Mark's profile

Mark Wadley is a Baltimore-based writer, multidisciplinary artist, designer and publisher. His work has been published by Apocalypse ConfidentialscaffoldMaximum Rocknroll and others. He is the author and designer of the novella-in-stories All By Our Lonesome (2018), the prose zine Revenant / A Degenerate Model for Living (2022), and the photography zine 観光客: Tourist (2024). He is the founding editor of BRUISER.

Mark’s writing and photography explore themes of human structure in tension with nature, social decline, niche communities, apocalypse and personal salvation. On the page or through the lens, Mark’s work reveals a keen compositional eye and a dark, introspective wit. Described as “haunting and transcendent,” his writing has garnered comparisons to Barry Hannah, James Agee and Italo Calvino. His photography examines spaces where “lines between the real and the imagined dissolve” with obsessive attention to geometry and atmosphere. 

Mark grew up in Birmingham, Alabama and recieved his BA in Philsophy from Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee in 2010. In 2018 he graduated from the MFA program in Creative Writing and Publishing Arts at the University of Baltimore, where he served as the editor-in-chief of Welter 51 (2016) and produced Deterritorial Audio Magazine (2017).

As a musician, he has performed with REPOthe MFCBody BusinessQuitterBarbelith and as his solo moniker Mark Plasma.

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