Danielle's profile

I'm Danielle Kepeden(she/her), a Baleng* cis queer multimedia ​self-taught artist based on Piscataway and Susquehannock lands (Baltimore, MD) from ​Yaoundé, Cameroon. I currently work with textiles, ​acrylic paint, and digital media.

The central thesis in my work is the question "whose ​imagination are you living in?", a powerful inquiry ​inviting us to interrogate abrahamic, imperialist, white ​supremacist, cisheteronormative and capitalist norms ​that shape our societies and erode our bodies and ​minds. I draw inspiration from my memories, my coming out story, global history, U.S. popular culture, my academic and personal research on racial capitalism, Black womanist thought and African queer studies.

*Baleng: West Cameroonian tribe, part of the Bamiléké ethnic group, descendants of the Bantu people

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