About Asia-Anansi

Baltimore City
Whenever I pray before a production meeting, rehearsal, or performance, I recite the names of every designer and technician I admire. Someone advised me that this helps to channel the talented energy of all the costume, audio, and lighting designers/technicians who inspire me, including but not limited to artists like Ruth Carter, Sharen Davis, Paul Tazewell, Clint Ramos, and Russell Williams. 

My name is Asia-Anansi McCallum, and I am a costume, sound, and… more

"Lost in Monet" at ArtStream

ArtStream is a theater company in Silver Spring, MD, that specializes in theater for the intellectually and physically challenged community, priding itself on being an "inclusive" theater company. ArtStream allows people with these unique disabilities to join an ensemble as an actor, where they assist in conceptualizing and writing an original musical, and they perform it after an intensive rehearsal process.

I served as Assistant Costume Designer for their musical, Lost in Monet, which opened April 2017. My duties included all of the renderings and constructing/sourcing 80% of the costumes. Additionally, I participated fully in production meetings, rehearsals, and producing necessary paperwork.

The most beautiful aspect of this production for me was forming a relationship with each cast member. Although I was much younger than each of them, they treated me like a friend, and I was always able to have happy, healthy communication with each of them despite their disabilities. 
  • Adam and Eve Costume
    Adam and Eve Costume
    This is representative of Adam from the Bible. Because this actor and his ensemble has special disabilities, I focused on making the costume tasteful, colorful, and whimsical, instead of nude as many people would visualize Adam being. This costume was made from a green polo shirt purchased from the thrift store, and I hand-cut leaves from varied green felt paper and used hot glue to reinforce it. Additionally, a pair of matching pants were made from green thermal fabric, along with a leaf crown.
  • Museum Staff
    Museum Staff
    These actors are museum staff--the young man is a security guard, and the young lady is from the marketing department. Both costumes were purchased from the thrift store, and altered for best fit.
  • Animal Headbands
    Animal Headbands
    These are animal headbands created for ensemble members for the musical. Regular black headbands were purchased, and decorated with felt fabric.
  • Animal Hats
    Animal Hats
    These are hats created for ensemble members of the musical. Regular black caps were purchased and decorated with felt fabric.
  • Painting Comes Alive
    Painting Comes Alive
    One aspect of the musical was that a famous came to life. This painting featured musicians, so this photograph depicts one of museum visitors getting to meet one of the fictitious musicians. Her dress and his vest were built, and all other costume items were purchased.

“Copenhagen” at Perisphere Theatre

“Copenhagen” is a play written by Michael Frayn, and focuses on two scientists who have opposite views and hands in the making of bombs and weapons for the Holocaust. My role was Costume Designer for this play, which performed in December 2016 in Washington, DC at the Logan Fringe Arts Space. 
  • The Trio from Copenhagen
    "The Trio" from Copenhagen
    These are the three characters from the play "Copenhagen." The lady's character, Margarethe, is wearing a 1940's style dress, constructed by me, and all other costume pieces were borrowed and altered as necessary.
  • Dr. and Mrs. Bohr from Copenhagen
    "Dr. and Mrs. Bohr" from Copenhagen
    These characters are Dr. and Mrs Bohr from the play "Copenhagen." The lady's character, Margarethe, is wearing a 1940's style dress, constructed by me, and all other costume pieces were borrowed and altered as necessary.
  • Mrs. Bohr from Copenhagen
    "Mrs. Bohr" from Copenhagen
    This character, Margarethe Bohr, is wearing a 1940's style dress, constructed by me, and all other costume pieces were borrowed and altered as necessary. I also consulted on the hair styling and makeup needed for the complete look.
  • Dr. Heisenberg from Copenhagen
    "Dr. Heisenberg" from Copenhagen
    These are the three characters from the play "Copenhagen." Dr. Heisenberg's suit was borrowed and altered/tailored for best fit.