Work samples
Reaping & Sowing
The Camera Eats First (VIDEO)
The Camera Eats First is a video loop projected onto a dinner plate, surrounded by utensils and other ephemera that indicate a meal. The projector is “seated” at the table, facing its own reflection in a mirror. The projection is an abstraction of images of a week’s worth of meals as an emotional exploration of loneliness during the global COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing humanitarian catastrophe.
Something Dull That Must Be Abandoned (Test Video)Something Dull That Must Be Abandoned (Test Video). 2:38 Experimental dance/movement video and collage work. I filmed and edited this in Baltimore, in September 2020. Reaching the age of 44 last year, and after decades of expressing myself through song, I realized I wanted to be a dancer. I have found that expressive movement is also a creative way to deal with lingering trauma from a violent car wreck. I was inspired to set up my projector, use a projected image of artwork I had created to accompany this song from my album, “Collage” (released 4/1/2020), and experiment with repetitive movement.
Betty by ellen cherryI made this during a big snowstorm in Baltimore, January 2016. The music is from my "Portraits in Song" project and album and features a song about a frustrated home-manager, Betty.
About Kristin

Kristin Putchinski explores concepts of tension, transformation, and release through a series of actions, performances, and sculptures that utilize an upright piano as the primary object. Her process is tri-fold: unmaking, playing, and remaking. This body of work confronts her conventional training on the piano and articulates experiences on her journey of healing from profound encounters with violent trauma. Putchinski spent twenty-seven years touring as an award-winning… more
Piano: Theme & Variation
Piano: is a series of actions, performances and sculptures that utilize pianos as the primary objects through which I explore concepts of tension, transformation and release. It is a trifold process of unmaking, playing and remaking. Pianos are rich in symbolic meaning.
Theme & Variation originated from my desire to challenge my traditional training in this instrument and to express some of my experience of recovery from profound encounters with violent trauma.
Using a single Young Chang U121, I created two experimental music video performances (“Hex & Defense” and “Reaping & Sowing”) before I disassembled the instrument completely. From the pieces, I created 12 new sculptural works. These videos are viewable upon request, with clips available at
BridgeAvailable for Purchase
as part of a collection
HexAvailable for Purchase
Video Installation of "Hex & Defense"
Screenshot from "Hex & Defense" experimental music and performance video
ScoreAvailable for Purchase
Hex & Defense (performance documentation)
SpeakingAvailable for Purchase
Pressure Bar & BenchAvailable for Purchase
Screenshot from "Reaping & Sowing," an experimental music video
Reaping & Sowing
In Reaping and Sowing, I perform repetitive gestures and movements for 6 minutes–twice–on top of a deconstructed piano that is situated flat on its back and lifted up by small white wooden blocks. By removing and “planting” the keys between the taut strings, I produce momentary, distinct sculptures, as well as sounds and silences from both the harp and the body of the instrument. Rhizomatic and ritualistic, I invite witnesses to receive information from multiple vantage points. I challenge my traditional approach to music making and the cultural emphasis on exigency. Using the boundaries of both my body and the piano, I explore the space between chaos and control; between frustration and catharsis; between intention and accident.
For this performance, I use a timer to structure the performance and I alternate between urgency and deliberation in the removal/replacement of the keys. My costume is designed to place visual emphasis on a specific part of my body. I utilize task-based performance. Reaping and Sowing (Fast/Slow) is a video loop diptych of the performance, filmed from an overhead perspective.
Stripe Dances
Stripe Dances is a platform for creating images, performances and interactions with a wall that is “striped” using colorful painter’s tape. I explore the transformation of materials and the intersection of performance, photography, and text. I experiment with colorful painter's tape, initially creating striped walls that serve as interactive backdrops for performance and photography.
Once the tape’s purpose is fulfilled, I remove it and repurpose it into sculptural scrolls. These scrolls, made of Tyvek or long paper, are adorned with twisting tape to mimic the texture of oil paint. I use this medium to craft short essays, blurring the boundaries between visual art, written word, and tactile experience, inviting viewers to engage with both form and content.
The Camera Always Eats First (INSTALLATION)
The Camera Eats First is a video loop projected onto a dinner plate, surrounded by utensils and other ephemera that indicate a meal. The projector is “seated” at the table, facing its own reflection in a mirror. The projection is an abstraction of images of a week’s worth of meals as an emotional exploration of loneliness during the global COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing humanitarian catastrophe.
Piano: Release
Piano: Release is a controlled action where I will position an upright piano at the top of a set of concrete steps and release it, causing it to fall or tumble and potentially break apart. Pianos are rich in symbolic meaning and this work is inspired by my desire to challenge my own traditional approach to this specific instrument and my experience of physical, psychological, and spiritual healing from violent trauma.
The concept of this work is to capture the chaotic sound from *inside* the piano as it tumbles violently, for just a few seconds. A massive spectacle all for the "reward" of a few seconds of sound.
This action is to be my second major artistic experiment using the medium of performance art and this specific large object and I have proposed this action to take place in the amphitheater space adjacent to the CADVC at UMBC (Baltimore, MD) as a necessary part of my artistic practice and an expression of creative speech. The action will be recorded through sound and still photographs or video.
As I work to secure funding and permits for this work, I decided to experiment with the location and the a simple pine wood structure in the shape and size of an upright grand piano. The video and the screen shots below are documentation of this “Rehearsal.”
Portraits in Song
"..a glimpse into a vast emotional galaxy" ---Amanda Gunther, TheaterBloom review of live performance, March 2017
A live performance piece
11 original songs
11 magnificent projected portraits of women, woven together with personal stories, songs, and two quilts
A celebration
A dance between melody and lyric and pencil and paper
A rich and pleasurable experience
A space for people to join together in love.
I’m ellen cherry and I’m a song and story alchemist. I created a performance piece for you that springs directly from my love of storytelling and my passion for history. The purpose of this project is to turn our gaze away from imposed beauty standards and instead see women as powerful thinkers and doers.
**Liz Downing is the artist who created the portraits currently in this project. Her website is:
Portraits in Song features the live performance of eleven original songs inspired by the stories of powerful women in history. The musical performance is accompanied by large scale projections of commissioned portraits by the artist Liz Downing. It is intended to be a house concert and salon piece to prompt questions and emotions to increase empathy and connection between all peoples.
I’m ellen cherry. I am a musician, composer, and performer. I have created a performance piece that springs from my love of storytelling and my passion for history. The purpose of the project is to shift our attention away from imposed detrimental beauty standards and instead see women as powerful thinkers and doers.
I want to celebrate women’s stories and highlight the value of their work.
These stories guide us, inform us, educate and embolden all people. An incredible ripple effect will occur when women all over the world are allowed to flourish, and their work given its proper value. We can help to turn women’s ambitions and aspirations into actions that will affect incredible positive environmental and social change.
NOTE: I toured this project from 2016-2019. Elements of the performance remain in my live performances.
ellen_cherry_Portaits_In_SongA still from my performance piece, "Portraits in Song" at the Strand Theater, March 2017.
ellen cherryThis is my psyche portrait by Liz Downing.
Portraits in song by ellen cherry || Promotional videoThis is an early performance of "Portraits in Song" at the Creative Alliance in Baltimore, MD, in March 2016.
Betty by ellen cherryI made this during a big snowstorm in Baltimore, January 2016. The music is from my "Portraits in Song" project and album and features a song about a frustrated home-manager, Betty.
My Mothers QuiltDuring the play, I display a quilt my mother made for me. This year, I will make a quilt to match it.
Portraits in Song setA still from my performance piece, "Portraits in Song" at the Strand Theater, March 2017
SarahA Civil War bride
PIS_ec_Jezebel.JPGA still from my performance piece, "Portraits in Song" at the Strand Theater, March 2017
FlorenceSaving herself and her children from starvation.
Recovering Eurydice--A Healing Story
I am currently creating a full-length performance piece, entitled "Recovering Eurydice," that explores and describes my (in-progress) recovery from a violent car wreck, through the lens of myth, music, storytelling, shadow play and movement. In the original Greek myth, Eurydice abruptly descends into the Underworld after being bitten by a viper and must await rescue. I will reimagine her tale as one where Eurydice learns an essential truth: that she must rescue herself.
There exists an aggressive and damaging narrative that traumatic experiences ought to be overcome and then forgotten. In my experience, recovery is a chaotic, disjointed and extremely slow process. "Recovering Eurydice" is my disordered healing story and I am well enough to tell it now. I believe it will be valuable to others who may be taking their first tentative steps towards recovery.
I have been a working musician and songwriter since 1998. Over the years, I have expanded my practice from creating songs to developing large scale performance works that move my songs and stories into additional modes of expression, such as theater, puppetry, visual arts and movement. In 2013, I was struck by a criminally intoxicated driver during a tour in Texas. I was physically and psychologically traumatized by this event. At the beginning of my recovery, I had no idea the amount of patience, forgiveness, grief, chaos, change, exuberant joy and cleansing anger that I would feel. My arts practice has been a vital part of my physical recovery and existential recovery from my diagnosis of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.) I have begun to see the event as folded into my creativity, as my creativity then fosters my healing in an amazing feedback loop. I have created artifacts, including those in my Work Samples: songs, drawings, meditative movement, a podcast and even a ‘zine (a one-sheet, foldable, pocket-sized, DIY magazine)--a documentation my progress.
Through the persona of Eurydice, I will describe my own Underworld and my passage through and out of it. Greek mythology offers a structure for this project. There are five rivers in the Underworld, each representing phases of my recovery. The rivers are: Phlegethon (guilt and shame), Styx (anger), Acheron (pain), Cocytus (sadness), Lethe (forgetting). They are told out of order:
Chapter 2: Tornado (Eurydice experiences a chaotic series of events, directly following her trauma)
Chapter 5: Exit (Eurydice is in recovery and in the light of hope and learning, leaves the Underworld)
Chapter 1: Oobleeyet (Eurydice is traumatized)
Chapter 4: Shadow (Eurydice contemplates an early and unnatural exit)
Chapter 3: Hamamatsu (Eurydice finds grace and gratitude in grief)
I believe that my area of expertise is to gather people into a sacred and empathic space for a period of time, where listening to music and stories is the focus of everyone’s attention. I believe this is a radical act in today’s culture. I think it’s important to acknowledge that listening to and viewing live performance art is a way to reconnect us to experiences, emotions and are a naturally community-building event. When we spend time together in rooms, hearing and telling stories, we become closer. (I’ve also explicitly said to audiences: “You aren’t shopping or engaging with your phone right now. This is a radical act because we are actively maintaining your autonomy over your own attention.”)
My next steps will be to find focused time to structure the narrative, continue to write songs centered around the project, and to find a director. I believe that my public performances will play out the aforementioned “feedback loop,” albeit one between myself and the audience. Performing will be healing for me to remember and replay through my recovery; it will be healing for members of the audience who may resonate with the story I am telling. "Recovering Eurydice" is an expression of my in-progress recovery and is important to me--every day that I continue it, I am rescuing myself.
Something Dull That Must Be Abandoned (Test Video)Something Dull That Must Be Abandoned (Test Video). 2:38 Experimental dance/movement video and collage work. I filmed and edited this in Baltimore, in September 2020. Reaching the age of 44 last year, and after decades of expressing myself through song, I realized I wanted to be a dancer. I have found that expressive movement is also a creative way to deal with lingering trauma from a violent car wreck. I was inspired to set up my projector, use a projected image of artwork I had created to accompany this song from my album, “Collage” (released 4/1/2020), and experiment with repetitive movement.
January Thank you to my Executive Producers (subscribers) who support this ongoing work. After 23+ years of making my living as a performer, it's time to contemplate what's next. The pandemic brought to the surface a feeling I've long had that performing live is amazing, but the work (ever constant hustle) that is required to bring live performances (even streaming ones, now) holds no appeal for me. I want to transform my relationship with creativity and bring it to the forefront, not just something that I do at the end of the list or "when I have time." On the first day of 2021, I made a promise to myself to document myself every day, specifically to make a piece of visual art of how I am "seeing" things that day. To increase my skill level, I wanted to combine this with digital collage making, animation, and sounds. This would mean every day I could photograph, draw, record music pieces, and edit video.
December 10 2020Animation experiment. "Eurydice's" voice as she first experiences a Hell that look suspiciously like regular life.
HamamatsuMeditative drawing created during my recovery process.
TornadoMeditative drawing created during my recovery process.
Recovering Eurydice--A Healing Story (Podcast June 17, 2019).mp3An audio files of my podcast, including live performances and rehearsals of new songs. A documentation of my process during the project’s creation.
Recovering Eurydice--A Healing Story (Podcast #2 July-1-2019).mp3An audio file of my podcast, including live performances and rehearsals of new songs. A documentation of my process during the project’s creation.
Recovering Eurydice Zine (photograph)A photograph depicting the pocket-sized, ‘zine (DIY magazine) artifact depicting chapters from the narrative.
"Pickett's Charge" (continuous shot, short film of hand-cranked shadow puppet show)
Pickett's Charge occurred on July 3, 1863, on the last day of the Battle of Gettysburg during the American Civil War and was considered the high water mark for the Confederacy, from which they never fully recovered. Over 50% of the men that went into this battle died--a huge casualty amount and great psychological cost, as well. On March 19, 2010, the 7th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, I was thinking about the complicated motives of why people war, the consequences of military action, both intended and unintended, and the horrible after-effects that alway follow any conflicts. Around the same time, there was a news report about a supernova star's light that was finally reaching Earth, after exploding several million years ago, and I was fascinated by the dichotomy in these two ideas and that, as a species, plenty of our thinking tends towards the painfully small-minded. (I am not excluding myself from this thinking!) All of these thoughts contributed to the writing of this song and recording it for my 2012 EP "Please Don't Sell the Piano".
I asked Katherine Fahey to create a "crankie" shadow puppet piece to accompany "Pickett's Charge". Kathy is an amazing and accomplished paper-cut artist, who has recently made incredible strides into the shadow puppet theatre world, especially through her crankies, (a hand cranked scrolling story telling device in a box). You can find more about Katherine and her incredible work at
I hope you'll enjoy seeing Katherine's visual interpretation of my song which was filmed by Michael Patrick O'Leary ( in high definition for you, here. This is truly "handmade" music and visual and performance art. Please spread the word about this video and pass the link and always, continue to support independent musicians and artists so they can continue to create! Thank you for listening and watching! Thank you to all the Indiegogo supporters who made this possible!
SPECIAL NOTE! As part of my residency in the Strathmore Artist-in-Residence program, I was asked to premiere a new work that had not been performed before. As a special treat, Katherine and I premiered "Pickett's Charge", both the crankie and the song, as part of my final performance of my residency and it occurred on February 22, 2012, at the Strathmore Mansion. Special thanks to Strathmore for encouraging collaboration and for giving us the space and time for this unique presentation.
Video Credits:
Song: "Pickett's Charge" from "Please Don't Sell the Piano"
Songwriter/Performer: ellen cherry
Puppet Show: Katherine Fahey
Director of Photography: Michael Patrick O'Leary
Sound: Nick Sjostrom
Crank Box Construction: Neal Golden
Lights: Shaun Wilson and Neal Golden
Editing: Matt Riggieri
"Pickett's Charge" by ellen cherry; crankie by Katherine Fahey
Pickett's Charge occurred on July 3, 1863, on the last day of the Battle of Gettysburg during the American Civil War and was considered the high water mark for the Confederacy, from which they never fully recovered. Over 50% of the men that went into this battle died--a huge casualty amount and great psychological cost, as well. On March 19, 2010, the 7th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, I was thinking about the complicated motives of why people war, the consequences of military action, both intended and unintended, and the horrible after-effects that alway follow any conflicts. Around the same time, there was a news report about a supernova star's light that was finally reaching Earth, after exploding several million years ago, and I was fascinated by the dichotomy in these two ideas and that, as a species, plenty of our thinking tends towards the painfully small-minded.
still image of crankie paper cutCreated by Katherine Fahey, commissioned for "Pickett's Charge" crankie for ellen cherry's song of the same name.
Paper cut artist Katherine Fahey and puppeteer and songwriter, ellen cherry
Still image of production of paper cut for Pickett's Chargeby Katherine Fahey.
illustration of Please Don't Sell the Piano papercut by Katherine Fahey
Still of "Pickett's Charge" film daydirector Michael Patrick O'Leary adjusts the lights
ellen cherry and Katherine Fahey developing "Pickett's Charge"paper cut by Katherine Fahey
Still of Pickett's Chargephoto by Neal Golden
"Please Don't Sell the Piano", a five song EP of intimate songs, (produced by Caleb Stine)
In 15 years of writing, recording and independently producing my own music, I have yet to work with an outside producer. Caleb Stine, a local songwriter in Baltimore and a close personal friend noticed that I was writing more intimate, personal, storytelling songs on piano, over the last year and asked to help produce a collection of songs with me that focus specifically on the craft of great songwriting. We began working on this project as the songs showed up, late in 2009 and early 2010, but took a break for the summer gigging season. We decided to use this Winter--typically not a busy time for traveling songwriters--to really dig into what makes a great song: listening to some of the masters (Leonard Cohen, Joni Mitchell, Paul Simon, Tom Waits, etc.), reading about songwriting and writing prose, poetry and diary entries. Caleb's influence has been to keep me disciplined about writing every day, even if it is not song lyrics. We are also studying and pulling ourselves through the arduous process of crafting each single line in a song--searching for the most descriptive line or rhyme and really looking for the best way to convey meaning to the listener. This is my most personal work yet and I'm both excited and afraid to be presenting it to the public. Next week, we will begin recording the songs that are closest to completion. We are recording with master recordist and engineer, Nick Sjostrom, who helped me record 2010's "(New) Years."
The second facet of this project is the piano. I have been primarily a guitarist for the last 15 years, returning to the piano for a song or two on each album. These songs have appeared to me as piano songs and I'm excited to improve my technique and skill on the piano through careful practice and learning other people's songs. Already, in a few short weeks of rehearsal, I can feel my body growing stronger. My willingness to experiment on the piano and my curiosity about how chords work and flow together, has also grown by leaps and bounds. It is again a revelation that I will never stop learning!
This EP will be ready to present to audiences in March 2012 and that it will help to inspire, comfort and move people who hear it, the way I have been moved by so many great compositions in the past.
I am collaborating with Katherine Fahey ( on both a special edition cd that will have papercut and interactivity, as well as a "crankie" shadow puppet piece based on one of the songs "Pickett's Charge."
ellen cherry's "The Day Before We Met"
Live performance of "The Day Before We Met" at An Die Musik, April 2012.
Piano papercut by Katherine Faheyincluded in album artwork.
photo by Rich Riggins
SacBeSac be Written in Mexico Feb. 2008 Even the blue water turns black When the sun falls into the past. Even my watery heart makes a fist When the sun dogs call and a ghost has me right by the wrist. Here is a list of all that I need: A Mayan road that shines in the heat, Some dust from an asteroid belt just to hold, And the promise my voice won’t grow old. My life is a small one. I have just begun To read the stories And to learn all my lines. Everything’s allright Yes, everything’s fine. My life is a small one. I have just begun To read the stories To learn all my lines. Everything’s allright Yes, everything’s fine. Everything’s allright Everything’s fine. But I’m the fool because I think I’ve got time. The sun dogs call; the dark water goes red The ghost, she swims where bad dreams have bled. With all that I’ve thought and I’ve bought and I’ve owned Is it enough to have learned to let go?
Please Don't Sell the Piano
Pickett's Charge studio recording from "Please Don't Sell the Piano"
Pickett's Charge, song by ellen cherry, crankie by Katherine FaheyPickett's Charge occurred on July 3, 1863, on the last day of the Battle of Gettysburg during the American Civil War and was considered the high water mark for the Confederacy, from which they never fully recovered. Over 50% of the men that went into this battle died--a huge casualty amount and great psychological cost, as well. On March 19, 2010, the 7th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, I was thinking about the complicated motives of why people war, the consequences of military action, both intended and unintended, and the horrible after-effects that alway follow any conflicts. Around the same time, there was a news report about a supernova star's light that was finally reaching Earth, after exploding several million years ago, and I was fascinated by the dichotomy in these two ideas and that, as a species, plenty of our thinking tends towards the painfully small-minded.
ellen cherry at the pianoPhoto by Michael Patrick O'Leary
Please Don't Sell the PianoSongs by ellen cherry. Album produced by Caleb Stine and recorded by Nick Sjostrom. Cover art is a paper-cut created by Katherine Fahey. Type design is by Scott Dennison.
"Please Don't Sell the Piano"--it worked!
ellen cherry and Nana Projects: "Alzonzo's Lullaby", "Eureka!" and "Opal Whitely"
My first project with Nana Projects was the score for a shadow puppet piece entitled "Alonzo's Lullaby", which was about a circus train wreck that occurred south of Chicago in 1918. My co-composer and performer on this show is Nicholas Sjostrom. The show was awarded the highest national Puppetry Award, the USA-UNIMA Citation of Excellence in 2010.
Nana Projects has asked me to create another or their shadow puppet pieces, "Eureka!" (inspired by Edgar Allan Poe.) We debuted this piece at the 2011 New Orleans Fringe Festival, and the official world premiere was in January 2012 at Joe's Emporium in Washington, DC.
I reunite with Nana Projects in 2013 to compose the score for our next piece "Opal" which will be about the diary and life of Opal Whitely.