About Bonnie

Baltimore-based artist and mom Bonnie Crawford does not sleep well. Her work explores how intimacy, risk, and harm inform habits of care. She began working this way when she became a divorced mother of two and in turn became dependent on queer family structures for support. She received an MFA from the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a BA in Studio Art from the University of Maryland College Park. Solo exhibitions include “Lying Next to a Hammer in… more
Signature Care
Considering this fact, these labor-intensive sculptures become more than a one-dimensional exploration of care. They are a meditation on how an act of care in one direction can cause harm in another. I installed these sculptures in my backyard shed, offering a socially-distanced, in-person art viewing experience to the Baltimore community during the pandemic.
signature-care-01.jpgUntitled Dental Floss Weaving (Reach Mint Waxed), Dental Floss, 72 x 72 in.
signature-care-01-detail.jpgDetail of Dental Floss Weaving (Reach Mint Waxed)
signature-care-02.jpgDental Floss mounted on Gold Cardboard from Smoked Salmon Packaging, 7 x 7 in.
signature-care-03.jpgDental Floss and Monofilament, 4 x 4 in.
signature-care-04.jpgDental Floss and Magnifying Surface, Weaving is 4 x 4 in. Installation Dimensions Vary.
signature-care-05.jpgDental Floss and Monofilament, 4 x 4 in.
Lying Next to a Hammer in Bed
Wall-based sculptures comprised of LED lights, wiring, fabric and craft supplies protrude from the walls to activate the space, mimicking neurological renderings and studies. The sculptures are installed over patterns made of digitally scanning drawings printed on fabric.
Lying Next to a Hammer in BedElectrical circuit, clay, wood, digital print, 2018. Dimensions Variable.
Lying Next to a Hammer in BedElectrical circuit, clay, wood, digital print, 2018. Dimensions Variable.
Lying Next to a Hammer in BedElectrical circuit, clay, wood, digital print, 2018. Dimensions Variable.
Lying Next to a Hammer in BedElectrical circuit, clay, wood, digital print, 2018. Dimensions Variable.
usually better than getting
Improvisation in China HutchImprovisational sculptures installed in a china cabinet. Materials include wood, found objects, craft fur, and pulsing LED lights.
wide-installation-shot-chinahutch.jpgInstallation view at China Hutch Projects
Improvisation in China HutchImprovisational sculptures installed in a china cabinet. Materials include wood, found objects, craft fur, and pulsing LED lights.
Improvisation in China HutchImprovisational sculptures installed in a china cabinet. Materials include wood, found objects, craft fur, and pulsing LED lights.
Insomnia Drawings
Inspired by the Insomnia Drawings series of Louise Bourgeois, I make drawings by the light of my phone when I awake in the night. I then photograph the drawings against the backdrop of my bed sheets using my phone’s camera. The flash of the camera creates a shadowy vignette that frames these watercolor drawings. From August of 2016 through November 2018, I made 400 drawings.
Insomnia Drawing 400Watercolor and Ink on Paper, 2018. 5 x 7 in
Insomnia Drawing 397Watercolor and Ink on Paper, 2018. 5 x 7 in
Insomnia Drawing 394Watercolor and Ink on Paper, 2018. 5 x 7 in
Insomnia Drawing 230watercolor and ink on paper
Insomnia Drawing 149watercolor and ink on paper
Insomnia Drawing 106watercolor and ink on paper
Insomnia Drawing 090watercolor and ink on paper
or, if there be flooding
or, if there be flooding (detail)Electrical circuitry, hand-stitched custom printed fabric, digital prints on Photo-Tex, latex wall paint, painted twigs, found materials
or, if there be flooding (installation view)Electrical circuitry, hand-stitched custom printed fabric, digital prints on Photo-Tex, latex wall paint, painted twigs, found materials
or, if there be flooding (detail)Electrical circuitry, hand-stitched custom printed fabric, digital prints on Photo-Tex, latex wall paint, painted twigs, found materials
or, if there be flooding (installation view)Electrical circuitry, hand-stitched custom printed fabric, digital prints on Photo-Tex, latex wall paint, painted twigs, found materials
Light Emitting Studies
Light Emitting Study, 2016Wood, electrical circuit, fabric, craft supplies. 2016. 7 x 12 x 5 inches
Light Emitting Study, 2016Wood, electrical circuit, printed fabric, paper, 2016. 12 x 12 x 5 in
Light Emitting Study, 2016 (Detail)Wood, electrical circuit, printed fabric, paper, 2016. 12 x 12 x 5 in
Light Emitting Study, 2016Wood, electrical circuitry, printed fabric, paint, 2016. 30 x 12 x 5 in