Catherine's profile

Catherine Mapp is a muralist and fiber artist with a BFA in Interdisciplinary Sculpture currently pursuing an MAT in

Art Education. Mapp is currently a lead educator at the Baltimore Museum of Art and has shown her work both locally

and internationally in Uruguay, Canada, England, and Hawaii. Her art explores the human experience, especially in

relation to music, and how it can foster a sense of connectedness. Her involvement in the DMV electronic music

scene as well as her experiences growing up in Miami have shaped her uniquely vibrant personal aesthetic. Listening

to music is often the jumping-off point in the studio that induces a trance-like focus on mark-making and color

layering, where the hand is directed through painting to interact with different performative mythologies (rituals) and

healing practices. Her work speaks to the viewer through the symbolic language of color, memory, ancestral

connection, and hieroglyphics often sourced from her Mexican, Cuban, and Guyanese heritage.

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