Jonathan R's profile
Jonathan R Gordon, Sr, an artist of many talents, was a young child living in Washington, DC when a great orator was killed. The shooting death of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and events following his assassination, strongly affected young Jonathan. Encouraged by his parents, at an early age, to read the works of, and to study Dr. King, Jonathan soon became inspired to also use words as a form of self-expression. Mr. Gordon began writing poetry in his formative teen years. Marrying and becoming a father at an early age, he did not write for many years. Once divorced, he returned to the pen in the late 1990's. It was also during this period that Mr. Gordon began to further express himself as a visual artist adding pencil sketches and watercolor paintings to his repertoire. Upon relocating to Baltimore, Maryland in early 2000, Mr. Gordon became immersed in the local poetry scene and could often be spotted reading his works during "Open Mic" sessions at various venues in the downtown Baltimore area such as Red Emma's Bookstore or Barnes and Noble. By the fall of 2002, Jonathan R Gordon had written, formatted and self published two chapbooks of poetry, "Origin of the Heart" and "A Citizen's Pain". Gaining popularity by making regular appearances, and offering performances, which often elicited cheers and occasionally earned standing ovations, at "Open Mic" sessions at Gallery 409 and The National Great Blacks in Wax Museum, among others, Mr. Gordon soon found himself hosting a session known as "3rd Thursday at The Great Blacks in Wax". By 2004, Jonathan R Gordon had written, formatted, and self published a full length book of poetry and prose entitled, "Will There Be Trees In Heaven? And other short poems by". This book's cover featured an original watercolor work by Mr. Gordon. In 2007 the author released another chapbook, "Just Being Me". Having remarried in 2003, Mr. Gordon spent many years focused on family. Now widowed, some of Mr. Gordon's latest works are again in the field of visual art. Paper sculptures featuring items he has termed "JacquiFlowers" are inspired by, and uniquely created works with one of Mr. Gordon's daughters, Jacqueline, for whom the "JacquiFlowers" are named. As a special note, "JacquiFlowers" first came about as a means of coping and bonding, during the long illness, and subsequent passing of Jonathan's beloved wife, Tammy, Jacqueline's mother. As a result, each individual "JacquiFlower" is crafted with special care as an outpouring of Peace and Love, two of Tammy's favorite words. These sculptures have been shown in various venues and galleries in and around Maryland.
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