Timmy's profile

Timmy Reed is a writer, teacher, and native of Baltimore, Maryland. He received his BA from College of Charleston, where he worked for the Crazyhorse literary journal, and his MFA from University of Baltimore. Timmy is the author of the books Tell God I Don’t Exist (Underrated Animals Press), The Ghosts That Surrounded Them (Dig That Book Co.), Miraculous Fauna (Underground Voices), Star Backwards (Dostoyevsky Wannabe), IRL(Outpost 19), and Kill Me Now (Counterpoint Press) as well as a couple of chapbooks: Stray/Pest (Bottlecap Press) and Zeb And Bunny Build Russian Dolls (Hidden Clearing Books). His short fiction has appeared in many places including Necessary Fiction, Atticus Review, Volume 1 Brooklyn, and Curbside Splendor, as well as featured in the Wigleaf Top 50 on multiple occasions. In 2015, he won the Baker Artist Awards Semmes G. Walsh Award and he has twice been a Finalist. He teaches English at UB, CCBC, and  BCCC, where he mostly professes  about alphabet soup. He is represented by Madison Smartt Bell at Pande Literary Agency. Learn more here: https://underratedanimals.wordpress.com

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