Work samples

  • A Feminist Interpretation of the Massacre.pdf

    On November 29, 1781, between 122 enslaved Africans were murdered by the crew of the British slaver Zong. They were on their way from Ghana to Jamaica.  There was a navigational error that put them far afield from there proper path. With water running low, and  the ship carrying twice as many enslaved Africans as it was designed to, the crew of the ship decided to relieve the strain on logistics and supplies. They tossed 122 Africans  overboard. 10 more committed suicide rather than be murdered. The case came up in insurance court. There were no charges of murder.

  • The Calculus of Skinwalkers.pdf
    The stories that a culture tells tend to renew themselves, making themsleves useful time and again.
  • A Cypress Tree Remembers

    In what ways do places hold on to trauma? To terror?

  • Daughter of the Sandman

    How do we embrace the trauma of those that we love, and use it to create and grow?

About Edward

E. Doyle-Gillespie is a Baltimore City poet and writer. His poems are drawn from the raw fodder of his world travel, and his work in education and law enforcement. These poems represent his fascination with history and world culture, and how those forces play roles in the most intimate corners of our lives. His books of poetry include Masala Tea and Oranges, On the Later Addition of Sancho Panza, Socorro Prophecy, Gentrifying the Plague House, Aerial Act, and Father of the Red Grotto… more

Present Perfect: A Poetry Collection

A work in progress, Present Perfect is an eclectic mix of character studies, slices of life, and stories about story-telling. 

  • Present Perfect: A Poetry Collection

Book Titles By E. Doyle-Gillespie



Image removed.Image removed.

  • Father of the Red Grotto Used Book Store
    Father of the Red Grotto Used Book Store
    Available for Purchase
  • Gentrifying the Plague House
    Gentrifying the Plague House
  • On the Later Addition of Sancho Panza
    On the Later Addition of Sancho Panza
  • Aerial Act
    Aerial Act
  • Socorro Prophesy
    Socorro Prophesy
    Available for Purchase

Gail Willford Award for Poetry

Heritage and Arts Literary Competition

Maryland Bards

Baltimore, City of Artists

I am a featured writer in this collection, my essay representing Baltimore's Hampden neighborhood.!&&p=5d1d0ac02ebcbbbd550fcee8e325c7de05c58ebbfe8ffe4e9f198454277fe172JmltdHM9MTczNzg0OTYwMA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=4&fclid=26942a62-0c40-6f0d-04b7-3f300d526ec3&psq=baltimORE+CITY+OF+ARTISTS+Gillespie&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9ibW9yZWFydC5jb20vMjAyMy8xMC9ibW9yZWFydC1yZWxlYXNlcy1uZXctZnVsbC1sZW5ndGgtYm9vay1jaXR5LW9mLWFydGlzdHMuaHRtbA&ntb=1


Inside the Gorgeous New Coffeetable Book, "City of Artists, Baltimore"


Scott Shane, Sheri Booker, Lane Harlan, and Edward Doyle-Gillespie: "City of Artists - Baltimore" - Enoch Pratt Free Library

  • Narratives in Verse (with Tristan Cabello and E. Doyle-Gillespie)

    This is an engaging evening of poetic exploration with Dr. Tristan Cabello, Associate Director of the MLA and E. Doyle-Gillespie, Poet and MLA Alumni.