About Tracy

Baltimore City

Tracy Stevens has had both her fine and graphic art published nationally by Salem Tobacco products and various book covers. She has designed graphics for Baltimore City DPW, the Baltimore City Police Department, Quantize and Unquantize Recordings, Da Live 5 DJs (which consist of DJ Dice Brooklyn, Rapper Redman’s DJ, LS One, Onyx and 50 Cents DJ, and DJ Base, Cee-Lo’s DJ), Dukes Culinary Services/Subway Franchise, and various others. Her art has been featured in University of Baltimore, Mount… more

Mr. Coopa's Neighberhood

One who holds a very near and dear place in my heart is Charles Cooper. There was a time when I was ready to give up art. I was creating and creating but no one appreciated my art. The more I painted, the more criticism I experienced. After licensing one of my painting to Salem Tobacco products, the opinions grew. I was ready to call it quits. My confidence was shook, but Charles encouraged me to going. He advised me to find my niche, stick with it and my public will come.  I'm glad he was there for me, stepping up as a mentor. Now I have the chance to do the same. 

Charles has since passed of cancer. As a tribute to the courage, confidence and Charles being a great artist/mentor, I had to dedicate a series to him. I combined both of our styles and am sure he would be pleased. 
  • Club Coopa Series - Bang'n The Block
    Club Coopa Series - Bang'n The Block
    In remembrance of a great friend and mentor, Charles Cooper, I created a series infusing his style with mine and I call it, "Club Coopa". This painting, Bang'n the Block represents my love of feel good music, dance and color. Who doesn't love a nice block party?
  • Club Coopa - Club 1141.jpg
    Club Coopa - Club 1141.jpg
    In remembrance of a great friend and mentor, Charles Cooper, I created a series infusing his style with mine and I call it, "Club Coopa". This is what I hold near and dear to my heart, family, friends and fresh air. All in which I miss so much. Charles Cooper is featured in this painting.
  • Club Coopa - Moving Sidewalks.jpg
    Club Coopa - Moving Sidewalks.jpg
    In remembrance of a great friend and mentor, Charles Cooper, I created a series infusing his style with mine and I call it, "Club Coopa". This painting represents how neighborhood need to stick together to succeed. I thank Charles for telling me to stick with my art and my public will find me. Refine my style, please myself and you will see it in my works of art. I appreciate that pep talk. It made me who I am today.
  • Disco Divas.jpg
    Disco Divas.jpg
    In remembrance of a great friend and mentor, Charles Cooper, I created a series infusing his style with mine and I call it, "Club Coopa". This reminds me of girls' night out on the town. Me and my friends enjoying the lights, music and people all around us. Dancing to great music takes you into another world. It feels as though you are 1 with the music and you don't care who seeing you express yourself.
  • Welcome Home.jpg
    Welcome Home.jpg
    In remembrance of a great friend and mentor, Charles Cooper, I created a series infusing his style with mine and I call it, "Club Coopa". It's that feeling you get when you are finally home. I love to travel but, there's nothing like being at home. Nothing.
  • Scene 1 - Druid Hill Park Large.jpg
    Scene 1 - Druid Hill Park Large.jpg
    Celebrating House Music! This is the Collective Minds Music Festive when it was featured at Druid Hill Park. Good People. Good Music. And Good Vibes. I love music.
  • Scene 2 - Poly_Western.jpg
    Scene 2 - Poly_Western.jpg
    Celebrating House Music! This is the Collective Minds Music Festive when it was featured at Poly-Western High School. Good People. Good Music. And Good Vibes. I love music.
  • Scene 3 - Cherry Hill.jpg
    Scene 3 - Cherry Hill.jpg
    Celebrating House Music! This is a newer house music festival held in Cherry Hill. Good People. Good Music. And Good Vibes. I love music.
  • Scene 4-Philly Marker Final.jpg
    Scene 4-Philly Marker Final.jpg
    Celebrating House Music! This is the House Music Festival After Party in Philly. There are great People, good music and vibes all up and down the east coast. I love music.
  • Scene 5 - Our House.jpg
    Scene 5 - Our House.jpg
    House Music Lives! Good people, vibes and music is what life is all about. You should always take a moment and celebrate yourself. I love music.

Oodles of Doodles

This experiment is something that challenges your mind and imagination. I closed my eyes and drew random lines, circles, and squares. Once opened, I turned the paper clockwise to see what images were hidden within the chaos. Finding the beauty within was a great pleasure and now I present the beauty to you.
  • Carrot
    Using my imagination, I saw a carrot in the mist. Using bright colors and a black border, this illustration reminds you to eat your vegetables. :)
  • Thoughts of Hue
    Thoughts of Hue
    This thinking man dreams colors and imagines scenes.
  • Hammertime
    Building walls and burning bridges will amount to nothing but opening up walls and building communities amounts to everything.
  • Fetal Position
    Fetal Position
    At times the just want to be alone with your thoughts. The fetal position brings warmth, comfort, and harbors safe feelings.
  • Dragon
    The sinister look of a dragon and the colors of warmth will draw you in.
  • Water Runs Dry
    Water Runs Dry
    This piece is one of my favorites and also the first one I illustrated.
  • Band Leader
    Band Leader
    In a marching band you have all sorts of sound and creative energy. This piece represents the site and sound of a marching band.
  • Baby in Tow
    Baby in Tow
    As seen in African documentaries, the mother always carries the child on her back. In this piece the mother wrapped her child in a cloth and so he can see the world around him.
  • B Boy Style
    B Boy Style
    This colorful print makes me want to visit the 80's hip hop culture.
  • Tour De France
    Tour De France
    Riding high is the best competition.

The Trumpet Series

There's something about the sound of a trumpet that sets a mood. Be it a piccolo trumpet or another instrument in the brass family, it shows emotion. 

This series spotlights Trombone Shorty, Dizzy Gillespie and Josephine Baker. A few of the names I love in this unique genre called Jazz. Though I never been to New Orleans, I'm sure that there's a brass band or instrument in the mist of daily activites.
  • A Playa's Son.jpg
    A Playa's Son.jpg
    The bond between a father, son and jazz.
  • A Trumpet's Life.jpg
    A Trumpet's Life.jpg
    My portrait of Dizzy Gillespie. His cheeks, a man and his music.
  • All About the Benjamins.jpg
    All About the Benjamins.jpg
    My vision what a jazz manager/promotor would look like in the 50's. He's about his money.
  • Them Here Eyes.jpg
    Them Here Eyes.jpg
    Josephine Baker and Dizzy Gillespie performing infant of a most gracious audience.
  • Love Affiar With Music_3.jpg
    Love Affiar With Music_3.jpg
    Setting, jazz club. They meet by chance. Drinks and good conversation always paired with great music. End scene.
  • Funky Riff.jpg
    Funky Riff.jpg
    My tribute to Trombone Shorty. The notes in the background are actually a part of the musical score.
  • Harlem Blues.jpg
    Harlem Blues.jpg
    She sings I play... What a perfect combination. This painting stirs a certain emotion that only a singer and band member could understand.
  • Hi De Ho.jpg
    Hi De Ho.jpg
    Never come in between a man and his music. That goes for a woman too.
  • It's Too Loud.jpg
    It's Too Loud.jpg
    There's nothing like hearing someone sing for the first time and they sound horrible. The same for a trombone player. Auditions are rough. lol


Each and everyday, We encounter different personalities and faces. Those faces may be covered with masks but all in all faces. The eyes tell the truth. The joy, hurt, comfort, pain, happiness and sorrow. 
  • (Help) Is on the Way.jpeg
    (Help) Is on the Way.jpeg
    The face of the Red Cross. Here to help with no question. You need it, you got it.
  • Come Get Some.jpg
    Come Get Some.jpg
    I'm not going for that. I really don't feel like dealing with your BS today. Wanna fight?!? This is that face. lol Really Bro?!?
  • Down Below.jpg
    Down Below.jpg
    Deep, deep, where the sun don't shine. Here you find sea animals, mermaids and sharks... Down Below.
  • Nevermind.jpg
    Ask a simple question and get a redundant answer. smh I just asked if we had bread. The eyes tell it all. lol
  • Eye Glass.jpg
    Eye Glass.jpg
    Yes I am watching you through my glass. That look people give you when they don't trust you or what you said. Peering through the glass.
  • Proceed with Caution.jpg
    Proceed with Caution.jpg
    Mr. So-Called Nice Guy. Should I trust him? Should I walk away or run. Either way, you should proceed with caution. He isn't who he says he is.
  • Rose Colored Glasses.jpg
    Rose Colored Glasses.jpg
    This is one that's hard to part with because I connect with this one. I am that bright, cheery eyed girl what likes to see the best in everybody. I love people and feel as though everyone has potential. If you look inside of yourself, you will see that this is true.
  • Shakespeare.jpg
    Everyone knows an older person that has a lot to say, a lot of facts and wants to tell you in one sitting... Back in the day, years ago, when I was your age are their favorite words and you should listen. I wish I would have.
  • Super Nosey.png
    Super Nosey.png
    The innocent remains incorrect for about 30 seconds with this person. lol They ear hustle, take the truth and make it more "dramatic". It's their version of the truth and they stand by it until the true version arises. Of course they misspoke. lol

Baltimore Basics Podcast

Baltimore has played a pivotal part in art, culture and music.  This series will reveal the “Real Story” of many Baltimoreans and Baltimore's culture at its best! Thanks to Henry Featherstone and Patrick O'Neil Ashley  (Both House Music DJs, Radio Personalities and Great Friends), for giving me this idea. The WEBB broadcast inspired me to investigate the backstory of  story if that makes sense. I found the conversation off-air was incredible and needed to be told.  I hope these conversations gives you a snapshot of what happened, when it happened. Gives insight and makes you feel like you were a part of their experiences. As the conversation went on, I found myself getting engulfed as if I were reading a great book. My hopes are you feel the same way. Tune in, take notes and catch every episode of Baltimore Basics.

Just to mention, I also provided many of my interviewees with t-shirts from my clothing line that was featured in Macy's via the Market at Macys in Westminster, CA.
  • Baltimore Basics Coming Soon
    At this time I had just got fired as graphic supervisor for Baltimore City Department of Public Works. During my time there, I start working on writing scenarios, scheduling people to be filmed, filming, making people comfortable in front of the camera and video editing. I found I loved filming almost as much as I loved graphics. I interviewed real people doing real things. That gave me the idea of interviewing my friends in the industry, telling their stories and educating the world about the BIG THINGS Baltimore has added to the culture. From idea to concept... I had to place this on pause because of COVID-19 but one the "new normal" becomes normal, I will continue to celebrate Baltimore.
  • Baltimore Basics Collective Minds
    The president of Collective Minds schools us on the festival, how it started and how YOU, yes you, can sponsor the Collective Minds Festival next year.
  • Baltimore Basics: Who is Biblical Jones?
    Biblical Jones, the World Renown recording artist, talks about his humble beginnings and experiences as an actor, artist and writer. Did you know Biblical Jones started out as an actor? Or did he? Tune in to find out. To purchase the theme song, click this link: https://music.apple.com/.../dark-matt... To purchase ArtWear from Stray Ink LLC, click this link: http://strayinkllc.com/shop.html
  • Baltimore Basics: Biblical Jones - The Music Industry
    Baltimore Basics, the Baltimore stories you should know. Part 1 Biblical Jones, the World Renown recording artist, talks about the music industry and his experiences as an artist. He gives you a quick peep on what to do and what NOT to do. Listen closely, you just might learn something... He's dropping jewels!
  • Baltimore Basics - Dirt Bike Culture ft Wheelie Wayne and lil Steve
    The World Renown 12 O'Clock Boyz put Baltimore on the map! Many people love them, many people hate them, but either way, they are here to stay. Wheelie Wayne talks about the dirt bike culture from it's beginning and experiences as an entrepreneur, actor and rider. Did you know he was one of the reasons the documentary 12 O'Clock Boys was made? Did you know a movie about Wheelie Wayne and the dirt bike culture is coming out soon? lil Steve talks about his humble beginnings and the Nike deal... Yes! I said Nike deal... Tune in and listen up!
  • Baltimore Basics 12 O'Clock Boys Part 2
    The World Renown 12 O'Clock Boyz put Baltimore on the map! Many people love them, many people hate them, but either way, they are here to stay. Wheelie Wayne talks about the dirt bike culture from it's beginning and experiences as an entrepreneur, actor and rider. Did you know he was one of the reasons the documentary 12 O'Clock Boys was made? Did you know a movie about Wheelie Wayne and the dirt bike culture is coming out soon?
  • Baltimore Basics Lil Steve Wheelie Wayne PT3
    The World Renown 12 O'Clock Boyz put Baltimore on the map! Many people love them, many people hate them, but either way, they are here to stay. Wheelie Wayne talks about the dirt bike culture from it's beginning and experiences as an entrepreneur, actor and rider. Did you know he was one of the reasons the documentary 12 O'Clock Boys was made? Did you know a movie about Wheelie Wayne and the dirt bike culture is coming out soon? lil Steve talks about his humble beginnings and the Nike deal... Yes! I said Nike deal... Tune in and listen up! If you missed part 1, click on the link and get informed. If you like this episode, check out the prior episodes.
  • Baltimore Basics Jason Brooks Part 1
    Jason Brooks, the World Renown record producer, talks about his humble beginnings and experiences as a rapper, hustler, military serviceman and teacher. How did Jason get interested in Doing? Did he make it as a rapper? Tune in to find out.
  • Baltimore Basics Jason Brooks Part 2
    Jason Brooks, the World Renown record producer, talks about his humble beginnings and experiences as a rapper, hustler, military serviceman and teacher. How did Jason get interested in Doing? Did he make it as a rapper? Tune in to find out. To purchase the theme song, click this link: https://music.apple.com/.../dark-matt... To purchase ArtWear from Stray Ink LLC, click this link: http://strayinkllc.com/shop.html
  • Baltimore Basics J Brooks 4
    How did the Soul Providers come to part? How did Jason and Ian meet? How did tech music icon, Carl Cox come into the story? Tune in to find out. This is a reload because of incorrect information and clarity issues... Please enjoy again.