About Gillian

Gillian Collins was born in England. Her family immigrated to Maryland in the early 1960s where she continues to reside. She received her BFA and MFA from Towson University. As a co-owner of residential plumbing and HVAC service companies, her association with these trades artistically inspires Collins.
Divorcing the form from the function of mechanical components, she conveys the importance of these vital but unnoticed engineering feats in her paintings, compelling the viewer… more
Divorcing the form from the function of mechanical components, she conveys the importance of these vital but unnoticed engineering feats in her paintings, compelling the viewer… more
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Bethlehem Steel series
Bethlehem Steel series is an exhibit of works portraying realistic and abstracted images obtained from a 2021 visit to the industrial giant, defunct, Bethlehem Steel manufacturing complex, located in Pennsylvania.
Bethlehem Steel 1 - #8 AbstractOil on canvas, 16 x 20 in
Bethlehem Steel 1 - #8Oil on canvas, 16 x 20 in
Bethlehem Steel 3 - RodsOil on canvas, 16 x 20 in
Bethlehem Steel Towers.jpegOil on canvas, 20 x 16 in
Bethlehem SteelstacksOil on canvas, 20 x 16 in
Bethlehem Steel 2 - GearsOil on canvas, 16 x 20 in
Bethlehem Steel 2 - Gears AgainOil on canvas, 16 x 20 in
Bethlehem Steel 4 - Oil CupsOil on canvas, 16 x 20 in
Bethlehem Steel 4 - Oil Cups AbstractOil on canvas, 16 x 20 in
Mechanical Components
Divorcing the form from their function. A number of artwork incorporates oil paint with vintage blueprints
Stablizer.jpgMixed media on canvas, 20" x 20"
Twin Regulators.jpegMixed media on canvas, 36" x 36"
FerryBoat.jpegOil on panel 16 x 24 inches
Reaching Out.jpegOil on canvas, 36" x 36"
Italian Valve.JPGOil and Vintage blueprints on canvas, 20" x 20"
What are you Looking At?.jpgOil on printed canvas paper, 39" x 36"
Painting 4.jpegBethlehem Steel Painting 4 resource equipment graveyard, PA. Oil on canvas 20 x 16 in. First of a series of realistic and abstracted.
Architectural abstractions Gouache and Vintage blueprints
Combination of Vintage blueprints with gouache
Seven Lights.jpegGouache with Vintage Blueprint on panel, 16" x 24"
Number5 good.jpegGouache and ink on Vintage Blueprints on board, 14" x 11"
Pull.JPGGouache with Vintage Blueprint on canvas, 24" x 24"
The Drip.jpegGouache with Vintage Blueprints on panel, 20" x 20"
What Do You Say?.jpgGouache with Vintage Blueprints on panel, 20" x 20"
Architectural Abstractions in Oil with cold wax and Vintage Blueprints
Grey 2.jpgOil with cold wax on paper, 7" x 5"
Suspension Bridge.jpegOil with cold wax and Vintage Blueprints on paper, 7" x 5"
Flutter.jpegOil with cold wax abd Vintage Blueprints on paper, 10" x 8"
Robb.jpgOil with cold wax on paper, 7" x 5"
BROW.jpegOil with cold wax on paper, 7" x 5"
Support.jpgOil with cold wax and Vintage Blueprint on panel, 24" x 24"
Numbers 1 thru 6.jpegOil with cold wax and Vintage Blueprints on panel, 10" x 10"
Build 2.jpgOil with cold wax on paper, 7" x 5"
BWGTB.jpegOil with cold wax on paper, 7" x 5"
Build 1.jpgOil with cold wax on paper, 7" x 5"
Mechanical Components 3
Foundational structures in our urban and industrial environment that are often overlooked.
Baltimore Warehouse Punch Press BAKER.jpgConverted Baltimore MD warehouse housing artist studios, obsolete punch press and fire hose support
UnderPressure 1 BAKER.jpgConcrete Parking lot fire sprinkler system
3 Faces BAKER.jpgOverhead Towson studio piping
Under Pressure 2 BAKER.jpgFire Sprinkler system found in commercial parking lot
Made of steel BAKER.jpgSteel support in parking lot
Turn me on 3 BAKER.jpgMechanical mechanism in motion
Secured BAKER.jpgCommercial building back flow and sprinkler system
Glass Wall 1 BAKER.jpgReflection in glass block wall with pipe valve
turn me on 1 BAKER.jpgRooftop HVAC equipment
Double Turn BAKER.jpgDual valves controlling fire sprinkler system
Under Concrete
Under concrete infra structure elements
Concrete SunlightConcrete, bridge, bridges, parking, parking lot, road, Metro, urban landscape, subway
Under PassConcrete, bridge, bridges, doomsday, figure, road, Metro, urban landscape
Red PipeConcrete, Pipe, Pipes, Metro, Subway, Urban, City, Water Pipes, Water Supply, Water
A Glimpseabstract, window