Denise Barnes's profile

Throughout the '80s and '90s, Baltimore City native Denise Barnes Warfield had a successful career as the staff photographer for the Catholic Review Newspaper, the weekly paper of the Archdiocese of Baltimore before turning to digital art photography and teaching in 2000. Behind the lens, for 21 years, Denise was the eye of local Catholic culture, documenting stories from parish events to coverage of the visits to Baltimore by Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Pope John Paul II in the mid-1990s. In addition to editorial and portrait photography, Denise creates fine art digital collages using her photographs and original graphics, and her personal and family collages capture the essence of ancestry and personal metamorphoses. In 2006 Denise earned her MS in secondary art education at McDaniel College. She teaches Graphics, Honors Digital Photography and Video Production at Westminster High School and serves as volunteer moderator of the school Photography Club. Denise is married to photographer Owen Dorsey Warfield, and the couple, active in the Westminster arts community, operates a small local photography business called Creative Imaging of Westminster. They live in Westminster with their Bichon Frosty and four cats.

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