Work samples
Hosting Puppet Slams & Cabarets
Puppet Slamwich at Baltimore's Black Cherry Puppet Theater a puppet show for adults. Emily & Pepito introduce the next act...
"Pepito Y Carmelita"
When we are with our audiences, we are WITH our audiences - creating spaces where communities can laugh together, breath together; step away from their devices or their troubles for just a brief moment and connect with other humans. This montage is from one of our Clowns Without Borders tours in the aftermath of Hurricanes Maria and Irma. Puerto Rican artist Karla Mi Lugo decided, impromptu, after a fortuitous meeting in a small town square, to follow the show and film us. She shared the beautiful footage she took.
About Z

Z is a stage performer and compulsive visual creator whose body of work is primarily devising, directing, and performing clown. A collaborator and solo artist, Z creates original productions each of which include improvisation and playfulness hung on a well-rehearsed framework of story and character. Utilizing music, dance, visual arts and puppetry, Z makes comedic visions come to life.
Born and raised in Baltimore, Z returned in 2019 after spending many of her adult years… more
Christmas for Kids
2012 - 2020 | We created an original production each year as part of the Baltimore Choral Arts' Christmas for Kids program. The goal of the collaboration was to introduce children to choral music in a fun and interesting way.
2020 - COVID Pepito and the Snowy Christmas the FILM
2019 - Baltimore Scrooge
2018 - Pepito and the Snowy Christmas
2016/17 - Pepito and the Mystery Menace
2015 - Pepito and the Christmas Doll
2014 - Pepito and the Perfect Christmas Tree
2013 - Christmas Cousins
2012 - Pepito's Hidden Talent
I love classical music, and dream of making a show one day in a similar vein where Pepito performs a full length show with a live symphony.
Post ShowBefore and after every show Pepito always has some fun and gets into some trouble ;)
BalancingPepito balances a hoola hoop
Pre-show FunPepito playing with the audience in the Kraushaar Auditorium.
Pepito and the Magic Christmas TreeZ Smith, Sophie Hinderberger, and a Muse360 Arts dancer performing in Pepito and the Magic Chrismtas Tree Written by Miranda Hall and Z Smith
2015 Pepito and the Christmas DollClips from Pepito and the Christmas Doll perfomed with Sophie Hinderberger, Molly Shannon, and the Baltimore Choral Arts Society. Written by Z Smith, Molly Shanon, and Miranda Rose Hall
2020 Snowy ChristmasThe is the clown portion only of the Baltimore Choral Art's Christmas for Kids program 2020. We normally create a live stage show mixing clown and choral music, but due to COVID19 we tried our hand at making a movie. You can see the full version with the chorus on their YouTube:
Idea sketchAll the work I create starts with some sort of sketched out storyboard. This sketch started the entire Christmas Doll plot. I jotted it on paper, texted it to Molly 3,000 miles away and we went from there.
Post show posingMolly Shannon (the Doll) and I, having some fun taking pictures with folks after the show.
Pepito & The Snowy Christmas
2012 Pepito's Hidden TalentBaltimore Choral Arts Society's Christmas for kids, Pepito's Hidden talent written by Bob Wilke
The Wiley Sisters
Clown Theater for Adults. The Wiley Sisters Family Roadshow is an ever evolving framework to play on and meet new characters. Doorleen has performed solo and with many new friends, relations, cows and lovers. The concept of the Wiley Sisters (Doorleen and Larva lee) and their tumultuous relationship was created with Luz Gaxiola and Molly Shannon.
The Wiley Sisters have performed together and apart in many configurations including an edu-tainment piece at the Seattle Science Fair teaching folks about the workings of the theremin, and making a music video of Brendan Bob Bowers original song "Chicken Bread"
Looking for a MAN...Doorleen Hosts a Black Cherry Puppet Slam Solo 2011
Found a MAN!When performing Doorleen Wiley as a solo number (without my sister, Larva Lee) I usually use some sort of partici-tainment approach, like creating a band with people I find in the audience.
Chicken Bread Music Video
Filmed in Los Angeles CA & Tacate Mexico - we made this for no other reason than the joy of turning our fiends song into a music video with a dear friend who is a cinematographer
Doorleen at Clown Cabaret DC 2011
2011 Doorleen performs solo at the DC clown cabaret
The Sisters
Udder ButterDoorleen presents her own Udder Butter as first prize in the game show "Who wants to be a Dairy-Queen?" as part of The Black Cherry Puppet Slamwich, early 2020.
Slow Motion Fight SequenceWhile hosting a Black Cherry Puppet Slamwich in early 2020, Carl Karl Jr. (Emily Shubert) and Doorleen Wiley (Z Smith) get into a scuffle when Doorleen finds out that Carl Karl, a life long proponant of the dairy industry, has been drinking Oat Milk.
Swamp Bottom JamboreeDoorleen performs with her sister Larva Lee (Luz Gaxiola) and cousin Arleeta Mae (Molly Shannon) at the Swamp Bottom Jamboree on Vashon Island, WA 2013
Martiqua The CowMartiqua is a two person cow puppet that I made. She has performed with Circus Finelli as well as the Wiley Sisters.
Wiley Sisters at Baltimore Creative Alliance
part of CLOWNdemonium Revue in 2011
"Pepito Y Carmelita"
A family show for large outdoor spaces. It's divergent from my other work in that it is designed to be performed without any need for a stage or wings. It also relies heavily on a recorded sound track which is something I have avoided in the past.
Fast paced and zany, Pepito y Carmelita (working title) features acts of original physical comedy, classic clown routines, wacky gags, and silly surprises.
It’s an interactive piece of clown theater that is being designed to play for the streets and festivals of the world; a visual, physical comedy journey that can be understood by anyone, anywhere.
The audience themselves are part of the show, and acts are specifically crafted with the goal of participants experiencing success and being celebrated.
Pepito y Carmelita is a creation of Z Smith and Molly Shannon. The two met as students at the San Francisco Clown Conservatory in 2004, and were founding members of Circus Finelli, an ensemble of four female clowns based in the Bay Area. They worked together for years in San Francisco, and then for years lived on separate coasts. Now, carbon footprints be damned, they are working together again! They utilize theater, circus, music, and dance to create original works of clown comedy.
Molly and Z began a residency on Vashon Island to finish The Molly & Z Show (working title) in January of 2018. But, they were almost immediately offered the opportunity to perform with Clowns Without Borders in Puerto Rico. On their return, they decided to put The Molly & Z Show on the back burner and focus on making a street show with the characters they had used in Puerto Rico: Pepito Y Carmelita.
In October 2018 they were offered another chance to perform with Circo National de Puerto Rico, again through Clowns Without Borders. On this tour, they were able to try out elements of the show they were creating. They performed 30 shows for more than 5,000 people.
Inspired by the Clowns Without Borders mission of bringing laughter where it’s needed most, they continue developing a show that can be performed anywhere and will be used as a platform to spread joy and collaborate with other artists: clowns, circus folk, musicians etc.
Special thanks to: Arturo Gaskins, Mark Jaster, and Dan Griffiths for helping to shape the show
Bienvenidos!Trying out new material in Puerto Rico thanks to Clowns Without Borders and Circo National de Puerto Rico. Arturo Gaskins/Z Smith/Becca Bernard/Molly Shannon
Pepito in BaltimoreDonating a performance to a block party in the Harwood neighborhood
Kids Thank You CardWe LOVE all the thank you cards we get :)
Opera DivaThe show has three audience participation numbers. Though the chances seem slim, somehow we meet a new and devine Opera Diva every time!
Pepito Y CarmelitaPhoto by Phil Clapham
AudienciaSchool Audience in Puerto Rico
Pepito Y CarmelitaPepito Y Carmelita, Chihuahua, Chihuahua MX
Safe SpaceWe believe in always holding a safe and supportive environment
Umbrella ActAudience participation umbrella dance at a school with Circo National De Puerto Rico
Popo and Pipo
2014 | This show was devised in France with Finish Director, Jenni Kallo of the Kallo Collective. Created not long after my mother passed away, and colored by Jenni's darker take on clowning, Pompo and Pipo follows a clown who has lost someone in a tragic accident and is living in a junkyard. A Clown/Theater piece, the 4th wall is lifted and lowered throughout the show as Pompo swings between a rich imaginary life and the harsh realities of the present situation.
The first (and only) version of this show was performed in 2014 as part of the New York Clown Theater Festival. I am currently looking for funding and residencies to further develop it. I'm particularly interested in exploring surprising set designs and further developing the shadow puppetry and object manipulation aspects.
"The more you make the audience laugh, the more you open them up to experience deeper emotions"
- Jenni Kallo, Director
"The Molly & Z Show"
A clown/theater piece for adult audiences. Working title - this show is still in development. The characters being developed are not the "red nose" clowns that holds such a loaded stereotype for many. Molly Shannon and I are designing this evening length piece to be performed as a whole, or broken into several stand alone acts. We are working to create something to appeal to adult audiences in a European Variety Show setting.
The samples here are from rehearsal shows. It's very important for clowns to work their material in front of audiences even as it is being developed. Working in NYC in the fall of 2017, with direction from Joel Jeske, we hashed out the bare bones. We had gotten as far as three 20 minute rehearsal shows (one of which was adapted for a children's audience) and were starting a residency in 2018 to complete the project, when it got pushed to the back burner by our other collaborative project "Pepito y Carmelita."
We would like to find residencies and funding to further develop this project.
Handstand choreography
Molly & Z Rehearsal Show (adapeted for kids)Our friends let us try out some material at their kiddo's party
Molly & Z Rehearsal Show NYCFirst ever public rehearsal of some fun ideas
Shoe bitClown bit where my character looses her shoe, but her clothes are too constricting to pick it up.
Na koníčka vyskočímFirst rehearsal show of new material created with Directory Joel Jeske
Rehearsal Show NYCWe invited a small audience of friends to try out the material we had been cooking up. As clowns, we can never tell if we are on the right track with something unless we get it in front of an audience!
The Hair
CLOWNdemonium Revue
One night, cabaret style, performance at the Baltimore Creative Alliance. Collaborated with partners from Circus Finelli (Molly Shannon / Luz Gaxiola) and The Canary Theater (Anna Fitzgerald / Sophie Hinderberger)
FlierCLOWNdemonium Revue at the Baltimore Creative Alliance.
Madam DeSoleilRingmaster of the show played by Sophie Hinderberger
MeemawDoorleen's Grandma making a cameo
"Blue Cheese"The puppet Paul (Anna Fitzgerald) posing with his beloved, song worthy, blue cheese.
Chicken Bread
Pepito's Clowndemonium Revue Clips (5min)A selection of clips from the first half of the show in which Pepito (Z Smith) assists the emcee (Sophie Hinderberger) and covers scene changes with the puppet Paul (Anna Fitzgerald)
Beef StroganoffPepito has invited the boss to dinner but.... they have no food. Pepito and Paul make a plan.
2010 - Pepito's Big Date FILM (Adults)
Circus Finelli
2005 -2011 | Multiple zany shows.
We were four clowns from different parts of the nation... and the world, converged at the San Francisco Clown Conservatory in 2005 to form Circus Finelli. They named themselves after beloved teacher and new Circus Pioneer Judy Finelli, and set off across the Atlantic to debut at Czech clown Bolek Polivka’s theatre in Brno, CZ.
Since then they have been performing, traveling, and aspiring to new heights of the stupid and sublime through music and mischief. They perform at theatres, festivals, and variety shows in Mexico, Europe, and throughout the United States.
It is with Circus Finelli that I developed the character Pepito which I still perform today. I left Circus Finelli in 2011 when my mom got sick with cancer and I moved east to help care for her. I still delight anytime I am able to work with these past partners.
All Circus Finelli shows were collaboratively devised, though the last two I was involved with were directed by the fabulous Micheal Gene Sullian of the San Francisco Mime Troupe.
Circus FinelliAlthough I ended up mostly perforing as Pepito with Circus Finelli, at the begging of our time together I played the high status Madam Desoleil, as seen in this photo.
Shake Your Rump to the FunkPepito and Martiqua the cow do some illicit dancing while the boss is away
Madam DeSoliel
Flyer from Slapstick Slavic Cabaret
"Excuse me.."
Peas in a Pod
Martiqua & Pepito Boogie