About Josh

Josh Sinn is a Maryland-based photographer and educator who received his BFA in Photography at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He is currently a candidate at the University of Hartford’s Limited Residency Photo MFA program.
Working primarily with film, he enjoys documenting all aspects of life, especially focusing on people and their environments. Baltimore has become the central character in most of his work, with photos detailing his relationship with a city home to… more
Guided by feelings of intimacy and in-between moments, this body of work explores my connections to Baltimore and the community that surrounds me. When I was twelve, my parents and I would arrive to Maryland from New York City due to a job change of my mother, who would pass away just a year later. This shaky and melancholic introduction brought forth questions of place, belonging, and specifically why I continued to remain here into my adulthood. While those questions will probably never get proper answers, my work seeks to be a response to those feelings, with images of enigmatic landscapes, young people on the cusp of some unknown future, and objects that bear undetermined significance.
I'm Going to Montana to Rest My Soul
I hear the snows are deep up there and the winds are cold
Way out there the blues will never find me
Oh I'm going to Montana to rest my soul
Hank Williams Jr.
A series of photos taken in Montana in 2019.