Life and Relationships

This particular group of works are vignettes that share moments of intimacy and engagements within the black constructs' spaces. The manipulative Velcro and faceless, silhouetted figures, points out that the Black construct is complicated, fluid, and unreliable.

  • Wilderness of Waves
    Wilderness of Waves

    Velcro, chalkboard, oil on canvas and panel, 72 x 60 in., 2023

  • Soft Embrace
    Soft Embrace

    Velcro, yarn, oil on canvas and panel, 30 x 24 in., 2023

  • Eve

    Velcro, oil on canvas and panel, 12 x 16 in., 2021

  • Adam

    Velcro, oil on canvas and panel, 12 x 16 in., 2021

  • Bae on Vacation
    Bae on Vacation

    Velcro, oil on panel and canvas, 35 x 49 in., 2019

  • CP Time (Clock Painting Time)
    CP Time (Clock Painting Time)

    Velcro, clock parts and oil on panel, 9 in. in diameter, 2019

  • Trippin'

    Velcro, polyactic acid, lightbulb, oil on panel, 41 x 27.5 in., 2022


    Note: the basketball images are a lithograph and light up. The brightest point is at the top of the sequence. 

  • School Mascot
    School Mascot

    Velcro, oil on canvas and panel, 12in x 12in, 2019

  • Half Court Check
    Half Court Check

    Velcro, oil on canvas and panel, 24 x 22 in., 2023

  • Rapunzel

    Velcro, oil on panel and canvas, 53 x 36 in., 2023