Stephanie Safiyatou's profile

Safiyatou is the brand.
Born and raised in Baltimore, Md, Stephanie Safiyatou Edwards is a natural born artist. She has led a very successful Cosmetogy career for 3 decades. Her love for the arts inspired her to fuse the two, art+hair, together to create visual and wearable art pieces. Safiyatou is a Visionary, Innovator, Vibe Curator, Founder & Creative Director of BaltimoreGirls, Exective Producer of documentary “Baltimore Girls”, visual artist, performance artist and content creator. During her exploration of her new found passion and her afrofuturistic-eye she has afforded the opportunity to collaborate with noteworthy institutions such as MICA and Peabody, co create “The Mothership Connection” as well as performance artist for Artscape and LightCityBaltimore. Her most recent work includes special set pieces and design for FUNKTOPIA, Visual and performance art for BROS MONSTERWORLD and Visual Art for the HATGAME EVENT.

Safiyatou is best known for turning the ordinary into ExtraOrdinary.

Stephanie Safiyatou's Curated Collection

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