About Geraldine

Specializing in painting, photography and film, Geraldine Pontius's projects often combine her landscape paintings, both realism based and abstract with photographs digitally into place and dreamscape narratives.
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To Be Sure
Painted and photographed, the landscape envelopes, defines memory.
Thoughts of Home.JPGHeading home
Back Home.JPGRows of backdoors
As I remembered it.jpgField memory Cromwell Valley
Shadow Edge.JPGCamera Obscura Foliage
Woodsman.jpgBirches bear witness to the woodsman
Waters Edge.JPGCaretaker's Cottage Memory
Thoughts Above.JPGThe sky is filled with memory
In the blink of an eye.JPGRoad appears in the blink of an eye
CottageGarden.jpgCottage garden
Drifting with the tide.JPGAdrift, floating with the Tide
Landscape in Memories and Dreams
I began experimenting with photo manipulation in the early 1970's. Technology hadn't achieved the level I needed to capture the specific content I wanted, but I made do with film and color xerox prints made into a collage by hand. Once digital files were the norm my work exploded into a new narrative direction since color, texture, photography and my scanned original watercolor images could be combined in ways that brought life to imaginary and interpretive reality based landscapes.
Pictures At ExhibitionUntouched landscape sunrise
ReadyRowhouse.jpgRows of derelict buildings line the way to a country vision
HamptonRoad.jpgRoad to slave quarters at Hampton Historic Site with designation of a pastoral farm hovering beyond in the sky, meant to evoke dreams the 400 slaves might have once had.
Pontius_Forest Murmers_DigitalArt_2020.jpegPennsylvania Avenue row houses emerge from a forest of birch trees, Martin Luther King looks on
Pontius_Calling_digitalart_2020.jpegRiver vision flows back to the mural of Martin Luther King on the side of a row house on Pennsylvania Avenue
Pontius_Pennsylvania Ave_DigiatArt_2020.jpegVisions of Pennsylvania Avenue as it once was a farm