Work samples

  • Climbing from Verses for Children

About Erik

Baltimore City

Composer and clarinetist Erik Franklin balances a vibrant, varied career on and off the stage. He has given concerts in nearly all fifty states and throughout Europe, performing for audiences large and small in venues from veterans’ homes to Carnegie Hall. A former member of the United States Army Field Band (Washington, D.C.), Franklin now performs as a soloist and chamber musician across the country as a member of the Ann Street Trio and… more

Art Songs

Erik's affinity for lyrical music lends itself to setting text to music.  An award-winning art song composer, Franklin's compositions for voice blend poetry, melody, harmony, and texture to bring the world of the poet into sharp relief, giving the listener a heightened experience of the deeper meaning of the text.

  • Franklin: Climbing from Verses for Children

Baltimore, MD | Echoes of the Unheard: Voices from the Shadows (Ann Street Trio)

A poignant concert presented by the Ann Street Trio that delves into the lives and works of composers whose brilliance was overshadowed by the prejudices of their time.

   – Louise Farrenc, the only woman on faculty at the Paris Conservatory in the 19th century, faced persistent gender-based pay disparities.

   – Carl Fruhling’s music was nearly lost to history, save for a startling discovery of his music hidden in the back of a dusty filing cabinet in an Austrian radio station found with a large        ‘J’ scrawled over the cover —a grim reminder of the neglect faced by Jewish artists in the aftermath of their persecution.

   – Germaine Tailleferre, born “Taillefesse,” defiantly altered her surname to assert her musical identity, rebelling against a father who opposed her artistic ambitions.

Through this concert, we celebrate their resilience and artistic excellence, bringing their unrecognized yet profound music to the forefront.

  • Frühling: Trio for Clarinet, Cello, Piano

    Carl Frühling: Trio for Clarinet, Cello, and Piano

    Movement 2

    Ann Street Trio

  • Ann Street Trio at Blue House Live!

    Tailleferre: Piano Trio

    arr. Erik Franklin

    Ann Street Trio

    Erik Franklin, clarinet

    Katlyn DeGraw, cello

    Hui-Chuan Chen, piano

  • Tulsa Library // Tails and Tales by the Ann Street Trio

    The second movement of Carl Frühling's Trio for Clarinet, Cello, and Piano.


    Performed for a live stream in May 2021 for the Tulsa Public Library in Oklahoma.


    Ann Street Trio

    Erik Franklin, clarinet

    Katlyn DeGraw, cello

    Hui-Chuan Chen, piano

Baltimore, MD | Symphony of the Streets: An Urban Serenade (Ann Street Trio)

Symphony of the Streets: An Urban Serenade 

The Ann Street Trio presents a vibrant exploration of city life. Each piece in the concert is a musical homage to the streets and cities that inspired them, weaving a tapestry of urban narratives and bringing the essence of city life into the concert hall.

   – Beethoven's "Gassenhauer" Trio, with its playful echoes of Viennese street songs, captures the rhythm and spirit of bustling urban folk melodies.

   – Francis Poulenc's Trio, infused with the chic charm of Paris, paints a picture of quaint cafes and moonlit walks along the Seine, blending sophistication with a playful joie de vivre.

   – Nino Rota's Trio offers a cinematic journey through Italy, from the serene canals of Venice to the sun-kissed piazzas of Rome, portraying the passionate and whimsical nature of Italian cityscapes.

   – Paul Schoenfield's Cafe Music, arranged by Erik Franklin, captures the raucous partying of Roaring 1920s New York City, with influences of American Swing.

Performance Highlights (2023-2024 Season)

– March 3, 2024 | Annunciation Cathedral Concert Series (Baltimore, MD)

– March 27, 2024 | Salisbury University (Salisbury, MD)

– May 19, 2024 | Living Arts Concert Series (Burtonsville, MD)

  • Schoenfield: Cafe Music

    Paul Schoenfield: Café Music

    arr. Erik Franklin

  • Beethoven: "Gassenhauer" Trio, Op. 11

    Beethoven: Piano Trio No. 4 in Eb major, Op. 11 "Gassenhauer"

    The third movement of this trio is particularly famous for its set of variations on a popular theme from Joseph Weigl's opera "L'amor marinaro," which was a well-known melody at the time. This playful and catchy tune in the final movement likely led to the association of this trio with the term "Gassenhauer." The piece as a whole is characterized by its lively and engaging character, showcasing Beethoven's skill in composing for this unique combination of instruments.

    Ann Street Trio

    Erik Franklin, clarinet

    Katlyn DeGraw, cello

    Hui-Chuan Chen, piano

Cincinnati, OH | Cincinnati Song Initiative New Art Song Commissions (2022)

As part of the 2022 Composer Mentorship program sponsored by the National Association of Teachers of Music, I was commissioned to write a new song for tenor and piano to be premiered by the Cincinnati Song Initiative—an Ohio-based organization dedicated to cultivating new music for classical voice.

Works that came out of this collaboration include:

– A Greeting for tenor and piano

text by William H. Davies

– Three Songs of a Mountain Recluse for countertenor, clarinet, and piano

text by David Budbill

  • Franklin: Three Songs of a Mountain Recluse (2022) III. What Issa Heard

    (LIVE) World Premiere Recording of Songs of a Mountain Recluse by Erik Franklin.

    1. How?

    2. Music of My Own Kind, Too

    3. What Issa Heard


    Premiered at the International Clarinet Association Conference in Lake Tahoe, NV 2022

    Dr. William Sauerland, countertenor

    Dr. Kylie Stultz-Dessent, clarinet

    Andrew Nesler, piano

  • Franklin: Three Songs of a Mountain Recluse (2022) I. How?

    (LIVE) World Premiere Recording of Songs of a Mountain Recluse by Erik Franklin.

    1. How?

    2. Music of My Own Kind, Too

    3. What Issa Heard


    Premiered at the International Clarinet Association Conference in Lake Tahoe, NV 2022

    Dr. William Sauerland, countertenor

    Dr. Kylie Stultz-Dessent, clarinet

    Andrew Nesler, piano

  • Franklin: Three Songs of a Mountain Recluse (2022) II. Music of My Own Kind

    (LIVE) World Premiere Recording of Songs of a Mountain Recluse by Erik Franklin.

    1. How?

    2. Music of My Own Kind, Too

    3. What Issa Heard


    Premiered at the International Clarinet Association Conference in Lake Tahoe, NV 2022

    Dr. William Sauerland, countertenor

    Dr. Kylie Stultz-Dessent, clarinet

    Andrew Nesler, piano

  • Franklin: A Greeting (2022)

    World Premiere performance of A Greeting by Erik Franklin.

    Commissioned by the Cincinnati Song Initiative

    Benjamin Bird, tenor

    Mario Marra, piano

Denver, CO | International Clarinet Conference (2023)

Three of my works featuring the clarinet were performed at the 50th Anniversary conference of the International Clarinet Association. The Program included:

– Who Can Retell? (2022)

performed by the U.S. Air Force Academy Band Clarinet Quartet

– Galileo Beholds the Ringed Planet (2023) * WORLD PREMIERE

performed by Dr. Keith Northover, basset horn + Dr. Suyeon Kim, piano

Elegy for the White Rhino (2022)

performed by the Heartwood Duo

  • Franklin: Who Can Retell? (2022)

    Performance by the U.S. Air Force Academy Clarinet Quartet at the 2023 International Clarinet Association Conference in Denver, CO. Who Can Retell? is an original work for clarinet quartet (with optional tambourine) inspired by traditional music celebrating the Hanukkah story of the Maccabean Revolt.

  • Franklin: Galileo Beholds the Ringed Planet (2023)

    (LIVE) World Premiere performance of Galileo Beholds the Ringed Planet at the ICA Conference in Denver, CO (2023).

    Keith Northover, basset horn

    Suyeon Kim, piano

New York, NY | songSLAM (2023)

songSLAM is a unique and energizing community event for composer/performer teams to premiere new art songs. Each team presents a new song of no more than 5 minutes for voice and piano, in any language, for the voting audience, who—in the poetry slam tradition—vote on their favorites and award prize money to the winning competitors.

songSLAM is a program sponsored by the NYC-based organization Sparks and Wiry Cries.

Our team earned 2nd place at the 2023 competition with "Climbing" from Verses for Children.

Team 11:

Claire Galloway Weber, soprano

Edward Rothmel, piano

Erik Franklin, composer

  • Franklin: Climbing from Verses for Children (2020)

    songSLAM is a unique and energizing community event for composer/performer teams to premiere new art songs. Each team presents a new song of no more than 5 minutes for voice and piano, in any language, for the voting audience, who—in the poetry slam tradition—vote on their favorites and award prize money to the winning competitors.

    songSLAM is a program sponsored by the NYC-based organization Sparks and Wiry Cries.

    Our team earned 2nd place at the 2023 competition with "Climbing" from Verses for Children.

    Team 11:

    Claire Galloway Weber, soprano

    Edward Rothmel, piano

    Erik Franklin, composer